Categories: Dabangii

Dabangii 8th December 2023 Written Episode Update: Ankush gets suspended

Dabangii 8th December 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Ankush and Bela crying. Arya gets haldi milk for him. He asks her to go. She says you aren’t a kid to get adamant, it will cool down, hold it now and drink. She feeds it to him. She asks him to have jaggery, his heart will get happy. He smiles. Zai comes there. Ankush feeds jaggery to Arya and kisses her. Zai gets angry and scolds him. She says you forgot me and mum, I came to call you, you are pampering Arya, so Bela left the house, I will never come back. Zai goes. Ankush says no. He gets commissioner’s call. Commissioner asks him to come to the police station. Ankush says sure. Zai says dad is taking care of Arya, he forgot us, I will take care of you. Bela drinks the milk. Zai hugs her.

Ankush hears the staff gossiping about him. Commissioner scolds him. Arya prays

for Ankush. Baba worries and thinks I can’t tell her what’s happening, Arya is innocent. Commissioner asks is she your daughter. Ankush says she is my responsibility. Commissioner says you gave your surname to her. Ankush thinks truth will come out, no, it can’t happen. Arya sees Baba sleeping. She says Bela should come back, I can’t stay hungry. She wakes up Baba and says help me, if dad was here then he would have helped Ankush. Commissioner says tell me your relation with her. Ankush says she is my daughter. Commissioner says you already have a wife and daughter, remarriage is wrong, you are an example of sincerity and honesty, I m ashamed of you, Ankush, I thought you had arrested Satya for some personal agenda, this question is not just mine. Ankush asks how can you think this about me. Commissioner says I have no option than to suspend you. Arya says good should happen with Ankush. Commissioner says Satya called me to recommend, you will see his security, now decide, you want to do this or get suspended. Satya says Ankush was proud of his uniform, now he will be around me like a dog, it will be fun. Ankush says sorry, I have joined police force by following my dad, I can’t secure any corrupt politician, I will choose my suspension. He leaves.

Constable says Ankush chose suspension, he is mad. Satya gets angry and throws the phone. Satya says I will see how he doesn’t do my duty. He gets a call. He asks the man to stop Ankush there. Arya practices to convince Bela. Tanmay makes a plan against Arya. He stops Zai. Kasturi asks Bela to sign the divorce papers. Bela says no. Kasturi acts sweet. Aai comes and asks what’s going on, show me the papers. She sees divorce papers. She says Bela, you won’t sign on it.

She says I want to get justice for Bela. Kasturi insists Bela to sign. Tanmay and Zai act and make Arya hear their talk intentionally. Aai scolds Kasturi. Satya comes and says none in our family got divorce till now. He asks Bela to come and talk to Ankush. He says if he insults me, then its okay, you both unite, come. He says sensible people sort their issues. Aai asks Kasturi to learn from Satya. Satya takes Bela with him. Kasturi smiles. Tanmay and Zai fool Arya. Arya runs to get Bela’s ring. Satya asks Bela to talk to Ankush. She sees a man in the house. She checks the bank papers and sends him. She asks what’s this Ankush, you are breaking Zai’s FD. Satya recalls his plan. Ankush says its our money, we had put it in Zai’s account to save it, we will make the FD again, I need money right now, I don’t have a job. Satya says you have a job, you didn’t take it, I knew it, you will get suspended, I asked them to give you my security work, you didn’t listen. Bela asks what happened to you. Ankush says I won’t work for Satya. She says fine, you have to take the job, else Zai and I won’t come back here, Zai won’t adjust.

Satya says I hope Arya gets saved from me. Ankush sees Arya missing and goes to ask Satya about her. Satya says I don’t know. Ankush gets angry on him.

Update Credit to: Amena


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