Categories: Dabangii

Dabangii 12th March 2024 Written Episode Update: Arya proves Ankita innocent

Dabangii 12th March 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Arya saying I will prepare the perfect speech for you. She records a speech. Kasturi gets a call. Arya threatens her by altering her voice. Kasturi gets worried. She calls Aira. Arya says just 2 mins. Kasturi says stop nonsense. Arya says Satya won’t stand with you in this problem, he will snatch your chair, you know it, you are gone. Kasturi sits worried. Arya comes and asks are you fine. Kasturi says yes, I m okay. Arya goes smiling. Kasturi calls Ashok and asks him to come home. Ashok comes there. Arya looks on.

Kasturi asks Ashok to leave the city and go away. Arya thinks did he plan the money, I have to take disguise and follow him. He says yes. He leaves. He asks his wife to pack the bags, they have to leave the city. Arya keeps an eye on them. She thinks he is scared

of Kasturi’s threatening. She sees Ashok’s son there. She calls him to come. Ashok and his wife get their bags. They look for their son Bittu. Arya calls Ashok and threatens about Bittu. She asks him to go and tell the truth to everyone that he planted the money in Ankita’s house. She sends him Bittu’s pic. She asks Bittu not to go to any stranger for chocolates. Ashok says if I tell them then Bittu will get killed. His wife asks for Bittu.

Yug asks someone to send the DNA report. Ankita calls him and asks him to come to office, that man is caught. Kasturi comes and says accompany me to the police station, someone confessed keeping the money in Ankita’s office. They hug. Ashok gets arrested. Ankita comes there and sees the inspector giving the statement to the police. Satya looks on. Yug and everyone come there. Ashok gives the statement. He says I kept the money in Ankita’s house. She asks who asked you to do this. Ashok sees Kasturi. He says Vilesh has given me the money so that he becomes the CM. Satya and Kasturi get happy. Arya thinks he changed the entire game. Satya greets Ankita and says I m happy, your name got cleared, her party did this, what will she answer. Ankia says I will always stay against corruption, its my promise, I will punish the culprit. She leaves.

Arya calls Ashok and asks why didn’t you tell about Satya and Kasturi. Ashok and his wife ask Arya to free Bittu. Arya says don’t worry, he is fine, come and take him. Yug looks on. Ashok’s wife gets Bittu. Yug sees Arya. She runs. Yug runs after her. She flees. He gets her phone and smiles. Arya thinks I can’t go to get my phone. The man says there are no details of that person, there is voice changing app, calls are made to Ashok and Kasturi.

Satya scolds Kasturi. Yug thinks who was calling from Satya’s house. Satya says I got the CM nomination for you, if you told me about this fake threatening, I would have guided you. Kasturi worries. Yug thinks to find the person. He says get the cctv footage and show me, who can enter the house. He asks about the DNA reports. The guy says I will mail it to you. Satya says you don’t be overconfident, I handled this, we would have got jailed. He recalls threatening Ashok. Kasturi says I won’t hide anything from now. He says I will manage it, organize a holi fest and focus will come back to us, our image will change. She nods. Arya comes. Kasturi says we have to plan for Holi. Arya says I have prepared for Holi, we should play with organic Holi, you are a public figure, we will raise farmer’s issue in the holi, we will play dry holi to save water and help farmers. Kasturi smiles and says you think a lot, whatever you do, things should get fine, Satya shouldn’t be upset. Arya nods. She thinks of her phone.

The episode ends

Update Credit to: Amena


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