Bound To You – Chapter 11 – Life In Danger

For those of you who missed the previous update, here is the link :

@RiansHLoveR Thanks a lot
@Mahira Thank you dear. But it will take some time.
@Tanvi_5117 Thank you dear
@Pomu Thank you so much. Haha I’m happy to see you addicted as well (wink)
@Parita Thank you so much. The kids unfortunately got kidnapped and you have to guess who did it.
Yes, Riansh will get back together (or else my readers will kill me, hehe)
@Aisha08 Thank you dear
@Ravneet Thank you dear
@Kavya45 Thanks a lot
@Priyanshi_13 Thank you dear and I’m so sorry for keeping you waiting for so long.
@1234Aayu Thank you so much. Glad you are enjoying the story.
@Priya Singh Thank you dear. Here is the update.
@Maanvika Thank you dear
@Candid11 Thanks a lot. Yeah even I prefer Vansh with the beard, but I just wanted to show how he is ready to do anything for his children.
PS : I love both Vansh and Vihaan equally (wink)
@Anu Thanks a lot. You have to guess the kidnapper though.
@Prapti0809 Thank you dear
@Sahada Thank you so much. Happy to see you invested in the story. Parenting is a big responsibility, and no matter what, one cannot let their differences with his spouse to have a bad effect upon the children.
You stay safe too!
@Jayanthi Thank you so much. Happy to know that you liked the bonding between the parents and the kids. Tbh, I feel every parent must have a healthy relation like this with the child.
@Jayashree Thanks a lot
@Priyadharshini Thank you dear
@JJ Thank you dear
@Vkjhp Thanks a lot
@AarushiSoni Thank you so much. Try to guess who the kidnapper could be.
@Mary Thank you so much for your lovely conpliments (^hearts^). I absolutely agree with whatever you have said. Nobody and nothing is perfect, and that is just how life is.
@Neetu Thanks a lot
@Niyati12 Thank you dear
@Priyanka Thakur Thank you so much
@Shivangi Thanks a lot
@Akshiiii Thank you dear
@Anaya Yes I’ll surely do that dear
@Riaa Thank you so much. Yes Riddhima is a smart and practical woman who knows it is better to quietly move away when the rest of the family is spending quality time with each other. She is not one of them who feels sad on being left out.
@Astha Thank you so much. Haha even I found that prickly beard funny . Part of it comes from my own experience because my father had a prickly moustache that used to hurt me a lot as a child.
As for your guess, let’s see if it is correct or not. But that will be revealed in the next chapter.
@Jagriti Thanks a lot. Here is the update
@Rukaiya Thanks a lot


“Sorry Boss, I got the whole neighbourhood checked up, but the kids are nowhere to be found. Even called up all the parents of their friends, but no one has any idea,” said Angre. “And strange enough, nothing was captured on the cameras too.”

“You guys are blo*dy useless!” Vansh screamed at the top of his voice. “How could you all be so careless? How?”

Just then, Riddhima hurried down the stairs, and in the process, tripped over and fell down.

Vansh ran towards her and helped her get up.
“Riddhima, what on earth are you doing? I know you are worried for the children, but please be careful,” he said unable to hide the concern in his voice.

At this, Riddhima teared up. “The kids….our kids…they have been kidnapped!”

Vansh’s expression turned into as if he had just seen a ghost. “What are you saying?”

“Yes, the kidnapper called me up and demanded a sum of fifty crores, or else….” Riddhima continued to cry.

Her phone started buzzing again. “It’s that same number again,” she said fearfully.

“Here, let me handle this.” Saying this, Vansh snatched the phone from her hands and received the call instead.

“You bastard! Do you even know whom you have dared to mess with? You better tell me right now where my kids are. Or else, I will bring your entire kith and kin onto the roads! Hello! Hello!”

But it was too late. The kidnapper had already disconnected the call.

Riddhima blasted Vansh. “What is wrong with you? What was the need to speak to him like that? Is it so difficult to understand any wrong move on our part can cause further problems for our children? God knows what will happen now!”

Riddhima got another call from the same number. She warned Vansh to not do anything stupid in his anger and instead answered the phone herself.

“Keep your husband dearest under control! He should realise that he is not in a situation to intimidate us. This should be the last time something like this happens.”

“I’m really sorry from his side. I promise you this won’t be repeated again,” said Riddhima. “Can you please let me see the children once?”

