Destiny can’t be denied #Riansh (Episode 15)

Hii guys.. I am back with update!!

so the episode starts with..

After riddhima and vansh finished cooking they arranged the dinning table and called everyone down..Everyone sat down.. Riddhima served everyone and they started eating..


Rishi – WOW RIDDHU!You cook like a professional! It’s awesome!

Vansh – EXCUSE ME! I cooked it too!

Rishi – ok.. Ok.. Vansh you too cook like a professional!

Vansh – Thank you, Thank you!

Everyone laughed..after lunch, they decided to go for a walk.. All of them rested a bit and after half an hour got ready and got ready to go to the park..

*While walking*

Everyone was walking together but after a few seconds Riddhima slowed down a bit . Vansh noticed it and decided to slow down too..

Vansh – Hey Riddhima!..

Riddhima – Hey Vansh!

Vansh – So what are you thinking about?

Riddhima – Nothing much..

Both of them talked till they reached their destination.. It was very beautiful.. Some kids were playing football there so they decided to walk around..while walking a boy kicked the ball and it hit riddhima on her back.. Due to the sudden action she slipped and fell..she got some wounds and bruises on her legs and arms..

Vansh noticed it.. And ran towards her..


He carried her bridal style to the nearest bench.. He made her sit there.. Till then everyone had noticed and came running..

Sia – What happened Riddhu? Are you ok?

Riddhima – Don’t worry guys.. I just got a little bruise nothing else..

Vansh – Shut up riddhima!.. It’s not LITTLE!!!Anyone has any antiseptic??

Rishi – Yeah i have it wait..
Saying so he hands it over to vansh.. And vansh applies it on riddhima’s bruises and wounds..

Vansh – Is it paining?

Riddhima – Yeah a little bit.. But i can handle it..

Vansh – I guess we should head back home..

Ragini – Yeah..But can she walk?

Vansh – Who said she is walking?.. I will carry her.. Don’t worry..

Riddhima – Thank you Vansh.. But I can walk..

She tried getting up but ended.. In pain..

Vansh – Saw!.. Now just keep your shut and let me carry you..

Riddhima Nodded..

Vansh carried her bridal style and they all went back home..Vansh carried her to her room…vansh bandaged her wounds..

Vansh – And now No more movements!.. If you need something just call me.. Ok?

Riddhima – ok..

She got tears in her eyes.Vansh noticed it..

Vansh – Sorry Riddhima!.. I didn’t mean to shout I was jus-

Riddhima – No vansh.. It’s not because of it..

Vansh – Then?

Riddhima – Never mind..

Vansh – Come on Riddhima.. Tell me..

Riddhima – ok.. It’s because.. The way you are taking care of me.. No one ever took care of me like this.. And for that i am very grateful to you Vansh!.. Thank you sooo much..

She tried holding her tears back but one of them escaped her eyes.. Vansh quickly wiped it off her face..

Vansh – That’s my duty as your best friend Riddhima! And now please don’t cry.. You look beautiful when you smile!

Riddhima smiled..

Riddhima – Aww.. And Vansh.. You don’t need to call me Riddhima.. You can call me Riddhu..As you are my best friend!

Vansh – Ok Riddhu..

They shared an eyelock.. But riddhima avert her gaze as she got tears in her eyes..

Ragini came in..

Ragini – So gow are you feeling Riddhu?

Riddhima – I am ok.. Don’t worry..

Ragini – Nice!.. So what would you like for dinner?

Riddhima – Anything.. Whatever you guys like!

Ragini – No today we will have the food which you like!

Vansh – Yeah!

Riddhima – Ok.. So how about Ramen?

Vansh – YUM!..

Ragini – ok then..

Saying so she left..

Precap – Vansh – Ok i will..
Ragini – I will too!

So that is it for today guys.. I hope you all like it!.. And do let me know your views in the comments.. I will try to reply to them all.. Thank you soo much for all the love and support you guys are showing to my ff.. It means alot🙏!!
So guys as you all want the confession early.. So i have decided that i will bring it early but after five to six episodes..

Question time –
1 – Should i write my ff on Wattpad also??

Lots of love from me to you all❤💕!!

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