Fan Fiction

Challenging the fate (KKB) Chapter 10

It was a normal morning, Abhi as usual dressed up himself in a casual attire and was whistling away in a carefree mood as he walked out of his room.

He was stunned to see her entering his house.

Before she looked up to see him, he went inside his room.

“Why is she here? I know I warned her but this much desperation to meet me?” He told himself.

Abhi made a call to his mum’s mobile phone using his landline phone in the room.

Abhi: Ma!
He yelled.
Jaya: Abhi! Don’t yell early in the morning!
Abhi: Ma! She is here!
Jaya: Who?
Abhi: Your future bahu!
Jaya shrieked: Why? Why now?
Abhi: How would I know? I haven’t even planned anything and she just popped out suddenly!
Jaya: Alright, let me check on her and u don’t come out of your room! If Prem knows about this then he will surely turn into Hitler!
Abhi insistently: Ma! Please…He is really a Hitler…
Jaya asked him to stay where he is and she rushed out of the kitchen to check on why Pragya is here.

Abhi was getting restless as now it was more than a hour that passed but still his Ma never called him back.

He slightly popped his head out of the room to see what was happening.

“ What is this?” He murmured to himself in shock as he saw Pragya and Jaya hugging each other.

When they were about to break away from the hug he went back inside the room again.

He got frustrated as his Ma is mingling well with Pragya now.

This was not what I wanted! How could she do something to backfire my plan!!!

Jaya came to his room and grinned at him.

Jaya went near him but he was about to walk pass him.

Jaya: Abhi…She is such a darling and how can I be angry on her?
Abhi looking away: At least you could have ignored her!
Jaya: No Abhi she is my future bahu na..and that thought made me talk to her well…
Abhi: And she believed that u are ok?
Jaya: Oh Abhi…I told her that day I was wrong…I shouldn’t have shown my anger towards both of you…
Abhi: Then?
Jaya: She pleasantly said It happens and it’s common nowadays…
Abhi: And u melted in her pleasant looks!
Jaya: What can I do Abhi? She is so understanding….

Jaya was all praises for Pragya and within himself, he did liked how his Ma admired Pragya. But he couldn’t show that out as his plan was to use his Ma to make Pragya worried.

Looking at Abhi who was in deep thoughts,
Jaya touched his shoulder.

Abhi worriedly: Ma…now how will I be able to meet her?
Jaya: Jaguar?
Abhi: Jaggu?
Jaya: Yes! You said he went away first as he got something important that day. He could tell that to Pragya and he asked u to inform her!
Abhi: Yes Ma but I never informed her as I totally forgot about it looking at the condition of Purab’s Ma…
Jaya: That’s fine Abhi…Now u try to track him….With his help, maybe u can make Pragya to be after you!
Abhi: Wow Ma! You are so amazing!
Jaya gave triumphant smile.
Abhi cheered: Jaya ki Jai!!
Jaya: Sssh…what if Prem hears you?
Abhi: Nah….I don’t care!
He said that and walked out of the room.

As for Pragya, she was relieved that one problem is solved.

“She seems to be a nice person…should have been some frustration that Jaya aunty showed on NS…” She thought looking at the sweets that Jaya gave her.

“ I thought she is a very rude person but when she explained her situation that day, I could only feel like how Ma is facing a daily routines….Indeed it’s tough to manage home and work at an age where u need to rest! To my surprise, she even talked about her son…I feel he is somewhat irresponsible as he never took in charge of the family’s business but Jaya aunty never showed any feelings that she feel that way. In fact, she mentioned she knows her son will be big someday but it’s just that he needs the right path and guidance to achieve it!” She was reflecting the conversation with Jaya and these were her thoughts.

Just then her phone rang, she picked it up and heard his voice again.

Her eyes widened in shock.

“ Nice meeting with my boss na?” He smirked.

“ You see NS! I did apologised to her and u can ask her itself!” She replied.

“ I also know that but were u so scared of my warning?” He asked.

“ Me? Scared? Never! It was just a concern that u shouldn’t lose your job because of me!” She said sternly.

“ Acha…concern…that’s very unexpected…” He grinned while telling it.

“ Hello! Don’t mistake in any way! It’s just a return favour!” She said in a firm tone.

“ Return favour?” He asked curiously.

“ Haan you made my mood better through the bash the bush game and I did a favour in return of making sure your job is safe!”

He smiled silently that his game was still in her mind.

“ Are u on the line?” She asked.

“ Yes Pragya…” He responded.

“ Ok then bye! That’s all!” She responded harshly.

“ Wait! Wait! Your Jaggu Bhai is here! He wants to tell you something!” He hurriedly told her making her surprised.

Jaguar: Pragya! What have you done yaar?
Pragya: Jaggu Bhai! Are u ok? Why u sound with so much of pain?
Jaguar: All because of u!
Pragya panicked hearing that.
Jaguar: I know u are in shock now! But please come and save me from this psycho!

The call ended abruptly making her feel dizzy of Jaguar’s words.

To be challenged…..

Thank u everyone for reading! I know this is coming very randomly but I can’t help it as this is a very random thought of mine.


❤Crazy about Abhigya!!❤ Sinuaghis senses Inihsagus ??????

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