Bound To You – Chapter 16 – The Revelation (Take Two)

Hello everyone! I know I’m really late but I had already finished writing this chapter long back itself. But I was facing some technical issue so couldn’t update here.

Those of you who have missed the previous chapter, here is the link :

@1234Aayu Thanks a lot
@Andy Thank you dear. That’s really nice that you had already guessed this. Can you tell me at what point you got this thought?
@Priyanshi_13 Thanks a lot. Haha yes, it took a complete different turn!
@Prapti0809 Thanks a lot. Yes, Vansh had a reason to kill those people many years back when Riddhima caught him red handed. That will be revealed in today’s chapter.
@Amyra Thank you dear
@Aisha08 Thank you dear
@SRISTI Thank you so much
@RiansHLoveR Thank you so much. So glad that you liked it!
@Samistha Choudhary Here is the update.
@Yashi Thank you dear
@Ayesha Thanks a lot
@Akirti Thank you dear
@Anannya07 Thank you so much. Lots of love to you too
@Pomu Thank you so much! Its really good that you were able to guess at that point of time.
@Ravi Thank you dear
@Ravneet Thanks a lot
@Sobiya Thank you so much. Really means a lot to me.
@Priyanka Thakur Thank you so much. Glad to see that you are enjoying it.
@Ishu Thank you dear
@Mary Thank you so much. Your comments always make me so happy you know (^hearts^). Haha yes Riddhima always kept chanting Kabir’s name because she had this trust on him since he was an Intelligence officer. But don’t worry, now she’ll start chanting Vansh’s name after knowing that he is not a criminal and in fact a RAW officer himself. (hehe)
Lots of love to you too!
@Jasmine Kaur Thank you dear
@Cutuu Thanks a lot
@Maanvika Thank you dear
@Niyati12 Thank you so much. Happy to see that you liked it. Yes, I’ll be ending it in 2-3 chapters max. Everything has to end one fine day right…
@Angel B Haan haan bhai. You have already said enough on wattpad. Aur aap jaise spammers ke liye wattpad hi theek hai, TU nahi jamne wala (haha)
@Parul Thank you dear
@AarushiSoni Thank you so much! Haha so happy to see you happy!
@Jayashree Thank you so much. It’s ok dear, my assumptions are also always like that – very wrong, lol.
@Priyadharshini Thanks a lot
@Vkjhp Thank you dear
@Milee Thank you so much. First of all sorry, because of technical issues couldn’t update. And I’m really glad you like my work. Since my chapters tend to be longer, I have to devote a lot of time to it. So it kind of becomes difficult to update on a daily basis. Hope you understand.
@Shreya Thank you so much. It’s good to shock the readers once in a while (wink)
@Real@Kriti Thanks a lot
@Neetu Thank you dear
@Parita Thank you so much. Yes, Vansh bore a lot of hardships just for the sake of his country. Even though this is just a fictional character, but there are many Intelligence and undercover officers in REAL LIFE, who go through all these ordeals.
@Anaya This is a leap of 7 years. Rhea and Reyansh are 6 years. If you are still getting confused, I can post the timeline of all the events that occurred later on.
@Jayanthi Thank you so much! I don’t know what to say, but I feel very overwhelmed by your words (^hearts^). Even I miss Kabir a lot. I don’t know if he’ll ever return to the series or not. I think Vishal is not comfortable with working on a web series.
@Akshara Thank you so much. Glad you liked it.



June 2011, Delhi

Vansh looked all around him. He was at a court martial, and surrounded by the other important and high ranking Army officials, all staring at him with utmost contempt in their eyes. The whole setup was nothing but a hushed up affair without any outsiders, just like how a court-martial is normally supposed to be.

The military judge, scrunched up his nose and said,
“Looking at all evidences, the court has come to the conclusion that, Lieutenant Vansh Raisinghania, is found guilty of shooting an innocent civilian to death in broad daylight. Ideally, he should have been acquitted with imprisonment, but the pressure from the ‘higher authorities’, forces us to merely suspend the offender from his post.”

Vansh understood who this so-called ‘higher authority’ was who was indirectly trying his level best to not let Vansh get criminally punished for his crime. It had to be Goel, Chief of RAW.

“Vansh Raisinghania is to be dismissed with disgrace from the Indian Army from the effect of today…..”

One of the senior officials approached towards him. Vansh closed his eyes and clenched his fists, in the anticipation of what was going to happen.

His badges and stars were broken off, his cap removed, his shirt ripped apart. That day, Vansh was not only stripped off his uniform, but stripped off his dignity and self-respect too.

