Categories: Bigg Boss 14

Bigg Boss 6th October 2020 Written Episode Update: All are nominated but Abhinav plays a strategic game

Bigg Boss 6th October 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on

Day 3
1:15 PM
Sarah says Pavitra has made puris. I will make parathas. I have made a lot. Sarah jokes that Jasmin is mean. All clap at her poetry. Abhi says poetry that Nikki is innocent. Jasmin says Nikki shouldn’t listen that. She wants to look hot, she is immature and young. Pavitra says she is not immature but just wants to pretend to be.

2 PM
Gauhar tells Eijaz that he looks nice. Eijaz tells her that it doesn’t make sense that I am washing dishes for 6 hours. Gauhar says all are doing 2 duties. Eijaz says you can ask me to wash dishes once and then give me another duty. I shouldn’t have taken this responsibility. Gauhar says you wanted to guide others. Eijaz says there are some issues. Sid says you want to show to the camera but you can’t manage

it. Eijaz says I am like that but I am not here to do that. Sid says you said you can do the work with others but if someone else is not doing the work then you will have to do it. If you act like you are nice then you have to act nice. Eijaz says I will break that image now.

Rahul asks Shahzad his age. Shahzad says I am going to 28 in a coming month. He says Pavitra looks 29 also. She says I am sweet 16.. he says really? She says I am 32 years old. Rahul says I thought you were 20. Pavitra says you can’t guess correctly? Gauhar comes there and says Eijaz has to wash a lot so one strict rule is to wash your dish and cup all the time. If you eat then you wash it.

Sid tells Hina that Eijaz took the duty and now he can’t manage it, why Gauhar is helping them sort the duties? She should tell them to sort among themselves, she shouldn’t spoon-feed them. It’s not season 7 so let them divide duties.

Abhi asks everyone to be human and wash your dishes. Pavitra says but I am a Naagin. All laugh. Gauhar asks Eijaz if he can clean the bedroom? He says yes. Shahzad says if there are too many dishes then I won’t wash it. Eijaz says all agreed to wash their dishes. Pavitra says I leave my plate sometimes.

2:45 PM
Pavitra tells Rahul that your job is very easy. He says I can’t cook. Pavitra says you just clean the washroom once. Everyone goes and cleans after themselves. Your job is easy, you should help in the kitchen. Rahul says you make food one time but the process is difficult. Pavitra says you can start cooking rotis. Rahul says you just ask me and I will stand to make it. I think there is nothing more romantic than a person cooking for their girlfriends. I will start learning it. Pavitra says I will help you learn but promise to be on my side when I need it? He says you could have asked me anything. He holds her hand and says I promise.

3:15 PM
Gauhar tells Eijaz that Shahzad doesn’t know how to wash the dishes so you can help him? Eijaz says I don’t want to be in the kitchen all the time. Gauhar asks Shahzad and Eijaz to decide themselves. Shahzad says I can’t wash it alone. Eijaz says all have agreed to wash their dishes voluntarily. He says I will help Shahzad. Gauhar says fine, Eijaz will continue with his duty. Eijaz says I shouldn’t see any cup or plate in the sink. Gauhar says let’s continue with Shahzad and Eijaz for a week.

3:30 PM
Sid asks Gauhar if she wants to be the best of herself? Gauhar says no. Sid says if he Eijaz accepted the plan then he should stick to it, why are you helping him? Gauhar says I have come here to create problems. I am letting them be in my own way. I am not here to create clashes. Hina says to Gauhar that I put everything on them because I want to take a stand for themselves. Gauhar says but I am thinking from my perspective. Sid says you assigned duties but if there are issues they are facing then you don’t have to sort it out. You don’t have to solve their issues. Gauhar says I understand your point.

4:30 PM
Bigg Boss says it’s time for the nominations of this week. All look on. BB says this will be an easy task because YOU ALL ARE NOMINATED this week. You will get a chance to save yourself till the weekend. We will give you tasks and whoever wins will be saved from the nominations. There will be many tasks. He calls Pavitra in the confession room. Gauhar jokes my heart is broken. Pavitra brings the instructions from the confession room.