The kidnapper agreed, and soon the regular call was upgraded to a video call.

Riddhima’s and Vansh’s eyes welled up when the video showed Rhea and Reyansh tied to their chairs, with masking tapes plastered across their mouths.

“What do you want?” growled Vansh unable to contain his anger anymore.

“Fifty crore rupees , in cash. And don’t you dare call the police or try to trick us by any other manner. Or else… you know what will happen. We’ll inform you about the time and location shortly, but until then, keep the money ready with you.” Saying this, the kidnapper ended the call.

“Angre! Track the location of this number, right now!” Vansh ordered.

Riddhima on the other hand, could not even explain what she felt. She had brought up her children with so much love and care, and today they were in this dilapidated state. Had they even eaten anything? What must they even be going through?
She hadn’t felt so helpless ever in her entire life as she did right now.

Angre returned with a grim expression. “Boss, apparently that number is attached to a software that makes it unable to track it’s location.”

“Damn it!” Vansh banged his fist on the wall.

Riddhima said, “Vansh, please get the money arranged as soon as possible. We don’t have much time.”

“We’ll give them the money, but what is the guarantee that they’ll give us our kids back? It is not as simple as you think, Riddhima,” said Vansh, the worry lines on his forehead becoming more evident. “We must think of an alternative way.”

Riddhima looked at him in some suprise. “What do you mean by ‘an alternative way’? Our children, mind you, our children are trapped with those goons, and you are uttering this rubbish in front of me? You have such a huge empire that you won’t become a pauper by giving away a few crores for the sake of your children!”

“What are you trying to imply? That money is much more important to me than the kids themselves? How can you even think something like that?” said Vansh angrily.

“Vansh is absolutely right!” Anupriya jumped in. “And tell me one thing Riddhima, why are you so hell-bound on paying the ransom? I also don’t understand as to why the kidnappers are trying to contact YOU, when they very well know that you don’t even have a single penny with you. They could have instead contacted Vansh himself. Something’s definitely fishy.”

Riddhima turned towards Anupriya, her eyes blazing with anger.
“Are you trying to indirectly accuse me of kidnapping my own children? So why don’t you say it directly? Why try to beat around the bush, huh?”

Vansh tried to quieten her up, but she was in no mood to listen to her.
“This family has an age-old habit of shifting their part of blame conveniently on me! And instead of shutting your mother up, you are asking me to be silent?”

“So what wrong did Mom say anyway? And if not you, perhaps….your dearest Kabir might have got the kids kidnapped!” remarked Vansh. “And it makes sense too. Someone abducted the kids right from the house, and they did not make even a little noise. The last time that I had got Rhea and Reyansh here, they had created such a tantrum, that their voices could be heard from afar. So how come they were so quiet this time? Unless…unless the kidnapper was really familiar to them. And we all know how both the kids are so God damn familiar with that Kabir.”
He said this with a hint of jealousy in his tone.

Riddhima couldn’t believe her ears. This man was accusing Kabir for no reason at all. Kabir loved the children whole-heartedly, and she knew that he would never harm them.

She started clapping her hands. “On one side, we have the mother who accuses me, and on the other end we have her son, who goes one step ahead and accuses that person who is in no way related to this entire fiasco. A convenient scape-goat for your mistake!”

“My mistake?” Vansh asked furiously, partly because Riddhima was blaming him, and partly because she was hard defending Kabir.

Riddhima exclaimed, “Yes yours! The children have been living with me for the past six years, but never did they ever fall in any kind of trouble. But as soon as you enter their lives, they are all of a sudden kidnapped! Doesn’t it ring a bell, ding-dong, that it must be the work of one of your enemies, who wants to take his revenge? And why not? Men who go around killing innocent people will definitely have hardcore enemies like these!”

Vansh stepped way too close to her, and spoke in his signature dangerous voice. “They were NOT innocent.”

“But they were people atleast!” argued Riddhima. “And if we look at it, even you are not innocent, but that doesn’t mean I get the authority to murder you.
If they weren’t innocent according to you, you could have filed a case against them and got them punished the legal way. But why would you that? Because if you did, all the information about your ‘illegal’ activities will also get known to the police.”

Vansh laughed. “Oh sweetheart, did you yourself follow the legal way while trapping me?”

