Categories: Bigg Boss 14

Bigg Boss 4th February 2021 Written Episode Update: Bigg Boss’ Strict Punishment for Rubina

Bigg Boss 4th February 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Day 124
10:30 AM
Devo tells Rakhi that the queen of the kitchen didn’t care for the breakfast today? Arshi asks them to make breakfast. Devo says Rubina didn’t want Rakhi to do her work before? Rubina comes there and asks them to wash their dishes after cooking. Nikki asks Rakhi to make breakfast for her as well. Rakhi says I will wash your dishes as well. Rubina says we can’t trust them with washing, people are getting ill and they are washing dishes in the bathroom. Devo says you claim to you are responsible for everyone’s health. Rubina tells Rakhi that Devo started this debate now. Rubina asks Devo to not do work for a task only. Devo says if you tell your personal things then it’s genuine but if we say anything or do anything then we are doing it for content

and task only? Rakhi is fake but you don’t gain sympathy by saying your sob stories? Nikki tells Devo that we didn’t call Rakhi fake. Rubina asks Devo where she is taking this? That task where I talked about my divorce was about sharing a secret. You are calling it fake? I know for sure that Rakhi will go now and cry to you for the task. Devo says you make fun of others’ emotions but want everyone to sympathize with you in everything? Rubina asks her to shut her mouth.

10:45 AM
Rakhi tells Devo that we will not spare Rubina now, she thought we won’t answer her back. Arshi says people can’t gain sympathy by talking about chawls.

Rubina tells Nikki that now we will look bad that Rakhi was crying and we called her fake.

Arshi tells Devo that you don’t have a good face but at least have a good personality.

Rubina tells Nikki that Devo is the most senseless in all this. Abhi tells Rubina that when you told them to wash the dishes again and they said no. Then you started washing the dishes but they got worried about the content. Nikki says they wanted Abhi to make breakfast even when he is ill. Rubina tells Aly that Rakhi would have made the food without taunting us if she wanted to help us. Rakhi comes there and hears it.

11 AM
Rakhi tells Devo that Nikki was saying we asked Abhi to make breakfast for us and didn’t care that he is ill. Devo comes to the kitchen and asks Aly-Abhi if we asked you to make breakfast for us? Like I don’t care if you are ill? Abhi says no, you didn’t ask us. Rakhi tells Rubina to not take behind her back, we are not selfish. Rubina says then you could have made food for everyone. Abhi tells Rakhi that we make breakfast daily, I was about to make breakfast with Aly. Rakhi says we didn’t ask you to make breakfast for us, we never asked you to wake up. Rubina says if you worried for them so much then you could have made food for us as well. Devo says if Rubina is taking responsibility for everyone and calls this her house then she should start cooking for everyone. Rubina claps for her.

11:30 AM
Devo tells Rakhi that Rubina has strong support here so she can cry in a corner and tell it to her husband, then her husband consoles her so I can call this content as well. She was questioning Abhi’s issue with Kavita, she said that she didn’t know anything about them but then she sat in a corner and discussed with her husband so that is not content? Rakhi says this is all game. Devo says I don’t want to enter their personal issues but she keeps commenting that we are doing everything for content but what about her? If she says again that I do all this for content then I won’t spare Rubina.

12:15 PM
Rubina tells Arshi that why did Rakhi choose Abhi for her track? She saw everything before coming to the show so she must have seen something. Why didn’t she choose Rahul? They can say that it was Abhi’s gain but Rakhi proposed this idea so she must have seen some potential. Rubina asks Aly if Rakhi has so many houses and all that? Aly says yes, Sargun also told me. Rubina says then why she keeps asking for clothes and make-up from us? She wants to make an issue that she doesn’t have clothes and all that. Abhi says Rakhi is very intelligent. I thought she was dumb but I think she knows what she is doing. She becomes a victim in every fight somehow.

