Fan Fiction

Can I fall in love Episode 10

The forest camp which I mentioned in the precap will be from my imagination, it is something I have read in novels and I am copying the style here. I mean, the way of camping, I really don’t know whether such a thing is possible here in India, please bare with me.

Birla house:
Yuvi reaches home.
Sh : You guys went to rider’s paradise?
Yuvi : Yeah.
Sh: Oh, you should have asked me, I would have told you that she won’t like it.
Yuvi : I am happy that I didn’t ask you.
Sh : (confused) Why?
Yuvi : (smiling) She took me to another place.
He says everything.
Sh : She never even mentioned about this place to me!!
Yuvi : Hey, she just took me to make my mood right, she felt that she spoiled my surprise. (smiling) She is such a lovely girl.
He leaves.
Sharad thinks.

Suhani meets Kasyap.
Suh : I am sorry tht I took Yuvi there,.
Kas : Don’t be, I know why you did it.
She smiles.
Kas : It’d my birthday day after tomorrow.
Suh : Really, I didn’t know!!
Kas : Not that, I need something special this year.
Suh : But why?
Kas : I don’t know whether you will marry Yuvraj or not, but one thing is sure, by next year, this time, you won’t be Suhani Shrivastav anymore. You will be Mrs Suhani something. Who knows you will have time for me or not. So I need something special.
Suh : Oh really, so you think I won’t have time for you?
Kas : I didn’t exactly mean it, but our lives will change after your marriage.
Suh : Maybe.
Kas : So, what is the plan?
Suhani thinks for a while. Then,
Suh : You remember the camp we had during NSS?
Kas : Of course, it was awesome.
Suh : What about a similar camping, a night camp, with tents?
Kas : Amazing!! We can call di, Sharad, Yuvraj, Soumya and Krishna.
Suh : Cool, we can take Gauri too.
Kas : Ok, come on now, we need permission from authorities.
Suh : That will be easier, how to convince Mummy??
Kas : No worries, talk to uncle.
Suh : yeah.
They leave.

Sharad calls Bhavna.
Sh : Is Suhani back?
Bh : Not yet. Why?
Sh : I have got a feeling that guru is falling for her.
Bh : Really?
Sh : I don’t whether to be happy or sad.
Bh : I too, knowing Suhani…….
Sh : I will take to her.
Bh : Better.
Sh : What’s up madam?
Bh : What?
Sh : Hey, I know you love your sister a lot, but you can spent some time for your bf too.
Bh: Really, who is saying this?
Sh : Your fiancée, who else.
Bh : Oh my God, the man who never had time for me, now want me to have time for him! Fantastic.
Sh : Well that I, I am sorry, I just love spending time with my sis……….
Bh : I know, I was just joking. I love you.
Sh : (smiling) I love you too.
He disconnects the call.

Suhani reaches home.
Suh : Papa….
Pun: Yeah beta.
Suh : Papa, I would like to go for a forest camp, with di, Kasyap and others. Can I go?
Pun : Of course beta.
Lata : No, why should you?
Pun : Why can’t she? Lata ji, it might be their last outing before marriage. Let them have fun. They are not going alone.
Lata : Now that you decided what is the use of saying!!
Suh : Thank you Mummy!! Di let’s pack, we are leaving tomorrow!!
Bh : Sure.
Suh : I will ask bhaiya and Yuvi.
She calls Sharad.
Suh : Bhaiya, I am planning a forest camp for Kasyap’s birthday. You will come along right?
Sh : Yeah sure, did you tell guru?
Suh : No, I will call him and Gauri too, I wish that she too comes along.
Sh : Ok, so, how doyou find him?
Suh : He is a nice friend.
Sh : That’s all?
Suh : What?
Sh : Nothing, ok then bye, call them, good night.
Sharad’s POV.
God, what is happening? I mean, please don’t create any troubles for those two. Guru started loving Suhani but she……… I don’t know what will happen.
End of POV.

Suhani call Yuvi.
Suh : Yuvi, you will join us for the camp right?
Yuvi : Camp?
Suh : Yeah, I am planning one for Kasyap.
Yuvi : Nice, I will come.
Suh : Cool, take Gauri along.
Yuvi : That’s cool. You called Sharad?
Suh : Yeah, just now.
Yuvi : Good, I will do my packing.
Suh : Ok, we will leave after noon. In bikes, you take Gauri along.
Yuvi : You?
Suh : I will come with Kasyap
Yuvi :Fine, Good night.
Suh : Good night.

Off to camp.


You can complain that roses have thorns or you can rejoice that thorns have roses.

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