A single tear ran down his face. He realized that Goel had been right, this was more painful than being shot by a bullet, because this hurt his soul.

July 2011, Mumbai

When Vansh returned back to his hometown, Anupriya was taken aback.

“Why, it was your childhood dream to join the military. So why did you resign from it?”

Vansh couldn’t possibly tell her the truth. He lied instead, “Army is not meant for me and that’s why, I have resigned from it. Staying away from home for two years, has made me realize the importance of family. From now, I would want to stay close to you all, and….” He paused for a while. “And perhaps even start looking after our business. Since Dad’s death, you’ve been working tirelessly. But not anymore. Now, I only want you to sit back at home and relax.”

On hearing this news, Anupriya squealed with delight.
“Oh my God! This is the best news that you have given me. There is no bigger happiness than your eldest son taking up the responsibility of the family business.”

Vansh smiled a little. Even though he felt broken from inside, but he was still happy to be near his family. They gave him the strength and relief, that he so rightly needed at this time.


A few days later, Vansh recieved a call from his best friend, Kabir, asking to meet him.
Not wanting to discuss about all this in front of his family, Vansh asked him to meet him at privately booked bar.

When Kabir saw Vansh enjoying his drinks, and acting as if nothing happened, he was genuinely surprised.

He placed a hand over Vansh’s arm and said, “You may try to cover up your pain by drinking. But you can’t hide it from your best friend, Vansh.”

Vansh kept quiet. He was trying his best to act unaffected in front of Kabir, what else could he possibly do?

Kabir looked at him sympathetically.
“Mistakes are part and parcel of a human’s life. It is understandable that you mistakingly shot at an innocent man. I don’t think I’d like to judge you for that.”

Vansh chuckled. “My dear friend, Kabir, you should very well know that Vansh Raisinghania never makes mistakes.
Of course, at the court-martial I had no option other than admitting that it had all been a mistake on part. But the actual truth being…” He whispered into Kabir’s ears. “I killed that rascal ON PURPOSE.”

Kabir was shocked beyond words.
“What?” he could just blurt out.

Vansh smirked. “Yes! That rascal started cussing at me, can you believe it, cussing at Vansh Raisinghania? I asked him to keep his tongue in control, but he wouldn’t listen. So I shut his mouth up PERMANENTLY. This is what happens to anyone getting in my way.
And not only him, but now the whole world will see how I wage a war against the Army too.
They suspended me, insulted me, so they’d also have to bear the consequences.”

Kabir, who had still not recovered from the shock completely, said, “Have you turned mad or something? You were never like this before! All of our batchmates, including me, used to look up at you for inspiration, and this is what you did? Killed an innocent person and now showing arrogance over it instead of turning remorseful? We took the oath together! How could you do this?”

He grabbed him by his collar, but Vansh jerked his hands off.
“No oath holds more importance to me, except for me myself, of course.”

Kabir screamed, “You’re a blo*dy narcissist! How could I never recognize your true self? I’m ashamed that I ever befriended you. From today onwards, I’d have no relation with you whatsoever. Goodbye!”

Vansh looked on as Kabir stormed from there. His eyes had welled up.
He had lost his one best friend today. God knows, what all things would he have to lose more for this mission….


August 2011, Mumbai

Slowly and steadily, Vansh had managed to pave his way into the world of underworld. Initially he had started off with gambling and betting on cricket matches at the local bars and pubs. But soon with his cheeky and in-your-face attitude, combined with his wits, he managed to grow popular among the underworld circles.

He was assisted in all his endeavours, by Angre, his trusted accomplice.
Angre was also an undercover agent appointed by Goel to specially accompany Vansh in his missions.

Vansh soon got entry into the smaller gangs that involved mostly in drug peddling. But his aim was to join Kaali Thakur – the most powerful and dreaded Don in the city, as well as in the entire country.

With a lot of efforts, Vansh had managed to strike a meeting with Kaali Thakur at one of the most notorious dance bars of the city.

[A/N : Sensitive content ahead. Contains scenes about abuse and drugs. If these things tend to trigger you, kindly skip this part]

When Vansh entered the said dance bar, he felt extremely disgusted at the scene. There were people making out in the open, without any consideration for the onlookers. There were others, who lay down in complete euphoria, snorting and injecting drugs into themselves.

And then there were few, going around beating the other people and forcibly extracting money from them.

It took a great deal of patience for Vansh to ignore all these wrong happenings. He recalled what Goel had instructed him :

“Vansh, there might be times where a lot of wrong things will happen in front of your very eyes. But you mustn’t do any such thing in haste that can give your real identity and motive away. I know that it would be morally wrong, but we’re not here to deal with morals. We’re here for a bigger purpose.”

