Fan Fiction

My dark night raglak (Part 1)

It was paranomal equinox, a dark night.chill winds brought shivers .we could see some light in upper part of castle,as we zoom into it,we can see a girl shouting mama papa ,she was clutching bedsheets tightly n her eyes closed.sweat beads flowing from her forehead,she looks so scared .she woke up her worst nightmare. She sat on the bed with her closed eyes n her uneven breath becoming normal,her fear subsiding.she opened her eyes n her throat felt dry, she reached table to fetch water,she lifted jug n raised it to drunk,but it was empty.she rubbed her cute eyes n went down to drink water.

She descended steps,her mind replaying that worst nightmare, she shook her head to forget it,but she can’t.she went down near trench, it’s crystal water shining in moonlight.she sat down near the rock,n filled her jug .she saw the trees bustling n birds n other animals were sleeping.she looked at the moon,her eyes filled with tears.she drank water .she stood up n the moon light reflected her magnificent face in the trench. She was wearing a long maroon gown with roses on shoulder n laces at her back,with belt. She was our ragini. She walked to her room,wishing to get peaceful sleep.she was not getting sleep,she turned n twisted in her bed .

Sun rose signifying start of a new day,birds chirped n earthworms came out of the soil lazily n slowly all creatures woke up,screen zooms to our princess room,the bed was empty.

We can see some swords clashing sound,it seems as someone is practicing hard,the screen blurs n shows a clear image its our ragini practicing ,she was fighting with someone,her fiery red scarlet eyes showing determination, she was holding swords on both the hands n wielding it.a man of nearly 45 yes,was training her.she was fighting hard,when silver steel pierced her skin a little making scarlet drop gush.she smiled looking at the man ,in a fraction of a second, she threw his sword n holded one on his said not bad ragu…n threw her sword saying still u have to grow.ragini was sweating more,seeing that man said yes enough,morrow we can continue .she said OK lord.both laughed n went in.ragini went to her room.she removed her tunic,that clunged to her n had a warm bath n changed into a blue gown n her cheeks blue with beautiful long sapphire earrings, n chain .she can’t down,when a Lady made her sit on table.she said beti what happened??again u had ur nightmares noticing her red eyes,she said no Maa,I’m hungry pls serve na,thought yo divert her mind.she ate each morsel enjoying it.

Precap: knight laksh meeting lady ragini in Yule ball.

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