Counting the stars (Riansh- OS)

Hello, everyone!

I have posted it before on “wattpad” too. Wanted to post it here too! So here it is!

Two children around 5 and 6 years are sitting under the night sky filled with stars.
Sitting on the delicate grass of the park.
After a minute of silence, they spoke-

Little girl- Vansh, why you like counting these stars, Angre bhaiya says- Counting the stars is next to impossible.

Vansh- Riddhima, You know, Ishani didi says that- nothing is impossible in this world.
Now, let me count them, 15,16….

Riddhima- I find counting the stars useless.

Vansh- In future, I will definitely complete counting these stars and you will have to believe me, nothing is impossible in this world.

A female voice came from behind-
Riddhu, It’s already late, come!

Riddhima- I will see you tomorrow, Vansh!

Saying so, She leaves from there, bidding Vansh a bye.

After 3 years-

Vansh and Riddhima were now besties.

One fine day-

Riddhima had to leave the city, due to her father’s transfer.

Vansh- Will you forget me?

Riddhima- Chal hatt, Can someone forget his or her best friend?

She said trying to control her tears.

She left the city, they were best friends but lost their contact.

After 12 years-

Riddhima came to Mumbai for studies.

Reaching the airport she spoke out loudly- I missed you, Mumbai.

This made quite a few people look at her. A hand from behind hit her head.

Riddhima- Ooi! Seju!

Sejal- What! Sejal huh! By coming here only, you started your antics.

Riddhima made a face.

They both hired a taxi and reached their Villa.

Riddhima’s brother insisted her to study in Delhi only but Riddhima wanted to visit Mumbai, so, she couldn’t miss this chance at all. But, Angre, her brother made every single arrangment he could do for her safety and comfort in Mumbai.
He only was the one, because of whom, Sejal accompanied her.

Within a week they both joined their college. Sejal was preparing for architecture while Riddhima was preparing to become Physiotherapist.

Many things changed in these years, Riddhima lost her parents at the age of fifteen itself, Angre did everything with the help of their uncle, and that’s the reason their business is one of the famous in the country now.

Many things changed in Vansh’s life too, his father suffered a heart attack when Vansh was quite young.

Ishani and Vansh never made their mother feel lonely.

VR enterprises was touching sky in the business field now.

Time changes everything, sometimes it heals some wounds while sometimes it gives too.

Ishani and Sejal became friends, after they once met in a coffee shop.

Sejal- Riddhu, today my friend is going to visit our house! I am so excited!

Riddhima- And, I am so sad. What if your friend must have got some side affects of being with you. Oh god! I am worried about her.

Sejal- Shut up!

Riddhima giggled.

Just then, they heard a knock at the door. Sejal went and opened it. Without waiting for a second she hugged the person.

Holding the person’s hand, leading her inside, she spoke- Ishu, she is Riddhima, My monkey.

Riddhima threw a cushion on Sejal.

Ishani hand Shaked her and introduced- Hello! Riddhima, heard a lot about your antics from Sejal.

Riddhima- Ye toh aisi hi hain (She is like that only), You tell, about you.

Ishani- Myself Ishani, Ishani Raisinghia. I am a fashion designer.
I also help my brother in running our family business. You might have heard VR enterprises.

Riddhima thought for a minute and spoke- I might sound crazy, but, do you have a brother named “Vansh Raisinghania”

Ishani- Yeah! But how you know him?

Riddhima- Ishu di, I am the same Riddhima who was your brother’s bestie once. Whom he forgot now.

Ishani- Riddhima! Angre’s sister!
Saying so she hugged her. Breaking the hug, she spoke-
How could I forget you! And how can Vansh also forget you! He do talks about you!

Sejal- Wait a second! I too exist! Well, this “coincidence” really exists!

She said rolling her eyes. And the trio laughed.

The next day, Riddhima got ready to visit VR enterprises. She thought of going to VR mansion but Vansh had an important meeting so he left early today as informed by Ishani.

Riddhima reached there, and collided with a man, but managed herself and stood straight.

Are you okay, Ma’am?”

Riddhima nodded in a yes.

She turned and was about to go. When her inner self asked her-
Do I know him? What if he is…!