12:30 PM
Rakhi sings that I will open everyone’s secret. Nikki says what have you seen? Aly says my secrets? Rakhi says Devo didn’t talk about you. Aly says I was not talking to you, you have to enter in every conversation. Rakhi says you are in the good book of everyone. Aly says I am not fake like you. Rakhi says I know you are saying all this to impress your sister (Rubina) and your brother-in-law (Abhi). Aly says don’t bring my relationships here otherwise I will not spare you. I have seen many like you. Rakhi says people like you stand in line for me. Aly acts like vomiting. Rakhi says Aly wants to be friends with Rahul then make a sister out of Rubina. Aly says you are just generating fake content like you. You like to lick everywhere. Rakhi says I have learned licking shoes from you. Get lost. Aly says Rakhi told me she cried for Abhi and then told Rahul that she cried for herself. She is such a liar. Rakhi says Aly wants to be in the good books of everyone to not get nominated. Aly says don’t ever become an actor, you are pathetic. Rakhi says I have done way more work than you. Nikki says people called Rakhi a puppet, now she is a puppet of Devo. Rakhi says they are doing a verbal diarehha. Rakhi says Aly said that if Jasmin was not in the show then I would be his preference. Aly is stunned and asks her to promise her mother if he said this. Rakhi says don’t bring my mother in this. Rubina tells Rakhi that doesn’t give a cheap meaning to Aly and Jasmin’s love. Rakhi says you are a cheap woman. Aly asks her to get lost and stop eyeing other’s husbands.

Abhi asks Devo if she talked about some outside matter? Devo says you discussed Kavita with Rubina right? Where you told Rubina that she is not trusting you right? Abhi nods. Devo says should I say that was for content too? Why does she keep calling other’s matters for content only? Abhi says did you bring up some outside matter? Devo says no.

1 PM
Aly tells Abhi that Rakhi has used such cheap words for me. She questioned me calling Rubina a sister. Rubina says I regret ever supporting her. Aly tells Abhi that Rakhi was doing that fake love angle with you for her content, she used you for entertainment. Rubina says she uses people. Rakhi says you people were doing pooja here? You are in front of the camera too. Aly says I used to pray for her mother and ask Bigg Boss to give her mother’s reports to her and she is saying all this? Rubina tells Rakhi that you made everything look cheap now. Aly says she is an aunty and saying all this. Rakhi says uncle Aly to get lost. Abhi asks Rakhi why does she lie so much? We never cursed you but you said in front of the camera that we curse you? How can you even say all that? Rubina says your wife just called me cheap. Abhi says but why do you lie so much? Rubina says her confidence is that her mistakes will be forgiven because of the entertaining content she is giving. Rakhi says if you want to talk then come in the bathroom. Rubina says come there then. Rakhi goes from there.

1:30 PM
Abhi tells Rubina that Nikki-Arshi is taunting Devo so much. They are provoking you against Devo. I asked Devo about her comment today and she said she never talked about the outside matters. Rubina says I don’t trust Nikki-Arshi but you shouldn’t take Devo’s side, she is not that innocent. Abhi says I am not taking anyone’s side but people are just lying about statements here so don’t fall into that trap.

2 PM
In the bathroom, Devo tells Aly that I never talked about anyone’s personal matters. Aly says but Rakhi keeps saying that you will bring our personal issues up. Rakhi says I never talked about Aly’s matter. Aly says this Rakhi is crazy.

Aly comes to Abhi and says I will not buy Rakhi’s area at any cost. Abhi says we both will boycott them.

The gong plays and the highest bid is of the bathroom area then the bedroom, then the kitchen. Nikki says I have the least points. Rahul hugs her. Abhi tells Aly that we can make Rahul win the task and then I can buy the most areas. Aly says Rahul doesn’t want to eat the outside food. Abhi says then who you will choose? Aly says I am okay with buying from Nikki and from Rubina. Aly says you can buy from Rahul. We will avoid Devo and Rakhi’s areas.

Bigg Boss tells Aly and Abhi that it’s time to buy the areas. They can buy one area both. Aly tells Abhi that I will take the areas with the lowest bid and you can take the areas with the highest bid.

Nikki comes to Abhi-Rubina and says that I want you to buy from me. Rubina asks Aly if Abhi will buy the highest bid? Abhi says we won’t buy from Rakhi-Devo. Aly says we will divide other areas between us. Rubina says Devo will do melodrama and try to convince Aly. Aly says let her do it. Abhi tells Aly that you can buy from Nikki right now.