Sia who had been quietly listening to this argument, had had enough. “Bhai and Bhabhi, please stop it!”

“Not your Bhabhi anymore,” Riddhima and Vansh snapped at Sia in unison. They realised that they had gone too far with their war of words, and thus fell silent.

Sia started berating them. “What is wrong with you both? God knows in what condition must Reyansh and Rhea be right now, and you guys are quarrelling amongst yourselves? I don’t know who is right and who is wrong, but haven’t you heard of the proverb ‘United we stand, Divided we fall’? If you keep fighting like this, how will you bring the kids back home safely?”

Anupriya said looking pointedly at Riddhima, “Yes, Sia is right. We can discuss about all of this later. But first let us concentrate upon the children.”

Riddhima stormed out of the hall into her bedroom.

Vansh slumped down on the sofa, his face buried in his hands.

Aryan who was a quiet spectator until now, decided to speak. “Bhai, I think Riddhima is right. We cannot risk the kids’ lives. We have no idea about what kind of dangerous people we are dealing with. I feel it is better to agree to their demands. After all, fifty crores is not such a big amount for us.”

Vansh continued sitting, completely disoriented to his surroundings. The only thing keeping him sane was his need of keeping his children, his lifelines, safeguarded from this danger at any cost.

Roshan almost dropped the glass from his hands when Riddhima informed him about the abduction. Even though, he repeatedly kept consoling and assuring his sister, but deep down he himself was afraid. Not able to take this stress any longer and having a longing need to share his worries with someone, he called up the next immediate person he was close to after Riddhima, Kabir.

Kabir was equally shocked to hear this piece of news. “Fifty crores? That’s too much money!”

“Yes, but not that huge for the Vansh Raisinghania,” said Roshan. “But apparently he is such a miser, that he doesn’t want to pay even a single penny as ransom!”

Kabir said, “To be honest, Vansh is right this time. We have heard of so many cases, where the kidnapper in spite of getting the ransom, harms the children.”

“So what do we do then?” asked Roshan sounding desperate.

“Let me think of something. But remember, whatever we do our foremost priority must be Rhea’s and Reyansh’s lives. Everything else comes secondary.”


“Sorry Boss,” said the goon. He kept the phone as far as away from his ears, because the scolding at the other end of the call was loud enough to damage his hearing.

“How can you treat small children like that? You tied the ropes so tightly causing deep rashes to appear on their delicate hands. And did you give them any food?”

“No Boss,” replied the goon.

“You moron! Do you want to kill them from starvation or something? Go and get them some pizzas, they love that. And if I get to see even a single scratch upon them, you will be doomed for the rest of your lives.”

The goon hung up and stepped inside the room where the kids were tied up. He loosened the ropes and removed the masking tape off their mouths. He handed them a plate of pizza, and warned them, “Eat quietly and do not make any noise. We all are very dangerous men, so don’t you dare trouble us.”

The kids nodded, with fear evident in their eyes, and started munching upon the food. The goon soon left the room.

Rhea said sadly, “I’m missing Mumma and Papa.”

Reyansh said, “Me too. Listen, I have an idea. The bad uncles have removed the ropes, and now we can try to escape from here.”

Rhea’s eyes gleamed up. “Yes. I don’t want to stay here any longer. When nobody is watching, we’ll quietly leave.”

She took out a phone from under her chair and showed it to her brother.

“Where did you get that from?” Reyansh asked.

She grinned. “I stole it from the back-pocket of that funny haired, bad uncle when he wasn’t looking.”

Reyansh showed her a thumbs up sign.

They tiptoed upto the door and opened it. They saw two goons who were snoring away instead of guarding the door. They finally managed to sneak out of the house. But they were surprised to find themselves in a jungle.

“Oh no! This is a forest, and I don’t know which way to go,” said Reyansh disappointedly.

“Don’t worry, we have the phone with us right. Let us call Mumma up,” said Rhea.

Reyansh and Rhea held each other’s hands, and ran further away from the house, and deeper into the jungle. They knew that they first had to find a safe place, and then only could they contact anyone.


Riddhima, Vansh and Angre were about to head in their car to the said location. The briefcase with the fifty crores was in the backseat. Looking at Riddhima’s misery, Vansh had finally given into her demands.