Pavitra reads the instructions that Bigg Boss is giving a task ‘Jewel Thief’. There will be two queens who are looking for a king. Gauhar and Hina are the queens of this task, all fresher boys will be in line to become their kings. There are two thrones for the queens and boys will try to win their hearts. When queens are happy with a boy then they will give jewels to the boys. But there is robber who wants to steal the jewels from Hina and Gauhar. Sid will be the robber. All fresher girls will be part of the robber’s team, they will be thieves with him. Their lead is Sid. Girls will have to steal the jewelry. At a time, 2 girls can steal only. Gauhar and Hina can ask the boys to guard their jewels. At the end of the task, the fresher who has the most jewelry at the end of the task will be the winner and will be safe from the nominations.

4:45 PM
Jasmin talks to Sid and says me and Nikki can go to steal so who will get the jewelry? Sid says whoever holds it will get it. Jasmin says so we fight among ourselves? Sid says you are not here to become sisters right? Do your task only.

5:15 PM
Rubina says Sid is not a thief but their lead? Sid asks Hina to protect her jewels. Hina says you should worry about your thieves. Don’t worry about me. Sid calls the girls and says two girls attack and whoever gets the jewelry will keep it.

Hina tells Rahul that you are competing against each other. Abhi says boys will steal from each other? Hina says yes.

5:30 PM
The task starts and the girls steal even before Hina and Gauhar come to their thrones. Bigg Boss says you can steal only after they enter their throne area. Hina says their leader Sid is a cheater.

Sid tells Nikki that you have to work together to win. If you play alone then you won’t get anything. We will get many chances.
Gauhar tells everyone that you have to steal and not snatch from us. Sid says you start playing, we will check the rules. We don’t have to listen to others. Gauhar says I can call my guards. Sid says there is no guard. Gauhar says I can keep one guard with me and others can come to impress me. Sid reads that the only guy is allowed in the throne area to impress and they can keep a guard when they are not in their throne area. Sid says you both are not sitting on your throne then we can start stealing. Gauhar says we are clarifying the rules. Eijaz is guarding Gauhar’s jewels. Jasmin is trying to steal but he says don’t be violent. She says this is my love. Abhi counts the jewels for Hina. He says I am guarding here. Eijaz asks Nikki to leave the throne area. He checks her pockets. She says you can’t stop me. Eijaz blocks her and says leave from here. Nikki tries to push him away. Eijaz says don’t do it.
Sid tells Jasmin that the buzzer played so the task is on. Jaan says but BB said that queens have to go to their thrones. Sid says you can roam around also. Gauhar sits on her throne. Nikki steals from Hina’s throne. Abhi says she was snatching and not stealing. Abhi takes the jewels and runs from Nikki. He protects it from Nikki and Sarah.
Nishant tells Sid that girls are snatching from them. Sid says you have to protect it. We can cleverly steal it from under the nose. Shahzad gets a jewel from Gauhar.
Sid says all guys can’t protect it. Shahzad says your girls are stealing. Sid says you are not a watchman, my girls’ job is to steal. Gauhar asks them to make it fun. Sarah steals from Abhi. Nikki says she stole it. Abhi says I have the jewels. Pavitra steals from them too but they say she is cheating. Sid says don’t listen to them. Gauhar says this is not a task but destruction.

