Fan Fiction

Dard-e-Dil by Shazi (Part 16) Last Part

DP looks around the door and smirks. He did want Laksh to marry Swara but his interest was to hurt Ragini so he can hurt RP. Laksh looks at him confused because he doesn’t know what is going on. Swara is still crying thinking about how she was ready to forget Sankar. AP goes out and gives a disgusted look to DP. Laksh goes to his room and doesn’t find Ragini anywhere. He looks around and finds the jewellery and clothes that she got from them on his bed with a letter. He gets really scared and doesn’t dare to open the letter.

Laksh thinks: did she hear anything?

Laksh is shaking and his hands move towards the letter. The AC is on but Laksh is dripping with sweat. He opens the letter and starts reading it while tears fall from his eyes.


Dear Laksh,

The moments I have spent with you were the best moments of my life. You have made me realise that love does exist and it can take you out of any depression. I have been unlucky in this matter and this is why, today, with a heavy heart, I have to go out of your life. You have made me feel like a pricess and I truly am thankful to you for whatever you have done.

I did not know that you loved Swara. I should have left when I saw her looking at you with love but I thought that it was my mistake and I was imagining things. I should have never come in between two people that loved each other from before. I was being so selfish but now that I heard everything from your dad’s conversation my mind is clear and I had to leave so you guys can live happily.

Swayam and Swara need you the most at this time so you should focus on them and don’t worry about me. I have left the town by now. I haven’t told RP but he will find out soon and he would agree on my decision I am sure of that. I know that you will have a good life with them because you are such an amazing person.

I will always love you but don’t try to find me because I won’t come back in your life. Please don’t come after me and don’t give stress to yourself or your family. I hope that your family grows then I will come to congratulate you. Promise me that you won’t do anything to yourself and live life to the maximum! Live with your parents and please don’t tell anything to RP.

With all my love,


Laksh falls on the floor and starts crying loudly.
Laksh: why god why? These letters have ruined my life and god you have snatched my only true love from my life. I just cannot take it anymore. Take my life away because I have no reason to live. No reason to be alive. I have had enough of all the hardships I have to go through. You might as well just kill me. If Ragini is not in my life I am going to die. She has made me promise to live like this! LIFELESSLY!

AP rushes to his room: what happened? Where is Ragini?
Laksh: she left me mom! His plan got successful mom! She left me here. On my own.
AP went to hug him and he told her everything written in the letter.

Swara came into his room and heard everything. She was also in tears and joined her hands to say sorry but Laksh was Laksh.

Laksh: GET OUT YOU STUPID WOMAN! THIS IS ALL BECAUSE OF YOU! You ruined my life you are nobody to me! Get lost just get lost! You were never loyal to anyone!
Swara: please don’t say that Laksh I love Sanskar
Laksh: enough of your drama! If you loved him you would have never said to marry me! You are an opportunist!
AP: leave
Swara: Ma please i…
AP: just leave

Laksh suddenly gathers his courage and runs to the stations and bus stands.
DP at home on phone: job done
Rohan: I knew that you could do it
DP: she left and this would surely give RP a major shock
Rohan: we want it to happen! I hate him! She can keep his business I don’t care about the business.
DP: but you told me that we will take over it
Rohan: stop being so fussy just do as I say
DP just got pissed because for him business was important that anything else.
RP comes to their house because he was meant to give some stuff to Ragini
RP: is anyone home?
AP goes downstairs: please come and sit
RP: no actually I was here to give some stuff to Ragini and meet her. Where is she? Please call her.
AP: umm she
Swara comes downstairs and says: I am sorry uncle she went from here because of me
RP: what? I don’t understand
DP: your characterless daughter left this place
RP got bloodshot eyes and screamed: Durgarasad! Mind your tongue
DP: well look at this she is not here and Laksh went to find her
AP: enough is enough! I won’t keep quiet now!
DP: shut up!
AP: you have to shut up! I understand your plan and I wont let you come in between my children’s life anymore.
RP is just blankly looking at them. AP told him how DP was trying to blackmail Laksh and Ragini only heard half of the conversation. She went and said that she wont ever come back.

RP: M… My… Daughter… She lost… lost everything and now… I lost her forever… i…
RP’s vision got burry and he held his heart hearing that it was all DP’s plan. He fell on the floor and stopped breathing.

AP: bhaisa… (brother)
She runs to him and even DP gets scared. He didn’t want RP to go through so much just overtake his business to punish him.
They immediately call a doctor and he comes out.
Dr: sorry you have made a delay he is no more.
AP holds her mouth and stands numb: this is all because of you! All because of you filthy man!
DP is unable to say anything. His planning killed a person. He never wanted to kill RP but this happened. He began to realise that what he did was wrong but now it was too late. He also understood that this is what Rohan wanted

Laksh came back lifelessly and told his dad that he has no choice but to stay in the house because Ragni wants it but AP tell Laksh about RP and he breaks down. She tells him that she wants a divorce from DP.

