Categories: Dabangii

Dabangii 15th March 2024 Written Episode Update: Yug and Arya get caught

Dabangii 15th March 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Yug and Arya having a talk. He sings. He says some secrets can’t be told to anyone. She says we are friends now, and we have to know each other’s secrets, tell me about you. He says pillow fight. She says fine, if I win, you will tell me all your secrets. They fight. He falls over her. He says enough, I m not such a guy, I m very decent, I have saved my love for the one I love, go and tell Zai. Satya introduces his friend Mr. Shah. They have a deal. Satya says once Kasturi becomes CM, then I will do your work. Shah says she will become CM, you will get much commission on the work. Arya asks who are you, tell me. Yug says you are also a puzzle, you tell me. She says no, you said you love someone, who is she. He says she is my childhood friend, we used to play and ride cycle together,

her name…. when I see you, I don’t know why I think of her, I feel you are interrogating me, I will tell you everything, but walls have ears, I will tell you in your ear. Maina sees Zai and wakes her up. Zai and everyone come to the room. Zai sees Arya and Yug together. She scolds Arya. The ladies gossip. Zai says I will kill you.

Arya stops her. Zai insults her. Sonia laughs and asks who will win between them, I will bet on Zai. Yug laughs. Zai says I won’t leave you. Satya and Kasturi come and look on. He asks what’s going on. Zai says Arya was with Yug. The lady says ask Yug, what is he doing with Arya. Zai says he is drunk. Yug says Zai is overreacting, we were playing secret secret. He laughs and falls. Sonia says he was telling the secret on her lips, instead ears. She laughs. Arya says no, it’s a misunderstanding. Maina scolds her. Satya asks Kasturi to handle this. He asks Arya to come with him. Zai says I will not spare her. Kasturi says calm down, we will hear Aira once. Zai says no, I will not spare her. Satya asks Arya why is she scared if she didn’t do anything. He says Zai is right, Arya has to leave the house. Arya thinks I can’t go this way, I have to stay here for my motive. Satya asks how did bhaang come in the house.

Kasturi says calm down, I will send Arya. Arya says I didn’t do anything. Satya asks what were you doing with Yug in the room, tell me. Kasturi says you can’t stay here, go away. Zai pushes Arya. Arya cries and goes to Bela. She asks what shall I do now, I want to take revenge on Satya and Kasturi, say something, its me, your Arya. Bela cries. Maina comes and asks what are you doing here, you can’t talk to Bela. Arya says trust me, I didn’t do anything wrong, I was talking to Yug. Maina says we have suffered a lot in life, Zai is our world, if anyone tries to hurt her, then, I can’t tolerate it, go away. Arya thinks how will I come back in this house. Yug hears Zai and Kasturi talking. Yug thinks Aira fainted Zai. He recalls Aira’s words. Kasturi says Aira spiked your drink. Zai says don’t worry, she got fired. Yug says I will go and take rest. Zai thinks he is thinking of something. Yug calls Aira and scolds her. Arya says you ask Zai, you were drunk and came to my room, I got ousted because of you, I remember Zai fainted. She says I don’t need to give you an explanation. He says I need to talk. Zai looks on and gets sad. Arya refuses and ends call. Zai thinks I can’t lose Yug, Aira did black magic on him. Arya says Kaka, I have to go back home, but how. Zai thinks to handle Aira and make her away from Yug, I have to end her chapter forever.

The episode ends.

Update Credit to: Amena


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