Categories: Doree

Doree 9th May 2024 Written Episode Update : Flora goes home with Ganga Prasad and Doree

Doree 9th May 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Bhairavi hugs Doree, expressing joy that everyone has come to visit her. Doree expresses her desire to meet Nani and Mai and return home and her fav jalebi and kachori. However, Ganga Prasad insists they won’t return and suggests going far from the current place. Doree says to him that they have done no wrong, how long will they keep running away?
Mansi reassures them, affirming that the Thakurian family won’t harm them anymore.

Rukmani instructs Anand not to repeat his previous mistake and they have to end Doree’s chapter. Rukmani is surprised by the gifts present and is approached by a man seeking her blessings, who turns out to be Mansi’s brother. He shares sweets with Anand, stating his unawareness of Anand’s divorce plans with Mansi. He warns Rukmani against associating

his name with his sister’s and reminds her of their family’s wealth and reputation in Gorakhpur, including ownership of a jewelry shop. He subtly threatens Rukmani, hinting at withdrawing his substantial investments if anything happens to Mansi. Rukmani questions his intentions, leading him to reveal himself as Kailashi Devi’s son. Raj informs his mother of their financial crisis, with frozen bank accounts and bounced checks, leaving Rukmani perplexed by yet another problem.

Ganga Prasad urges the doctor to update him on any information regarding the unidentified girl. He reveals that Doree rescued her, but Flora’s disruptive behavior in the hospital complicates matters. Bhairavi suggests involving the police, but Ganga Prasad opposes, considering Flora’s age. Doree attempts to calm Flora, proposing they go home instead. Ganga Prasad decides to take them to the basti, where they are welcomed warmly. However, confusion arises when Nani mistakes Flora for Ganga Prasad’s daughter, leading to introductions.

Anand informs Rukmani of vendors’ complaints and suggests they may heed Mansi’s brother’s warnings now. Rukmani emphasizes the sanctity of marital relationships and advises against interference. Mansi arrives, prompting Komal to remark on her return. Doree narrates recent events to Nani, while Flora expresses dissatisfaction with the house, demanding better accommodations. Nani rebukes her, asserting their ownership of the house. Despite Flora’s disruptive behavior, Rukmani feigns concern for Mansi’s well-being and advises her to meet her brother privately.

Virendra Singh speaks with Mansi, urging her to avoid further embarrassment for the family and suggesting she reconcile with her husband. Nani questions Ganga Prasad’s decision to bring Flora home, as she continues to cause trouble, including kicking Doree and fleeing. Yash challenges Virendra’s motives, leading to tension. Mansi confides in Rukmani, expressing her desire for financial support for her shop and pleading for Ganga Prasad and Doree’s safety.

Precap: Doree happily enters and says today me and my Baba will be back together. Flora walks in and rushes to Ganga and hugs him calling him Baba.

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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