The kidnappers had apparently demanded for Riddhima to come alone with the money. Nobody else was allowed to accompany her. Vansh and Angre were going to stay with her only until the car drive, after which Riddhima would have to walk alone into the abductors’ hideout, which was almost 1-2 km into the jungle.

Before starting off on the journey, Vansh attached a wireless bluetooth behind Riddhima’s ear. He even gave her a pistol and a pocket knife for protection, that she hid inside her shoes.

Vansh thought to himself, “Finally, Kabir’s training is coming into some use atleast.”

He explained to her, “We’ll be hiding somewhere near by and will be listening to the entire conversation via this bluetooth. If any untoward incident happens, we’ll reach the hideout by five minutes, but until then, you’d have to not only keep yourself, but also the children safe.

Riddhima nodded. When Kabir had trained her for the mission, she wasn’t even half scared. But today, her heart was literally racing because this time, she wasn’t alone. Her children were involved too.

Vansh started driving the vehicle, with Riddhima beside him, and Angre in the backseat.

They had barely driven for ten minutes or so, when Riddhima’s phone started ringing. It was a different number this time.

Riddhima picked it up and Vansh signed her to keep it on the speaker mode.

“Mumma! It’s me Reyansh.”

“Reyansh? Are you okay, baby?”

“Yes Mumma. We ran away from those bad uncles’ house. We even stole his phone, and that’s how we are talking to you.”

Vansh spoke now. “Reyansh, is Rhea with you too?”

“Yes Papa, I and Reyansh are together. But we don’t know the way. It’s too dark over here, and this place looks like a forest.”

Vansh said, “Okay fine, listen to me very carefully. Papa and Mumma are coming to take you. But until then, stay where you are. Put this phone on silent mode, and don’t receive anybody’s calls. You will only receive Mumma’s call. And try to switch on the GPS. Do you guys know how to do that?”

“Yes Papa.”

Riddhima said, “Good. Don’t panic, we are coming to you. And stay together, no matter what. Don’t make any noise, or else they’ll hear you. And lastly remember, Mumma and Papa love you both a lot!”

Vansh smiled a little. “They are smart like their father.”

Riddhima ignored that and worriedly said, “Now the situation has turned even more dangerous. They are in a jungle, for crying out loud, just imagine what sorts of animals must be prowling by. And God forbid, if the goons happen to find the children before us, then God only knows what they might end up doing with them.”

Vansh placed his hand on top of Riddhima’s, and gently caressed it. “Don’t worry. I won’t let anything happen to OUR kids. I promise you that.”

Riddhima awkwardly freed her hand from Vansh’s grip. She couldn’t believe that in spite of all that what had happened between them, she still seemed to like his touch against her skin.

Angre cleared his throat from behind. “Thankfully, this particular number’s location could be tracked. Our destination is ten minutes away.”

Reyansh and Rhea hid themselves behind a bush, scared to even whisper to each other. A little later, they could hear the goons screaming and shouting from a distance.

“I think they found out that we ran away and are looking for us,” murmured Reyansh.

Just then, they heard a strange hissing sound coming from near them. Reyansh felt something crawl on his foot.
“It’s a snake!” he said but it was too late. It had already bitten him.

He held his foot and cried due to severe pain. “Rhea, go away from here. Otherwise the snake might bite you, too.”

Rhea didn’t want to leave Reyansh by himself, but she was also scared of getting bitten. With the phone in her hand, she started running away, leaving a wounded and poisoned Reyansh behind.

She continued to run, tears flowing down her cheeks. “Mumma and Papa, please come quickly. Pleeease….”

“Boss, we can’t drive further than this. We would have to walk through the jungle now,” said Angre.

Angre, using the location tracker, led the way, while Vansh and Riddhima closely walked behind him.

After a while, Angre came to a stop.
“According to the location, the children must be somewhere nearby only.”

Vansh and Riddhima tried to anxiously look around for their kids, when they heard Rhea crying under a tree.

“Rhea! Are you okay?” Vansh hugged her tight.

Riddhima’s eyes widened in worry. “Where is Reyansh?”

At this, Rhea started crying even more. “A snake bit him. I ran away and left him alone.”

Vansh and Riddhima looked at each other terrified. Their worst fears had come true.

“We need to look for him, right now,” said Riddhima, her voice quivering.

All of a sudden, they got surrounded by a group of goons, having knives in their hands.
One of them spoke, “We had warned you to not trick us. Now, you won’t be able to escape.”