Laksh: no Ma you shouldn’t file for a divorce.
DP: I am sorry Annapurna I have realised that I was wrong I just was not in my senses and my hatred took over me
AP: a son you have destroyed is still telling you that I should stay with you!

Days Went by and Ragini found out about RP.
Ragini: I am sorry baba! Sorry RP for leaving you and giving you such a shock! This is all because of me! I am good for nobody! I will forward your name and bring your business to the top again.
She became keen to do anything to do business deals that were left by RP

Laksh was also working for RP’s business dealing with things and he had become a workaholic. He didn’t used to eat properly and his sleeps were disturbed. DP had changed but Laksh and Annapurna only used to communicate to each other and not to him or Swara.

On the other hand, Ragini, while working on a business project with Rohan made him realise how good RP was. She didn’t know that he was behind all this and she even told him how he raised her and got her out of her insecurities.

Rohan was slowly falling in love with Ragini. Her beautiful eyes, her lips, her cute nose, the way she used to conduct herself with so much maturity. He was afraid that she would not want to love him back if she found out but what he didn’t know was that she only had Laksh in her heart.

Laksh knew about Rohan and what he did with DP because DP told him that it was not only his plan but Rohan wanted to take revenge. Laksh got really annoyed and went to Rohan’s office but he saw Ragini going in the conference room and got really happy to see her. He didn’t want to say anything to anyone so he followed her and went to the conference room with teary eyes.

Ragini didn’t turn back but when she did she found her Laksh. She didn’t know if he was real or her imagination so she got really happy.

Laksh: I cant believe that you are laughing after leaving me!
Ragini got shocked because he was there: L…Laksh
Laksh: yah! Laksh! Thank god you remember me after so many months.
Ragini: nothing like that Laksh I just got busy with business
Laksh: so busy that you didn’t even turn up to RP’s funeral?
Ragini got teary eyed: I didn’t know Laksh I only found out a month later
Laksh pinned her to the wall: how could you do this to all of us Ragini? How?
Ragini: how’s your wife and your kid? Did you guys have another chi…
Ragini didn’t get a chance to speak because Laksh started to kiss her but there was anger and frustration in the kiss. He was biting her lips and Ragini was hissing in pain.
Ragini pushes him a little and they parted. She looked at him and started to cry.
Laksh was still angry: how dare you Ragini! Did you not think once? Was my love so weak that you would just leave if a third person says some lies?
Ragini: I thought u
Laksh: I only love you dammit! She was just an attraction and she got married to my brother. how could I ever? Bhabis are like mothers!
Ragini: I am sorry Laksh. I misunderstood you so much
Laksh: you have punished me for something I didn’t do!
Ragini: please forgive me!
Laksh: at one condition!
Ragini: tell me! I will do anything!

Just then, Rohan enters. He sees RagLak in that position and gets angry.
Rohan: how dare you come to my office.
Ragini: Rohan he is my
Rohan: he is your nothing!
Ragini frowns at his behaviour
Laksh: no need to be surprised Ragini he is the one behind this.
Ragini goes to Rohan and slaps him: I have told you all the good stuff about RP and you still decided to hide all of this? I hate you Rohan! You are not a human! You are a monster! No wonder why Sujata mam left you! You are just like your horrible first dad.
Rohan breaks down and understands that his deeds were wrong.

Ragini and Laksh leave to MM but she notices that he is going towards the temple.
Ragini: where are we going?
Laksh: do you trust me?
Ragini: more than anyone and anything
Laksh: come
They go to the temple and Laksh pays a priest to do the wedding rituals
Ragini gets so emotional that she hugs him.
Ragini: thank you Laksh but ma?
Ragini sees AP coming out of her car with a driver and she comes to bless them. They take seven vows and then Laksh fills her hairline and ties mangalsutra around her neck. She just looks at him and thinks of how stupid she was to doubt him. All gets done and AP blesses them.

AP: sorry I was a bit late but I have booked a room for you guys in Marriot. Be comfortable and I will see you guys tomorrow in the evening.
Laksh: you’re the best
Ragini blushes and looks down
AP leaves to her house and RagLak go to the hotel. It is evening time and the atmosphere of the room is very romantic. Red roses, king size bed, intertwined heart decorations, candles and a beautiful scent.
Laksh looks at Ragini: breath-taking
Ragini looks at the room and says: yes
But when she looks at him, she is unable to speak because of his intense gaze.
He comes closer to her. She is wearing a simple Saree and Laksh is in white shirt and black pants. He looks at the cupboard of the hotel and sees a perfectly fitted black nighty with a silk gown on top. He asks Ragini to change into that. Her eyes pop out but he wants to see her in those clothes.