She turned. Some same sort of thought came in that man’s mind too…

He said- Wait
While Riddhima said “Hey! listen”at the same time.

Riddhima walked towards him with hesitant.

Riddhima- Umm

“What?” the reply came.

Man- Are you Riddhima?If not, sorry in advance only.

Riddhima being teary eyed hugged him and he too reciprocated. She said- Yess Mr. Bookworm.

Vansh broke the hug and led her to his cabin.

Riddhima- You never tried to find me?

Vansh- Riddhima, you were the one who forgot me. Right? And about me, I tried to find you in every single social media possible.

Riddhima- I too did the same.

Riddhima- I am on social media but not from my name just to stalk profiles. Sorry!

Vansh- Same I do. Sorry from my side too.
He couldn’t control his laugh.

They both giggled
and now the room filled with talks of their childhood, their lives.

Riddhima- So, did you completed your mission of “counting the stars”.

Vansh- Nope. I wanted a partner and see you came.
He said giving a wink.

After 2 years-

They were now friends like before,
or maybe more than that. Vansh often used to pick up Riddhima from her clinic. And Riddhima used to visit VR enterprises frequently.

One fine day-

Vansh and Riddhima came to a cafe.

Vansh- Riddhima, I don’t want to do fake promises, just one promise that I’ll never leave your side no matter what happens. Meeting you changed my life. In my childhood I was nothing less than a book worm but you changed me, Riddhima Bansal. Two years back you again came in my life and changed this workaholic person and made him fall for you. You are different, Miss. Riddhima! Filmy baatein toh na mujhe pasand hain na main karta hoon (Neither I know filmy talks nor I do them) So, from my heart I am saying- I love you Riddhima from every bit of me!

He said bending and holding a ring in his hand.

Riddhima gave her hand and he slid the ring in her hand. And a tear from her eye fell on the ring she wore.

1 year later-

A couple is seen cuddling in their room.
Vansh got up and was about to leave while Riddhima held his hand.
Riddhima- Don’t go please, I wanna sleep more. Just five minutes more!

Vansh spilled some water on her face. This made her really pissed off and she ran behind him forgetting her “five minutes more sleep
They both panted and one sat on the sofa while the other sat on the bad.

Riddhima- Why we get elder? Childhood is always a bliss. Nothing to worry just enjoy.

Vansh- When we will not grow up. How will we make a child enjoy his childhood?

Riddhima- Don’t you think you are getting too naughty?

Vansh- Ya! I think so…

Riddhima- I am going to get ready.

Vansh- Shall I help?

Riddhima left for bathroom after throwing a pillow at him.

The very next day-

Riddhima woke up. But didn’t found Vansh around her.

A message popped up on her phone’s screen-
We will be having a date on the place where driver will lead you at 7.30 in evening and the reason for this date is that “I love you”

A wide smile came on Riddhima’s face.

At 7:30 pm:

She reached there, and the moment she entered she heard a voice of screaming from inside.

Vansh, you usually don’t do pranks, but why do I feel this is one of your pranks” She said in a bit loud voice and the voice echoed all over the place.

She searched the whole place and found some blood stains on the floor. She walked few steps ahead and was shocked to find Vansh lying on the floor holding his head in the blood of pool.

Riddhima kept his head on her lap.

Riddhima- H-how did this happen? Her voice broke.

Vansh- T-take care, love.

And that was the moment he closed his eyes. Went away from the world but never from her heart.

After 1 month:

Riddhima was sitting near her room’s window sipping a coffee and gazing at the sky.
Riddhima: Vansh, the moment you died. I too wanted to die and come to you but I wanted to give you justice. And now I don’t know, will god allow me to come to you after killing your murders brutally!
She mumbled looking at the sky.

Today everything was same but he was not there, there was one more thing different today.
A star was twinkling the most.

She smiled looking at that star, and continued “Counting the stars”

Taaron Bhari Ek Raat Mein
Tere Khat Padhenge Saath Mein
Kora Jo Panna Reh Gaya
Ek Kaanpte Se Haath Mein
Thodi Shiqaayat Karna Tu
Thodi Shiqaayat Main Karun

———————The end———————–

Thanks for reading!

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