5:45 PM
Sid asks Hina she will be impressed by these losers? Gauhar tells the guys to protect their jewels which they have gone. Gauhar says there is no strategy, you all are destroying everything. Sid says our strategy is destruction. We are enjoying the task. Hina gives the jewels to Shahzad for impressing her. Gauhar says to Sid that only 2 girls are allowed to steal but there are 4 girls per throne. Sid says but only one girl stole so we are not going against the rules. Eijaz tells Sid that you can’t interpret it like this. Sid says we will interpret it like this, you can too. Gauhar says if anyone can steal from anyone then guys should protect their jewels.
Sid asks Rubina if she has jewels? She says a little bit.
Gauhar says this is cheating and they are forcing so I am not playing. Bigg Boss can end the task.
Sid and Pavitra laugh at Gauhar’s loss. Gauhar says the boys already have the jewels, I don’t care.
Hina is just enjoying the pampering from the fresher boys.
Sid says Gauhar queen has lost her throne. Gauhar says there is a way to play a task, you can’t force others. It’s no fun. Gauhar says I have given my jewels to boys so they will win. Jasmin says we will steal from them. Gauhar says the task was about impressing the queens but you all stole it so I gave it away. Sid says they didn’t impress you and you gave jewelry to them? You gave it as a charity? Gauhar says you can scream then I can scream too. You didn’t read the instructions. Hina just enjoys their argument while eating fruits. Sid tells Gauhar that your strategy is a strategy but we are cheating? Why are you favoring boys? You are a queen so you shouldn’t take sides, you did wrong by giving away your jewelry to others. Gauhar says you have ended the task Sid. She leaves. Sid says Hina is just enjoying it.

Jaan comes to Gauhar and thanks to her for giving him jewelry. He says I made a bowl for you. Gauhar thanks him.

Sid says Hina doesn’t have any jewelry? Nikki says she is hiding it. Sid says that’s wrong, she can’t hide it. Hina says don’t be angry Sid, I have a crush on you my robber. Sid laughs.

6:15 PM
Jaan asks Gauhar to come and they will play the task. Gauhar says I have no jewelry. Jaan says we can impress you without any jewelry. Jaan says we can provide entertainment. Gauhar says we had to entertain in the task but it ended in 2 minutes. Sid says we couldn’t entertain in 2 minutes? If it was wrong then Bigg Boss would have stopped us. Gauhar says it’s wrong. Sid asks her to relax, don’t be angry. We are not getting nominated. Let them fight and die, we don’t care. Gauhar says our thought process is different.

Rahul asks Pavitra to change the task a little. I can become a robber. Pavitra says you promised me something in the morning, you said you will give anything. Rahul says you can ask my life and that is logical? Pavitra says I like your ring but you broke your promise.

Shahzad comes to Hina to impress but she says I want silence here.

Shahzad comes to Pavitra and says I have one necklace. She says give it to me. Shahzad says you can give your piece to me and take a promise. Pavitra says I tried a promise today but it didn’t work. Rahul looks on.

Hina tells Sid that we can run away my leader. Rubina says the robber is giving you things back so you should reward him. Hina kisses her cheek and says I want peace.

7 PM
Hina tells Abhi that after the task, we will decide who has the most jewels between boys then we will give all the jewels to one guy so girls will lose.
Sid tells Eijaz that you had to protect the jewels. Eijaz says then we impress the queens too? Sid says you have to talk and bring people on your side.

7:15 PM
Sid reads the instructions and says Gauhar didn’t sit on her throne, it’s your mistake. Gauhar says your girls stole even before I went to sit on the throne. Sid says it’s your fault that you didn’t sit on the throne after the buzzer played. Gauhar says we are not playing for the first time that you think people start dancing just after the buzzer plays. Sid tells Gauhar that your boys were not protecting and you didn’t sit on your throne. Sid tells Eijaz that you did your work and we did ours. Eijaz says but you didn’t let us do our work. you don’t let people do their work. Eijaz tells Sid that we don’t think the task started. Sid says you all wait for the task to start, we have done our task. Eijaz asks Sid if this was the task? Do you think it was practical? You didn’t give us a chance. Sid says my work was to steal and not think about you. Eijaz says the basic task was us to impress the queens. Sid says my job was to steal, I did my work and if you think it was wrong then fine. I don’t care. Eijaz says we can start again. Sid says Bigg Boss can ask us to start again. We did our task of stealing, it was your problem how you complete your task. Eijaz says but you are interpreting it wrongly. Sid says I will play as per my interpretation. Eijaz says nobody won, you destroyed the task. Sid says the girls stole without snatching. Gauhar says to Sid that you think the 13th season is going on. Sid says you think the 7th season is going on. Hina says Bigg Boss will tell if we were wrong Sid.