A beautiful lass was dancing sultrily to the tunes of an item song, while the men watched her with desire.

Vansh made his way out of the hooting crowd to a man sitting at a table in the front row. He knew him as an important member of Kaali Thakur’s gang.

“You must be Matre,” Vansh introduced himself. “I am here to meet your Boss….”

Matre was himself very drunk. He gestured Vansh to sit beside him. “Boss is busy with a girl in the room. He’ll be back within sometime. Till then,” He stared at the dancer lewdly. “Let’s enjoy her dance. What a beauty! Must have slept with many men….”

Vansh ignored him. The dancer started swaying to “Aisa Jaadu Daala Re”.
She smiled looking at Vansh. She came near him and poured him out a drink.

Vansh smiled. Since the days of his high school, he was used to being surrounded by a large throng of pretty girls. So this was nothing new to him. To be honest, he secretly enjoyed the undue female attention he recieved wherever he went.

Matre on the other hand became jealous on seeing this. “Why didn’t she pour ME a drink? Why this special treatment only for you?”

“I don’t know. Why don’t you ask her yourself?” mocked Vansh.

A totally drunk Matre took Vansh’s words too seriously and went up to the dancer, trying to cozy up with her. However, she refused his advances.

“I am only paid to dance. I don’t do all these,” she said pushing him away.

But he kept ignoring all her pleas, and forcibly tried to kiss her.

She slapped him.

“How dare you raise your hand on me? Do you even know who I am?” Matre thundered at her.
“Now I’ll teach you such a lesson that you’ll remember it throughout your life.”

Saying this, with one swift blow, he ripped out her one-piece dress, completely disrobing her. She gasped and tried to cover herself with her arms, but to no avail. The other men started howling for her, enjoying the scene.

Vansh was shocked and looked away. His blood was boiling with anger looking at this kind of barbaric treatment. He was now in a dilemma, what should he do without anybody else doubting his intentions?

Matre pushed the dancer down from the dais. She cried and looked towards the crowd for some help, but all she found were hungry eyes leering at her.

Not able to bear this any longer, Vansh threw his coat towards the dancer while still looking away. After she had worn his coat, he tried to help her get up, when Matre pushed him.

“Stay away! She’s mine! I won’t let you have my share of fun with her.”

Vansh glared at him. “Let her go. She doesn’t want you.”

Matre laughed. “Who is she to decide whether she wants me or not? After showing such a seductive dance, she is bound to satisfy…..”

Before he could complete his sentence, Vansh punched him, his eyes blazing with anger.
“Just because she is a bar dancer doesn’t give you the right to do anything with her. Hell, even if she was a pr*stitute, you still can’t force her against her wishes.”

[A/N : Sensitive content ends here]

Matre fell down to the ground, but Vansh continued to beat him black and blue.

“What the hell is happening in MY bar?” came an intimidating voice. It was Kaali Thakur.

Looking at Matre’s condition, he started blasting Vansh. “How dare you hit my important man?”

“He was forcing himself upon the dancer and even tore her clothes,” said Vansh.

“So?” Kaali Thakur asked casually. “What’s the big deal? Did you lose your heart to her, or is she one of your distant relatives? No right. This happens on a regular basis here, get used to it.”

Vansh gritted his teeth. But he knew he had to keep his temper in control, or one wrong move on his part could cost him this mission.

He gulped in his anger and said, “It’s strange that such things are considered pretty ‘normal’ in your own bar.
All the biggest Dons in the history of this city, always took care to treat the women and the children well. That is why, even after they lost power, they are still remembered and respected even today.
You, on the other hand, are feared by the people of Mumbai, but I’m sorry to say, I don’t think you are respected much here.

“If you really want to take your kingdom to an international level, you’d have to work by gaining people’s respect, not fear. Once people start respecting you, they’ll even be able to donate their properties worth crores to you and can even lay their lives down for you.
But for obtaining that amount of respect, you have to first make sure that you give them enough respect, and that is by treating their women and their kids well.”

There was a pin-drop silence. Everybody looked on with an expression of despair on their faces. No one had ever spoken to Kaali Thakur like that.

Kaali on the other hand looked visibly impressed by the young lad. He realized that whatever he had said was absolutely true. If he wanted to expand his empire, he’d need the common people’s support, and for that, he’d require Vansh’s help.

“Will you work for me, young man? The person who was supposed to be my right hand has turned utterly useless to me. I see that you’ve a way with your words, so will you use those same words to help me gain the respect and love of the common man?”

This was what Vansh wanted. He smirked to himself. Now nobody could stop him.