While she goes to the bathroom to get changed, Laksh removes his shirt and throuws it on the sofas of the suite. Ragini wears the gown on top of her very exposed body in that nighty to cover herself. She comes out and Laksh gives her a smirk then moves towards her.
He puts her hair to one side and starts to kiss her neck while she has her hands on his bare back travelling and massaging him.
Laksh pulls the knot of the gown and it opens but Laksh is busy with her neck biting and sucking every inch of that gracious neck.
Ragini: sssss (she hisses)
Laksh: sorry jaan
Ragini pulls his hair and temperature between them gets a bit heated. Ragini throws the gown on the floor and pushes him a bit then runs towards the wall opposite the bed. She is blocked by it but is rubbing her back to the wall to attract him. He comes towards her like a magnet and is able to see all her forms behind that thin layer of net except the upper and lower part hidden by a thick cloth. He is cursing the minimal coverage the clothes are giving her. He slides his hands on her waist and massages her there while she says his name out loud and with so much pleasure that he starts kissing her lips. He brings her knees on his hips not breaking the kiss and they fall on bed Ragini being beneath Laksh.

They break the kiss and Laksh looks into her eyes: I have craved for your love since such a long time!
Ragini we were always meant to be Laksh
Laksh throws his pants away and in his underwear only. She feels that Laksh wants to merge with her and he takes off her clothes then removes his inners too. They are completely exposed to each other and Laksh is playing with her br*asts as well as giving her so much pleasure by making her complete. The room is filled with love and Ragini’s moans that are pleasing Laksh’s ears. The candles are melting seeing their passion going to another level.

They get intimate.

Laksh is seen looking at Ragini in the most romantic way
Ragini wakes up and blushes seeing him
Laksh: you look so beautiful when you blush
Ragini: I love you
Laksh: I love you more
They realise that both of them are naked under the sheets
Ragini: we are late
Laksh: I know right we are so late to love each other we should have done this before
Ragini: chiiii! Laksh
Laksh laughs: it’s a good occasion we both have no clothes on so…
Ragini: in the morning?
Laksh: what’s worng with the morning?
Ragini blushes and Laksh starts making love to her again.

In the evening, they are on their way back home and Ragini puts the radio on.
Breaking news! Industrialist Rohan has committed suicide and was found dead in his house yesterday night.
Ragini is shocked and she looks at Laksh
Laksh: he deserved this only
Ragini: Laksh we shouldn’t say that
Laksh: I know but…
They reach home and DP is there to welcome them. He apologises to Ragini and they start living like a happy Family. Swara left the house with Swayam and shifted back to America.

After 6 months, Ragini was seen with a baby bump in her room. Laksh was in her lap giving her unlimited kisses on her tummy.
Laksh: Ragini?
Ragini: hmm?
LAksh: I love you
Ragini: this is the 10th time that you have said it
LAksh: ya because I love you
Ragini laughs and kisses his forehead: you are so romantic patidev
Laksh pulls her and kisses her lips.

After a few years, Ragini is seen in the hospital.
Ragini: aaaaaa it’s painful
Laksh: jaan we already have a child why is this so painful
Ragini gets angry: you try to give birth then!
Laksh holds her hand and kisses it

Dr: congrats! You gave birth to twns!
After some time, Ansh and AP enter the room.
Ansh: mama are these my baby brother and sister?
Laksh picks him up and says: yes baby but you are our first baby. So you have to protect them.
DP enters with gifts and says I have thought of names. Laksh frowns that he would shurely give names like Vaijanti or Ramesh Prasad
DP: I want to call my grandchildren Raksh and Ragya.
LAksh gets happy: great idea dad!
DP: I am so proud of you! You both made RP’s business one of the best in the world. You brought Ansh back as your child and now double happiness.
AP: I hope that happiness always stays in our lives
Laksh and Ragini look at each other happily. Laksh takes a family selfie and screen freezes on the happy faces of the family finally together.

Dard-e-Dil explored the pains a heart could feel by losing those who are close to us. Thank you for those who read the ff and those who commented. I finished this because not many people were interested in it. I had to give you guys an end so here goes. This was my last fanfic guys thanks for always loving my previous fanfics and this one. It really means a lot. Lots of love.


Hey Guys! This is Shazi... You might know me from my RagLak fb page ? As you all know I am a huge RagLak fan! Here to make friends ?

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