Categories: Chand Jalne Laga

Chand Jalne Laga 11th January 2024 Written Episode Update: Madan and Savitri’s plan fails

Chand Jalne Laga 11th January 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Deva telling Tara that he will cut her kite, so that she will stop flying kite. Tara tells Jyoti that she told that she will call Deva here. Jyoti says you did right. Savitri tries to take the file from Deva, but he keeps it on the chair. Madan says I will take it out from the file. Nana ji tells that there will be two teams, one is of Tara and other of Deva. Jyoti and Savitri say that they are from Tara’s side. Basant kaka comes and says forgive me, but I am on Tara’s side. Madan and Savitri eyes the file. Basant kaka says it seems Tara will win. Badshah neighs. Tara asks Basant Kaka to go and check badshah, he might need something. Madan’s wife Rekha comes there and meets everyone. She asks Deva, if he is the illegitimate guy, and says whatsoever but I want to

hear Mami from him. Deva doesn’t call her anything. Jyoti is holding the charkha, and tells Deva that she don’t want to give him thread, as she wants Tara to win. Madan makes Tara’s finger injured and she loses the game. Deva gets concerned and sucks her finger. Rekha takes the file along with the harmonium and the papers drop on the way. Madan and Savitri find the papers, one by one. Deva and Tara come there. Deva asks them to stop.

Farwari’s car stops on the way. Raunaq is going from there and offers lift. She sits in his car. Raunaq thinks he has punctured her car using iron nails, and now lift will do the remaining work. Deva asks what you are doing? Madan says he has picked the papers fallen on the floor. Deva checks it and says it is my papers. He says it was in the file and asks where is it? Madan asks Savitri. Savitri asks where is it? They hear Rekha singing song.

Farwari thanks Raunaq and asks him to come with her to meet her friends. Her friends come there. Farwari introduces him as her new driver and says you can order him in my absence. She says I wish I could hire you as my driver, but you don’t deserve it. She says do you think that I will trust you, and asks him to change the way if he sees her again. She goes inside her friend’s house. Raunaq fumes with anger and calls goons asking them to get ready for plan B. Rekha is singing outside. Savitri and Madan see then file fallen on the ground. A lady comes and picks the approval letter and puts cow dung on it. Savitri shouts asking who has brought this widow here. She says she has ruined my important papers. Deva asks how come, it is your papers. The widow girl hides behind Rekha. Savitri says your papers or my papers are same, we are one now. Deva says it is not one, as we are not one, you are not mine and I don’t regard you as my family, and asks her to just be the guest.

He asks them not to have any relation with them. Tara asks how you are talking to them. Deva asks her why is she defending them and asks her to handle their relation first. Savitri scolds the widow girl and holds her by her hair, asking her to stay away from them. She blames her for her husband’s death. Tara asks Savitri to leave her, and tells that this is their house. Rekha says it is my mistake, I brought her here. Savitri asks her to keep her locked in the room and says house is changed, but now my rules and regulations.

Precap: Savitri asks Tara to leave the house if she wants Deva to get all his relations. Tara leaves the house. Later Tara enters as the household help.

Update Credit to: H Hasan

H Hasan

I started writing as a hobby. It turned into a fledged out career fortunately. I love reading novels and creative arts. I'm very committed and give my best to my work.

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