Fan Fiction

Is This Is My Destiny???- Part 1

In a big mansion? a girl was lost in her thoughts by staring the night sky…

Girl(monologue)-Why did he do this to me???Why did he make my life hell?… I was living my life happily but now everything changed I’m dying inside?…I wanted to hate him but in return I love him more…I don’t want him in life but there is not a single day passed without thinking of him?…In the same way I will not forgive you because you didn’t have trust on my love?…

Her thoughts were disturb by a another girl who tapped on her shoulders…

Girl 2-Why don’t you forget the past and move on..He didn’t have trust on you..You know that in every relationship trust is needed and also it has been 7 years why don’t you just try to forget him and that incident Swara…

Swara-I know that the trust is needed for every relationship Neha…

Neha-Then why can’t you forget that and move on in your life…

Swara-It’s easy for you to say forget that incident and him but I can’t forget this past seven years my love for him turned into hate…Because he didn’t have trust on my love and scolded me badly by misunderstanding me..but in same way I’m being worrying for him because he is trusting someone who is cheating him..I don’t won’t to meet him in my life but I wanted to know how is he then I can be free from all the tension…

Neha-Then do you love him still…

Swara-Not even in my dreams…I just hate him for core…(monologue-sorry for lying Neha I love him still but I don’t wanna say it to anyone…)

Neha-Ok then…By talking about those I forgot to wish you…Congrats due to your hardwork S&R Company has become the number one company in Mumbai city…

Swara-Thanks a lot…By the way Neha I heard that someone is coming from London today?…

Neha(blushing)-Yes Swara you are correct…Karan is coming today…He is arriving here around 10:00pm…So I’m gonna pick from airport…

Swara- So shall I too join you to airport…Pakka promise I won’t disturb you both…I will drive the car and you both can sit in passenger seat while coming back…

Neha-Swara today you have to attend the party…Because of your hard work only S&R company has become number one…So you must attend it…

Swara-That is not a important thing Neha…For me my family and you both are first priority…So party is not important…I missed him so much in these years…

Neha-Ok Swara…You come but ask permission from uncle and aunty first…

Swara-Ok?…However they will give permission…

At Maheshwari & Sons Company?…

A boy was shouting to someone in the phone saying this can’t happen…hearing this noise two men enters the boys cabin…

Man 1-Why are you shouting like this?

Boy-Papa this time our company is not the number one company…

Man 1-What how can this happen in this 7 years we have being number one company how can suddenly some other company get…Are you sure about it Sanskar…

Sanskar – Yes papa I’m sure about it…

Man 1 – (points the other man)Bhaiya Can you please check who is number one this time…

Man 2-(Checks and says)S&R company… it is been handled by Miss.Gadodia by last 5years…Mr. Gadodia is the owner of S&R Company…Ram her name is not mentioned here…

Ram-Oh ok let it be…May be this time we didn’t perform well to get Number one…

Men 2 (Durga Prasad)-Yep Ram is correct Sanskar next time we will work hard more…Don’t worry…

Saying this both Ram & Dp goes to their cabin…

Sanskar(monologue)-How can S&R company become Number one…That to it was handle by a girl?…I will find who is that Miss.Gadodia?…

His thoughts was disturb by a phone call…

Sanskar-Hi how are you kavi…I was waiting for your call…So how was your day today…

Kavitha-I’m fine…Sanskar I heard that S&R company got number one this time…Is that is true?

Sanskar-?Yep Kavitha…

Kavitha-Sanskar please next time don’t let anyone to beat you…

Sanskar-ok?…So now say the reason why did you call me?

Kavitha-Sanskar urgently I want some money…

Sanskar- Say me the amount…

Kavitha-1 million

Sanskar- What???Now why do you need this much of amount…

Kavitha-?I want to go to my friends birthday and buy her gift…

Sanskar-Ok I will transfer it to your bank account bye…

Sanskar(Monologue)-Is Kavitha is using me???If not,then why is she behaving like this, strange…but she saved my life when I was going to commit suicide and also she showed me Swara’s true face…

Sanskar sees Swara and his photo in his drawer…He says somethings seeing her photo…

Sanskar- Why Swara still I can’t believe that you betrayed me?Why can’t I hate you?…7 years passed but my love for you is still the same…You separated me and my close friends…Neha & Karan was my childhood friends but you create some misunderstanding between us…I love you still but I don’t want to meet you in future and will never ever forgive you…

At S&R mansion?…

Swara-Maa,Papa please I want to pick him up from airport…You know nah how much I miss him…Please ??…

Sharmista-Stop your drama Swara….I know why don’t you come to parties because everyone will come to know the young talented Miss.Gadodia right…

Swara-?Yes Maa but also I don’t wanna show my real identity…

Shekher-Swara however one day everyone will get to know that you are Miss.Gadodia…

Swara-Ok papa then will see…now please give me permission please?…

Shekher-ok…but tell Ragini to come with us…

Swara-Thank you papa?…Love you…
Swara Calls Ragini and tells her to attend the party…

Swara-Mr don’t you have eyes?…

Sanskar-Same to you?…
Swara-Mind your own business?…

Sanskar-You just shut up?…

Forgive me if it’s not for your expectations…Sorry for the late update & also for my grammatical errors…

Wattpad id – Raina-Riz

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