Categories: BrahmaRakshas

BrahmaRakshas 8th October 2016 Written Episode Update

BrahmaRakshas 8th October 2016 Written Episode, Written Update on

Rishab cries in front of Raina that his sister was alive, but he did not feel at all. He bburnt some other dead body thinking it is Rakhi and did not feel anything at all. Raina says the situation they were in, how will he know Apu is the culprit and hid Rakhi. He says he could not see Apu’s face in haveli’s photo. He then starts arguing with her and asks her and says she is not related to Rakhi, how will she know his emotions. She says she risked her life to get justice for Rakhi, even he betrayed her and gave her to Apu who tried to kill her. He fumes more and says when there is no Rakhi at all, even their relationship is invalid, so he will send her back to Mumbai with her father in an ambulance. Their argument continues.

Apu in a hut fumes that Mohini kicked her

out of haveli a night, how dare she is. She did right by killing Rakhi, when she did not spare her husband, why will she spare Rakhi, if Rakhi is alive again, she will kill her again. After Sanjay’s death, this village, jungle, etc, everthing belongs to her. She then reminisces Rakhi meeting her worried and trying telll her something. she thinks someone was holding Rakhi and if she would have listened to Rakhi, she would have known who was it.

Sarpanch meets Aditya and Nalin and tells that Apu is trying to take help from villagers. Aditya says nobody should help her. Sarpanch assures him that he will order villagers not to help Apu. Naina tells Ved that she did not know Apu is so cruel. He says yes. She gets afraid seeing Yug and Mohini.

Raina packs her bag and fumes that Rishab was so arrogant for her. She finds lotus under table and reminisces all the incident. She tries to remove her mangalsutra. She removes it with great difficulty and it falls. Rishab comes and holds it. Their argument starts again. He says mom has kept a shanti pooja and wants her to attend it. Raina agrees. On the other side, Yug tortures Naina and pushes her on floor. Raina passes by and notices Naina on floor crying. Naina gets nervous seeing her. Raina asks why is she on floor. Naina says she slipped. Raina says they have to prepare prasad for pooja. They both walk towards kitchen.

Apu rests in a hut and hear someone knocking door. Villagers enter and shout they will kick her out of village. She says she stuffed their mouth with money regularly. Villagers say they will kick her out even then as they don’t like anyone trying to harm their village.

Raina goes to kitchen and prepares parsad with Naina. She sees fingerprints on Naina’s hand and asks what happened. Naina says nervously says nothing and covers her hands. Raina then meets Phuli and invites her for pooja. She then goes home and searches Brahmarakshas book on cupboard and slips. Rishab holds her and she asks if he took Brahmarakshas book. He asks why she needs it. She says she loves reading those kind of stories. He says he gave that book to Apu.

Whole family then sits for durga pooja. Ved asks pandit if they can submit liquor to god. Pandit says they can if they don’t sacrifice life as it durga pooja. Mohini says already she has sacrificed her daughter and hopes all evil ends after this pooja. Pandit asks Rishab to apply sindhoor in his wife’s hairline. He does. Raina gets emotional. Family then give charity to villagers. A blanket dorn woman stand in que. Guard comes and says this woman snatched blanket from a beggar and injured poor beggar. Yug aangrily walks and removes blanket form woman and they are all shocked to see Apu. Apu says she did not do anythiing. Guard says he took beggar to doctor after Apu injured her. Apu says she is very hungry and needs food. Yug asks her to get out. Apu says she is Sanjay’s wife and whole properties belong to her, they want to snatch from her everything. Mohini throws money on her and asks her to get out. Guards kick Apu out.

Apu go to her room and thinks everything is finished now, why should she be here, every relationship is fake here. She reminisces how Rishab brought her papa home from hospital, but then thinks same he does not love her at all, why should she stay here. Rishab thinks Raina has no one, how will she survive alone. Phuli comes and asks Raina if she is going. Raina asks her to come along as she belivies in relatinship of heart than the fake relationships here. Rishab silently listens. Family then get into caars. Mohini says she will stay back here as she has to end everything here, whatever belongs to this place, should stay in this place. Nalin says Mohini is right, let her stay here. Phuli says she is going with Raina to take care of her father. Fmily leaves in caars.

Apu sits in jungle, wearing blanket and shivering in cold. She hears a gorilla roaring and gets afraid.

Rishab drives car while Raina sits next to him and Mitali and Ved sit behind. Ved asks Rishab to play music. He switches on player. Tauba mai pyar karke pachtaya. Mitali laughs and asks if singer really means what he says. Rishab says yes. Ved asks to change song. He changes. Raina then changes song. Kya ho tum meri bahon me….plays. Raina and Rishab reminisce their marraiage. Rishab stos car and walks into jungle. Apu runs in jungle to rescape from gorilla. She tries to make a call and runs again. Raina comes behind Rishab. Rishab stands to pee. Raina bakcs off and walks. Apu comes in front of her and stands in a shock.

Precap: Raina tells Rishab that she met Apu and she was pleading for help, if they should. Rishab says they should not. A woman scolds that they doubted an innocent woman. Nalin tells Aditya that Apu is very shrewd and may do something.

Update Credit to: H Hasan

H Hasan

I started writing as a hobby. It turned into a fledged out career fortunately. I love reading novels and creative arts. I'm very committed and give my best to my work.

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