Fan Fiction

crazy love of thahaan (part-2)

this part is starting from thapki goes to temple.she prays.she says this time also I didn’t get family is in poor situation. you have to help me lord.she cries.she sits in temple for few minutes.then she goes from there.she walks in road.
bihaan comes to bike.paan says to him,bihaan you drunked so come with me.bihaan says to him,what???hello…I am b for I don’t want anyone help.I will go on my way.paan nodes at him.bihaan starts the bike.he goes in road.thapki walks on road in same direction and same road.bihaan drives fastly.
one truck has comes in opposite direction.bihaan didn’t see clearly that truck.he drives abnormally.truck hits bihaan bike.thapki sees him.she screams.bihaan falls jumps.he fells down on road corner.thapki gets shocked.bihaan gets accident.she runs to him.she lifts his head.she keeps his head in her lap.she says to him,S…s…sir…please open your eyes..sir can you hear me..bihaan didn’t see her face clearly.he saw her face in blur view.he becomes unconscious. he hears her voice in stammers.thapki shouts for help. she sees one car is coming in road. peoples are comes for help.they keeps him to the car.thapki sits inside of car.she holds bihaan.they goes to hospital. she sees bihaan purse.his mobile breaks in accident.she checks the purse for his information. she sees the visiting card.its dhruv visiting card about 365 channel.she sees dhruv number.
thapki reaches bihaan to hospital.nurses comes there.they makes him lying in bed.they takes him to comes to thapki.he asks to her,what is his name and relationship with him to you.because of we need to do i need sign from his relation.she thinks if I didnt do anything his operation will getting I have to do something. doctor asks to her again the same question. she says to him,do… I am…I am..his girl friend.he comes to him in bike.but he gets agrees to her.he gives form to her.she does sign in goes from there. thapki thinks oh my god I said I am his girl friend.I lied to doctor.what can I do now. then she sees visiting card.she calls for dhruv.she says to him,mr..dh…dhruv.I am th…th..thapki.this person gets accident.he has this card in his I think you are relative for I called you.dhruv gets tensed.he says to her,OK…which hospital.she says the hospital name.dhruv says to her,OK thanks I will come within few minutes. mostly my visiting card is there with my business partner.then whose gets accident
I didn’t ask clearly to that girl.OK I will go to hospital.dhruv goes to hospital.

he reaches hospital.he looking for thapki.thapki comes to him.she says to him,are you dhruv?? he says to her,yes…you are thapki right??but I can’t guess about the person who gets accident.can you tell me the name.thapki says to him,sir…i …I don’t know his will see in ICU ward.dhruv nodes at her.he goes to ICU ward.he stands and sees inside.he sees bihaan.he gets shocked.dhruv gets teary eyes.he suddenly calls for vasu.he says everything to her.vasu cries.she says to her all family members.

everyone’s gets tensed.dhruv comes to thapki.he says to thapki, he is my brother.his name is bihaan.but how it is happend. she says to him,I…I don’t know comes urgently to them.he says to them,he was drunked so can’t able to do anything. god has to give life for him.thapki and dhruv shocked.

thapki gets call from poonam.she attends the call.she says everything to her.poonam says to her,thapki then OK take care.come to house soon.thapki nodes at her.
thapki gets tensed about bihaan condition. dhruv says to her,thapki if you want to go pls carry on.I will take care of him.thapki says to him,its OK dhruv. I will be there here. she sees ganapathi in hospital. she goes there.she stands and prays for bihaan.

everyone’s reaches to hospital from bihaan family.dhruv explained to them.dhruv says about thapki.vasu comes to thapki. she thanks her.thapki says to her,its…ok… do…don’t worry nothing wrong will happens for him.vasu hearing her stammers.she gets angry.vasu hates stammering people. she thinks stammering peoples are not pure hearted.she looks at thapki angrily.she goes from there.balwander thanks to comes to thapki.he says to her,miracle happens now… he is fine.operation is success.everyone’s gets happy.

vasu gets calls from house.she ends the call.she says to dhruv, important work is there in house.dhruv says to her,OK maa I will take care of can go to house.vasu nodes at him.she goes to house.

thapki again goes to ganapathy.she thanks god for comes to dhruv. he says to him,Mr.dhruv… you can see bihaan now.dhruv thanks to doctor.

thapki gets kumkum in her hand.she goes to ICU ward.she sees dhruv stands inside of room.she goes inside.she sees bihaan face.dhruv holds bihaan hands.he gets teary eyes.suddenly he gets call from someone.dhruv goes out of room.thapki comes near to bihaan.she sees bihaan is unconscious. she keeps kumkum in bihaan forehead.bihaan hands are slightly moves.she sees dhruv coming there.then she goes from there.she says to dhruv, OK sir…i going now.dhruv says to her, thank you so much saved my brother.where are you working. thapki says to him,no I didn’t get job.I am trying to get job. he says to her,OK why can’t you join in my office.he gives card to her.he says to thapki,its my office 365 channel .you can join here from tomorrow onwards.she gets shocked.she can’t believe it.she gets teary eyes.she thanks to him.

she goes from there.she says everything to her family members.they gets happy.after few hours bihaan gets conscious. doctor comes there.dhruv sees bihaan.he gets happy.

doctor says to bihaan,your girl friend admits you here.her name is thapki.bihaan says to him,what… girl friend.paan says to bihaan, congrats bihaan when you got girl friend.but you didn’t say about this to me.I am so angry on you.

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