Categories: Diya Aur Baati Hum

Diya Aur Baati Hum 10th December 2013 Written Episode Update

Diya Aur Baati Hum 10th December 2013 Written Episode, Diya Aur Baati Hum 10th December 2013 Written Update

epi starts with suraj sying that they have searched every nook and corner and he is missing
bb prays to kanhaji
kanha is very close to the wires

NM with her high decibel cry
they hear the sound of the musical chappals and mistake it for kanha
sandy says that kanha will be found

kanha is about to touch the wire
a man passes by and by mistakes stamps on one of the chappals of kanha
sandy says it must be kanhas and he should be here around

sandy says that the foot steps of this chappals are towards the bp but there is no mark of the same coming outside and she says kanha must be in bp
bb says kk to bring keys
she says its with nm

nm says she lost the keys

vik blasts nm for the carelessness

says to stop blaming and do something

vik tries to open it without keys
they kick and pull and try to open the shop shutter
luckily it opens and kanha is touching the wire

suraj smartly tries to switch off while sandy diverts kaha and makes him notice her bangles

kanha smilse seeing sandy and she lifts him and suraj switches off
everyone are thankful to sandy
nm is guilty

sandy asks kk how come she didnt get the wiring insulated or get it removed
kk says that she said to the painter but he was careless
dhaisa praises sandy again
bb is all confused

bb agrees that dhasisa is right and sandy has saved the life of RP
the doctor prescribes some meds and leaves

vik ignores nm
he blames her and says is she really the mom of kanha
and he has doubts on her motherhood

sandy praises kanha and says he is brave and never panicked
she says kanha is alright
nm says she will offer for PW baba
vik says that he will take care of kanha and will not allow nm to come near him

nm says she didnt do it intentionally
bb blasts nm
as a mother she should be aware of every move of the child
and that kk and nm were interested in fight rather than the whereabouts of the child

break: nm asks for apology and ask for kanha

thought that they would drag this
thank god we will now have some GG room scenes after so long

surya have to go to gg room to keep the luggage na

meena deffends herself
bb blasts again

bb says she is alive to correct her
and its the duty of the dil to keep the family united and she is always at loggerheads with kk
and thanks to sandy that at right time she saved kanha from eing electrocuted
nm thanks asandy and says she wont repeat
vik says again she is lying

bb says she cant keep forgiving again and again
( looks like foundation for bs)
bb says she is going to punish nm and will not give food or water in return to her mistake

vik says he has to lock nm in the shop and not to give food and water
break: nm says she wont think of bp
bb says that she wont be allowed to her shop as well

old dabh promo aired again

bs on the way i guess
vik is already furious

bb says she will lock nm in the shop and give the keys to her
nm says she wont even look at bp
bb says she will not be allowed to look even her shop

suraj is smiling and sandy is worried

kanha is sleeping on chavi’s shoulders
nm says how will vik alone manage the shop if she doesnt go
vik says he has been managing the shop from childhood and he wont allow her and she has to take care of kanha

bb says money is necessity and its not everything
omohit interuppts and says bp has to oepned asap and there is no time for arrangements and says sandy will leave for traingin in a couple of days and he wants sandy to take part in the celeb

nm prays that bb should not agree
but bb agrees and says nto to spend lavishingly and make it simple
nm challenges within herself that she will make kk leave the house

precap: bb says that kk has made this kitchen impure and nm adds that she needs to be punished and bb says that she has to leave RM to her maika

Update Credit to: ramasuresh78

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