Fan Fiction

The Destiny Of Some Beautiful Fishes

Once there was a pond in a rural village. The water inside the pond was shining all day because it was very pure and clean. But it was not blue in colour because there wasn’t much water inside.

Inside the pond, was a paradise of fishes . They were orange in colour but there wasn’t more than 10 of them even though it was a paradise. The fishes were all happy all day. They were swimming whole day here and there and didn’t have any threat to survive. So there was nothing to be afraid of.

But one day a man came to the pond and put a rod into it and caught all the fishes one by one and went away. The pond was all alone with no life in it. The happiness in it faded away. And there wasn’t any fish in it to swim all day…….

The man who caught the fishes went straight in to the fair. He had no place to sit or sell the fishes. So he went from man to man and somehow managed to sell all of them.

He was able to get a little money by selling those fishes. As soon as his work ended he went to a shop nearby and bought two books with a pencil. He hugged them with great happiness. “At last,” he thought… “My son will be able to go to school”
The End

Thank you so much for reading….I know it’s little small. But i hope you’ll like it. 



Be happy

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