October 2011, Mumbai

Within a short span of two or three months, Vansh had now become the second most important person in Kaali Thakur’s gang. He enjoyed a lot of support both inside, as well as outside the gang. He was known as a snob and a flirt, but everybody knew that he was a man of principles too.

Vansh brought in a lot of law and order. He fervently tried to prevent the abuse faced by the pr*stitutes, dancers and waitresses. His charm helped him to get his way with the other people, resulting in Kaali Thakur’s business reaching new heights.
This however angered their rivals

On one such occasion, one of the rival gangs, opened fire on them. Vansh and his gang bravely fought against them. However when Vansh went upstairs to ensure that Kaali was safe, he found him badly injured. One of the enemies was about to shoot at Kaali, but Vansh killed him before he could do that.

Kaali Thakur who lay wounded on the floor said meekly, “Thank you Vansh. You saved my life today. I will never forget this.”

Vansh whispered, “Neither will I.”

Saying this he took the dead enemy’s gun and shot straight at Kaali’s chest, who was shocked at this betrayal.

“You blo*dy traitor!” Kaali winced in pain.

Vansh clicked his tongue. “Goodbye my dear friend. You will be thoroughly missed by one and all.”

Kaali Thakur soon breathed his last.

When the rest of the gang members entered the scene of crime, they found Vansh crying over Kaali Thakur’s death.

“The enemy shot at our Boss. And I couldn’t do anything to save him,” he lied through his teeth.

Vansh had rearranged the whole scene with such proficiency, that the rest of the goons had no option other than to believe his story.

With their old leader dead, the gang needed a new leader as soon as possible. They all unanimously agreed to give Vansh this important position.

That is how, Vansh became the most powerful Mafia leader in the city in front of the world. But in reality, he was a patriot at heart, working for the country. His timely information at many times, helped RAW to curb many impending bomb blasts.

But Vansh started facing a major problem. The police and other Intelligence agencies, who were completely oblivious to his true identity, started trying different ways to nab him.

And the thing that he feared the most was his family also falling into any potential danger due to this risky mission. But nonetheless, the love for his country kept him going….


Year 2021, National Highway, Manali

Riddhima and Kabir became emotional on hearing Vansh’s side of story.

“That means you had a very good reason for killing those two men seven years back, when Riddhima had caught you red-handed?” Kabir asked, his voice quivering.

Vansh replied, “Yes. Those men belonged to the rival gang, and unfortunately, they had come to know about my real identity. I was left with no option other than to kill them, or else, this mission, and our years of hardwork would all have gone into the drains.”

Vansh looked towards Riddhima pointedly.
“But unfortunately, some great person had video recorded that and sent it to the police. That was when I was badly trapped. I couldn’t disclose to the police about being a RAW officer. Thank goodness, Goel Sir was able to step down and influence some of the important people involved. That is how, all the evidences were turned in my favour.”

Not able to control her emotions any longer, Riddhima flung her arms around Vansh.

“I’m sorry Vansh. I’m so sorry for doing all that with you. You already had gone through a lot, and I increased your troubles much more,” she wept.

Vansh tried to push her away but she kept holding onto his shirt tightly. He finally gave up and let her hug him, with his arms by his side.

It had been seven years, seven God damn years since Vansh had felt Riddhima this close to him. In spite of what she did, his heart had always continued to yearn for her touch, for her love.

As a sudden realisation dawned upon, he shoved Riddhima away with enough force. He tried to feign unbotheredness.

Still continuing to shed tears, Riddhima clasped Vansh’s hands tightly.
“I know you can never forgive me. Because I had acted so impulsively without thinking even once about Dadi…..”

Vansh flinched as Riddhima hit a sore nerve.
“When I saw my Dadi dead, I had sworn to punish you and Kabir. But after a few days, when I came back to my senses, I was willing to forgive you both because what you did, was supposedly ‘for’ the country.
You kept my children away from me for six years, I’m ready to forgive you for even that. But…”

His expression changed to a menacing one. “I CANNOT forgive you both for joining hands against the country.”

Kabir stood there dumbfounded.

“You’ve got a huge misunderstanding, Vansh,” Riddhima tried to explain. “That is why, when I was held captive by your men, I had to fool them and come here to explain everything to both of you.”

Kabir finally found his voice. “What are you even talking about Vansh? I know you’re angry with us for doing whatever we did, but you must understand that we had no idea that you were an undercover agent. You can’t just blame us to vent out your anger.”

“Shut up Kabir!” Vansh snarled at him. “It’s not about my anger or even about that so-called mission. It is much more than that. I have proofs against you Kabir.
As for Riddhima, I don’t have any specific evidence, but the way she blindly keeps following Kabir’s orders without any questions makes me doubt her, too.”

