Categories: Fan FictionIshqbaaz

Chalte Chalte:A Journey Of Love(Shivika FF):Episode 63

**Ramadan Mubarak To All My Readers**

Continuation from Episode 62:

Shivaay returned to the cabin to an Anika who was happy like never before.They both went through the blast of respective happiness,in front of Gauri and Soumya.
For the first time ever,Shivaay felt he betrayed Anika by posing an act of getting happy when he was not.

Next Morning

Shivaay and Anika are having breakfast.But she is up to showing her nakhre:

-What is it?
-I am not asking the name Shivaay.Why have you made it?

-Because it’s healthy and full of vitamins.Have this soup,come on.Tasting Anika says:
-Tasting like water.Shivaay,listen na.I…..I want to eat aloo-poori.Would you plz make it?
-Oily and spicy food,you have to avoid from now on.You have to follow a proper diet plan.

-Like in military force?
-I am just…….
-Listen Shivaay,I am the one pregnant here.So I will decide what I want to eat and what not.And it’s your responsibility to fulfill my wish.If you can’t do it then tell me.I will look out myself.Anika pouts.

-Okay,okay.Calm down.I will make aloo-poori.For the time being,have this soup.
-Pinky Promise?
-Pinky Promise.They entangle their fingers.Shivaay feeds Anika.

Some Time Later
A parcel comes to Sunflower Petals for Anika.Shivaay brings it back to her.He asks:

-What’s in it?
-I had ordered it for next project.Wanted some changes that’s why.
-You won’t take any work related stress now.

-But Shivaay there so many work…….
-I don’t know all that.Moreover,your accident prone nature has compelled me to take this decision.For next few months,put down your work hat.Understand?
-I am perfectly okay with my work.What I will do won’t require any physical activity.I can manage,trust me.

-Are you sure?
-Of course.
-Then you will work from here for a certain time.If necessary,make Sunflower Petals your office but outside routine have to be halted.
-Good.I am just coming.Shivaay returns with a tray:

-I have made kheer for you.You wanted to have sweets na?Here it is.
-Thank you Shivaay(Taking the bowl)I am going to have a gala time.

-You are going to pamper me more than before.
-I see.
-Your cooking skill will serve you greatly.
-Thanks for the compliment.They both start laughing.Shivaay says:

-Finish eating then you have to take rest,according to the routine.If possible,go to sleep.I will come and check.Have little work to complete.
-Are you going to office?
-How can I go leaving you alone here?
-Hmmmm….Thank you…………Few minutes later he leaves ensuring Anika is doing fine.
Shivaay is in the hall,going through files.His phone rings.Pinky is on the call:

-Shivaay,are you busy beta?
-No Mom.What happened?
-I have a very good news for you.

-Tia is coming to meet us especially you.

-Yes dear.It’s been long last I saw her.Do one thing,come to Mumbai as soon as possible.I am thinking to throw a party for both of you.Have talked to Shakti Ji……
-Mom listen to me.I can’t come now.Have some business to finish.
-Business is more important to you?More than your Mom?

-I have not said that.
-Then what is it?Listen Shivaay,you are doing as you are wishing and I have not interfered.But you have to listen to me in this matter.I am your Mom,don’t forget that.
-I am really sorry Mom.But I am helpless.Plz try and understand.

-I don’t want to understand anything.I know very well where you are busy and what is stopping you to come to me.I have tolerated enough.
-That’s why you have called Tia to come?
-I will do anything for my son’s happiness.

-If you are not going to heed my words then I have other ways too.I won’t let you do any mistake……..Pinky cuts the call.Shivaay sits silent.He says in his mind-

“Wish you could know where your son’s happiness lies Mom.Wish you could try to know!Whatever it is,I have learnt one thing for sure.You can’t force anything to happen the way you like or think to happen.
Some things are beyond our control and power.Wish I could control my heart………………”

Night Time
Anika is on the bed.She is caressing her flat belly over the night suit.Shivaay comes there and asks:

-What are you doing?
-Putting our baby to sleep.
-What about baby’s Mom?When she is going to sleep?

-Depends,on baby’s Dad actually.
-Can you explain that Anika?
-Can but right now I am busy.
-Okay.Saying that Shivaay picks up his pillow from the bed then heads for sofa.Watching that Anika asks:

-One second,where are you going?
-I will sleep on sofa from now on.
-Why on earth would you do that?

-For your safety.
-My what?
-See Anika,in sleep if by any chance my hand or elbow hit you then it could be fatal for the baby.I don’t want that to happen.That’s why I should stay away from you at night.I don’t want your….our baby to get harmed anyhow.

-Come here(Shivaay goes to Anika)Who said that to you?You can never harm me nor our baby.She takes his hand then places it over her belly-We both need you.You won’t go anywhere.Do you understand?Taking a pause Shivaay says:
-Okay,I will not go.Now go to sleep.

Shivaay makes Anika lie down on the bed.Covering her with duvet he puts a soft kiss on Anika’s forehead.Smiling she closes her eyes.Shivaay sits beside her,caressing her head slowly and tries to calm the raising storm inside his heart at the same time.

Precap:Shivaay & Sagar face off!

Author’s Note
I think I have grabbed the attention of my readers finally.Otherwise in the history of writing my FF,never ever I got so many Dislike.Well,congratulations to me!
At least,few of my reader have that heart to read that episode.Judging anything or anyone at the first opportunity is the tendency of humans.If I were you guys(who did not like the episode)I could have done the same,perhaps.When I saw those many Dislike,I got a very good feeling though.That even in fiction,we are still possessive about our SHIVIKA.We can’t think ill of them even in fictional situation.I am so proud of you guys.

Last Word:
Thank you for your feedback and special Thanks for not Trusting the Story-Line and Judging it randomly without knowing anything further.My greatest sympathy are with you all.And my heartfelt love to my those loyal readers who have not lost hope on my FF pen yet and read it accordingly.Much love and gratitude.


".....Either You Are A Great Example Or A Fateful Warning....."

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