Vansh said, “Riddhima, you take Rhea with you. Angre, you call the medical team, while I handle them by myself.”

Riddhima carried Rhea into the deeper part of the jungle, in search for Reyansh.

Vansh on the other hand, single handedly thrashed the goons left and right. Knives or no knives, guns or no guns, Vansh was an adept at fighting.

With Rhea in her arms, Riddhima was frantically trying to find for Reyansh, when a goon came in front of her, holding a knife. He looked her up and down, lecherously.
“Buy one, get one free! Along with the child, you get the beautiful mother too.”

Riddhima kicked him in the groin, while he groaned in pain. With one hand she covered Rhea’s eyes so that she did not see any of the violent stuff, and with the other hand, she slashed her pocket knife across the goon’s hands.

He soon fell down to the ground, defeated.

Rhea suddenly said, “Mumma, there’s Reyansh!”

Tears started streaming down uncontrollably, when Riddhima saw her son’s lifeless body in front of her. She could see his foot, where the snake had bitten him, was bleeding, and there was froth near his mouth.

She nervously tried to check his pulse and breathing.
Her hands became numb when she found none.

When she was still a student, she had been taught how to perform CPR. She had been so excited to learn the technique that time.
But she never knew that a day would come when she’d have to perform it on her own little son…

She opened Reyansh’s mouth up and gave him rescue breaths. After that, she started giving him chest compressions.
She was not in her own senses, and right now, she was simply acting like a robot, trying to follow the procedure that she had been taught.

When Vansh arrived at the scene, he became completely paralysed to see his son in that state.

A crying Rhea hugged him. “Papa look, Reyansh is not waking up. Please do something. I promise, I won’t trouble him again.”

Riddhima tirelessly continued to give him more compressions.
“Vansh, check his pulse!”

Vansh still stood stupefied.

Riddhima screamed this time.
“Vansh please check if his pulse returned!”

Vansh came back to his senses. He had seen and faced much worse situations in his life, but he had never grown so weak ever. He realised with sadness that any person’s biggest weaknesses in the world would be his own children.

“I can feel his pulse,” said Vansh, his hands still shaking around Reyansh’s wrist.

At that very moment, a still unconscious Reyansh started coughing. He was now breathing and the pulse was back too.

Riddhima and Vansh cried tears of joy to see their son alive.

“He is alive, but still not completely out of danger,” said Riddhima tying a cloth above Reyansh’s wounded foot. “We need to take him to the hospital immediately.”

Just then, they heard the siren of an ambulance. Vansh picked Reyansh up in his arms and carried him to the ambulance, while Riddhima and Rhea followed him behind.

In the hospital, Reyansh was getting treated in the ICU.

Vansh was anxiously pacing outside in the corridor, while Riddhima was sitting on a bench with Rhea’s head in her lap.

As soon as the doctor came out of the ICU, Vansh and Riddhima ran upto him.

“Is my son okay?” asked Vansh. He loked exhausted and his eyes had that untold fear in them.

The doctor said looking towards Riddhima, “By giving CPR at the right time, you actually saved his life. However, his ribs have got fractured due to the CPR. You are a physiotherapist, and you know ribs getting fractured is not a very big problem.
But the problem right now is, that his vitals are not yet stable. His pulse and breathing have returned, but they are rapidly fluctuating. Oxygen is also below 90%.
We have given the antidote for the snake poison, but right now his condition is serious.”

Vansh folded his hands in front of the doctor. He had never bowed down before anybody else in his entire life. But today, he was ready to crush all the respect he had gained over these many years.
“Please doctor, please save my son.”

The doctor said, “Please don’t embarrass me like this, Mr. Raisinghania. We will surely try our best, but you must understand that some things are beyond our control. Just hope for the best.”

Riddhima slumped into the bench with an expressionless face. But from inside, every ounce of her body was screaming and crying with pain.

“There is no greater pain in this world than watching your own child struggle between life and death….”

Precap :
Riddhima screams at Kabir for hiding such a big truth from her.

The police come to arrest the kidnapper, and everybody is shocked to see who it is.

Hello everyone! That is it for today guys. If you like it, do not forget to comment below. Questions for you all :
Will Reyansh be able to survive or not?

What truth do you think did Kabir hide from Riddhima?

Who do you think is the kidnapper?

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