7:30 PM
Eijaz tells the boys let’s give the jewels to one boy and make him win. We should save one boy. Abhi says I have 7 jewels, I improvised the task, I played my task to the T. Sid comes there to Gauhar ask the freshers to not talk in front of him.

Pavitra tells Nikki that boys are giving jewelry to one boy to make him win. Nikki says they are right.

Gauhar brings the fresher boys aside. Eijaz tells the boys that they should protect the jewelry pieces that they have.

Pavitra asks the girls if they can give jewelry to one girl and make her win. She says I have 3 pieces so I have a chance to win if I get jewelry from all girls. Sarah says Abhi has more pieces.

7:45 P<
Pavitra ask Rahul to give his jewelry to Abhi. Rahul doesn't give to her.
Abhi and Nishant discuss with Rahul but he doesn't give his jewelry to them. He says I earned them and Abhi got it the wrong way from Gauhar. Gauhar says if Abhi got it the wrong way then I gave these to you so I am wrong too. Rahul doesn't agree.

8: 30 PM
Eijaz asks Jasmin to give her jewelry to him. Jasmin says don't touch me. Eijaz tells Jasmin that he will not touch her. Jasmin says I have strengthened my heart and won't be swooned by any boy. Sid says many boys like you came and went. Eijaz says I had many girls too.

8:30 PM
Abhi tells Jasmin that if you give me your jewelry then I will favor you. I might think if it's about Rubina but against others, I will favor you. Nishant tells Jasmin that I will favor you also in the future if you help Abhi right now. You can think. Jasmin nods and leaves. Nishant asks Abhi why Rahul is doing this? Abhi says it's wrong. Nishant says he wants to go ahead without allies.

Jasmin comes to Sid and says I counted before the task and there was 34 jewelry. Abhi has 18 jewelry pieces. All others have 2-3 pieces per person. He is asking me to give my pieces to him so he will help me in the future. I am not going to win. Sid says why would you do that? He is not from your team. What if he lost today? Jasmin says I am losing already. Sid says so what? Jasmin says I shouldn't give it to him? Sid says it's your choice.

Nishant tells Abhi that Rahul was trying to be polite and funny, he was acting till now and being fake. His real face was shown today only. I felt him being real today. Eijaz and Hian come there. Hina says Rahul is a game-changer. Sid comes there and says Abhi has 18 pieces, he is winning already. Nobody else is winning. Hina says Pavitra has some pieces so we can make her win. Pavitra tells the boys that I will stand for you boys, I will sacrifice myself to save you all if you make me win today. I have 3 pieces right now.

8:45 PM
Hina tells Rahul that you can play alone in this game. Gauhar tells Rahul that you think Abhi is wrong? I gave you these items so I am wrong too? Hina says Rahul is agreeing. Gauhar says to Rahul that you can ask Abhi to give his pieces to you. Rahul gives his jewelry to Gauhar and says give to Abhi. Hina asks Gauhar to run and give it to Abhi.

Gauhar comes to Abhi and gives the jewelry to Abhi. Gauhar tells them that Rahul agreed to me, he gave me these. Abhi thanks her.

9 PM
Bigg Boss says the time for 'Jewel thief' has ended. We want all inmates to come to the living room. Rubina will stand in the garden area.