“I am genuinely sorry for misunderstanding you, Vansh. But this is utter nonsense! First of all, keep Riddhima out of all this. She is not a traitor, she only kept obeying my commands because she knew I worked in the Intelligence and therefore trusted me enough,” said Kabir sounding desperate.
“And I can never work against the country, ever. I’ve dedicated my life to this nation, damn it. If you don’t believe me, ask Riddhima, she literally knows me inside out.”

Riddhima tried to add in, “Yes, I don’t think Kabir can do anything of this sort…”

Before she knew it, Vansh had grasped her shoulders and was roughly shaking her.
“Kabir can’t do anything of this sort, huh? And did this thought ever cross your mind that perhaps Vansh couldn’t do anything of this sort? Did you?
Even though, I did not want you to ever get to the truth, but my heart,” he said placing Riddhima’s hand on his chest. “My heart wanted you to show at least some amount of trust on me. But you never did.”

With tears in her eyes, Riddhima tried to caress Vansh’s face, but he warned her, “Don’t!”

Kabir interrupted, “If I could not trust you in spite of knowing you for two whole years, how then could Riddhima do the same, when she barely knew you for two months? Vansh, by not trusting us, you are now repeating the same mistakes that we made.”

“I’m not making any mistake! I’ve proofs,” said Vansh furiously.

“Show me then,” said Kabir defiantly.

Vansh took out some photographs and threw them on Kabir’s face.
“What is all this, huh? Who are all these men you are casually hanging out with? And don’t you dare tell me that they are morphed, because I’ve got them cross-checked.”

Kabir examined the photos. “These are those informants who work for the Intelligence.”

“No, you fool! The men in these pictures are secret members of the Mafia!” retorted Vansh.

Kabir gasped. “What? But I was told that….”

“Not once or twice, but you’ve been seen with these men ample number of times,” Vansh continued. “Never knew Kabir, that you could stoop so low.”

Kabir sat down, his head beginning to spin. “Wait Vansh! I’m absolutely innocent. I had no idea that these men I was hanging around with, were linked to the Mafia.”
He started panicking. “C’mon, we spent two years at IMA with each other, you know I could never do this.”

“That was twelve years ago. Even twelve seconds are enough for a person to change in today’s times,” taunted Vansh.
“Even though I recieved these proofs just yesterday, but I’ve been having my doubts on you since the past seven years.
After Riddhima left me, I got some inside information that a person from Intelligence Bureau (IB) was actually a traitor in disguise. And I knew that Kabir worked for IB.”

“That is why all these years you had been so hell bent on tracing mine and Kabir’s location?” asked Riddhima.

“Yes. I wasn’t looking for you both for the taking my revenge or something, but rather because of my doubts on you,” remarked Vansh.

Kabir on the other hand was getting frantic. “I don’t even know how to defend myself! I’m totally trapped. My entire life, all I’ve done is to strive to serve the country.”

He tried hard to convince Vansh. “If I was a traitor, why would I break my friendship with you after coming to know that you’ve killed a civilian?
I know I did wrong by getting Sia’s accident done and kidnapping Ahana from her wedding. But I never harmed any one of them much more than this. Wouldn’t it have been easier for me to kill Ahana rather than leave her alive? Which Mafia member would take that big of a risk?”

When he saw that Vansh was least affected by his pleas, Kabir broke down. “The punishment for treason is death. I will be executed literally for nothing!”

Vansh sighed. “Fine. I will give you a few days’ time to prove your innocence. But until then, I’d have to keep you under house arrest.”

“If you keep me under house arrest, then how will I collect evidences in my favour?” Kabir tried to reason out.

“I will try to look for those evidences that can prove your innocence,” said Vansh surprising both Kabir and Riddhima.
“I know the pain of being falsely acquitted for a crime. I wouldn’t even want my worst enemy to go through the same ordeal. Besides…” he added looking away. “I need to do this for our old friendship’s sake.”

Kabir looked at him gratefully, while Riddhima felt proud of him.

Becoming increasingly aware of their stares, Vansh grew uncomfortable.
“But you can’t contact anyone as long as you are under house arrest….”

Just then, something clicked Kabir’s mind out of the blue. He was horrified when he realized about who the real traitor was who was trying to trap Kabir instead.

Vansh and Riddhima become shocked when Kabir discloses who the actual traitor is.

Riddhima, Vansh and Kabir get surrounded by enemies. They get worried.

That is it for today guys. I tried to clear up most of the matters, but if you still have any confusion, do comment below.
Peace out!


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