All sit-down. Bigg Boss says all inmates who have jewelry should tell. Pavitra says I have 3 pieces. Sarah has 4. Jasmin has 3. Nikki has 4 pieces. Abhi comes forward. Sid says now comes the beggar. Abhi counts and has 25 pieces. Rubina has 9 pieces. Hina counts and says you have 5 pieces. Rubina says these are separate studs. Hina says no it's a broken piece. Jasmin says these studs were not part of the task, it was of someone. Bigg Boss asks Hina. Hina says Abhinav has the most items. Bigg Boss says Abhinav won this task. All clap for him. Bigg Boss says ABHINAV IS SAFE from the nominations.

9:30 PM
Rahul tells Pavitra that they did wrong with me. Pavitra says who went against you? Rahul says it was not about boys vs. girls. All were wrong. We were not ready on time. Rahul says the task was not fair. Pavitra says if you wait too much then the train will leave, nobody is caring for others. Rahul says I am not here to make relationships.

9:45 PM
Eijaz and Jaan are washing the dishes. Eijaz has a wound on his hand. Jaan says how did this happen? Eijaz shows him a broken dish and says you should have told me. Jaan says I didn’t see it. You should go for medical aid. I will wash it.
Eijaz comes to Gauhar and says the glass was broken and it cut my hand. Gauhar says oh my God. Eijaz says someone threw the broken glass in the sink and it cut my hand. I am shocked by people’s behavior.

10:15 PM
Jasmin tells Sarah and Rubina that I washed my clothes but I think they are not clean. There is still detergent in them, I have washed them so much. Sarah says you must have used a lot of detergent. Jasmin says I used 2 scoops in one bucket. Abhi laughs. Jasmin cries and says I will have to wash again, I never thought it would be so difficult to wash the clothes. Sarah and Rubina laugh. Abhi says I will wash your clothes. Jasmin says it’s my personal clothes. Sarah says I will help you. Jasmin says my back is hurting too, there is too much detergent in them. Sarah tries to not laugh at her. She says I am dying Jasmin, don’t cry like this. Rubina laughs at their antics. Sarah asks her to stop crying. Jasmin weeps and says I washed them many times but detergent is not leaving them. I never thought washing clothes is so difficult.

10:45 PM
Gauhar says Nikki is Sid’s favorite. Jasmin says did they know each other? Gauhar says what if she falls in love with you Sid? Sid says we love each other. Nikki laughs. Jasmin says you love her? Sid says yes, I love her. We don’t care about people. Gauhar says you shouldn’t confess your love so soon. Sid says it’s new life. Gauhar says Nikki how much you like him? Nikki says a lot, he is marriage material. Jasmin says you will marry him? Nikki says yes. Jasmin says you had big dreams, your big dream was marrying Sid? Sid says you are calling me aged by saying big? Gauhar says Nikki is happy. Jasmin says she is happy but once she is married then she will be a poor girl. Sid says I wanted a girl like this only. Gauhar says what kind of girl? Sid says this type of a girl (taunting at the argument between him and Rashami last year). Jasmin says you think I am that type of a girl? (reciting Rashami’s lines in a sarcastic way). Sid and Jasmin laugh.

PRECAP – Nikki fights against the inmates for getting the items. Eijaz asks who thinks Nikki should get 2 items today? Nobody agrees. Nikki says I deserve to get my items. Pavitra argues with her. Rubina says Nikki is negative. Shahzad tells Nikki to stop fighting about the items. Gauhar says you people have decide on 7 items otherwise you won’t get food. Pavitra tells everyone to become friends as she will eat when she gets hungry.
Later girls have to woo Sid in order to save themselves from nominations. They all dance around Sid.
Later girls have to carry drinks as servers. Nikki throws Pavitra’s drinks. Pavitra gets angry and throws Jasmin’s drinks away. Jasmin asks her to not be a sore loser. Pavitra says Nikki started it so I will not let anyone play now. Jasmin tells Nikki to stay away otherwise she will not spare her. Nikki says it’s my choice. Pavitra shouts at her.
Bigg Boss asks Abhinav if he wants to give up his immunity to make Rubina an ‘accepted inmate’? Rubina cries. Abhinav is in a dilemma.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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