The gong plays and Aly buys a gym from Nikki but Bigg Boss tells him that the time has ended for this round, you were late. Aly says okay.

2:30 PM
Abhi tells Rubina that Aly can buy from Nikki next, I will buy from Rubina and Rahul. He tells Rubina that Rahul is not interested in eating the outside food so we can choose someone else for BB Mall.

2:45 PM
Rakhi says my points are increasing. She tells Abhi that your wife didn’t come here to talk to me, she is scared of me. Abhi ignores her and holds on to his towel as he is going for a bath. He goes in the bathroom. Rakhi says what is Abhi doing here? He is just eating fruits, we made this show interesting, you people were doing nothing. We have increased your hormones. Abhi says you have just increased our cortisol hormones. Rakhi says I made this boring man interesting too.

3 PM
Rakhi tells Devo that Abhi was talking about some illness. Devo says Abhi told me you were cursing him here? Rakhi says no, he just follows his wife blindly.

Arshi tells Rubina that people are supporting Rakhi and not us. Rubina says it’s okay to lose some task.

Rakhi tells Devo that I have the strength to say that my love was fake, that I used to Abhi for entertainment. Abhi got hurt when he got to know that I didn’t do anything for him. He agreed to flirt with me. He did the same with Kavita. Rubina got to know that her husband is a flirt (tharki). Devo says it’s all done. Rakhi says they keep calling me fake. Abhi comes there and says whom did you call tharki? Whose husband is tharki? He shouts at Rakhi. Rakhi says you are tharki. Abhi shouts that this is your filth. You are a cheap woman. Rakhi says you are a *****. Abhi shouts you are a tharki man. Rubina comes there and glares at Rakhi. Rubina goes into the washroom and brings a bucket. She throws a water bucket on Rakhi and asks her to behave herself. Nikki grabs Rubina and takes her from there. Abhi says she keeps saying filth for me. Rubina throws away her slippers and says I won’t allow her to misbehave like this.

Nikki brings Rubina to the kitchen. Rubina says she is a cheap woman. Abhi holds Rubina and asks her to calm down. Rubina shouts how dare she said this? This is her content? Abhi says she says so much filth for me, I heard her calling me tharki. Rubina says I will throw her out of the house, she has no self-respect and maligning our respect too. Arshi says this is her content. Rubina says people behind cameras are giving encouragement to her.

Aly brings a towel for Rakhi. Devo wipes her. Aly asks Rakhi to control her words, you didn’t have to say this word. Devo asks Rakhi to not react to this now. Rakhi says this is my matter now, don’t stop me. I request you to leave from here. Devo says just don’t do anything wrong.

Rubina tells Abhi that they are ignoring her mistakes for her entertainment. We have given her encouragement to say all that. She is crossing her limits because they are all supporting her.

Rakhi tells Devo that I called her filth because they are filthy.

Abhi asks Rubina to calm down, don’t do anything in anger. Rubina is shaking and says I am trying. Abhi asks her to relax. Nikki consoles her. Rubina says she is a snake. Abhi says she is not checked even after multiple warnings, he asks the cameras to recheck her and use your mind (telling the cameras). Rubina says we have to bear her mistakes and her mistakes are not being telecasted.

Rakhi tells Rahul that I was talking to Abhi so why did Rubina do it?

Rubina tells Abhi that they will give an excuse that she can say anything. They won’t say anything to her because she is a content creator. Aly comes there and tells Rubina that she has to control herself, you didn’t throw water at her. You can say anything to her but you can’t throw water at her. Rubina says do you know where she was going? We supported her, her mistakes are hidden because she is entertaining? I couldn’t stop her so I had to throw water at her, I did a mistake but she deserves even something worst than this. I can slap her and walk out of here. I don’t want to win the show with this kind of content. Aly says you controlled this for 18 weeks so just 2 weeks are left. She is triggering everyone. Rubina says she is maligning our image. Aly says she is gaining sympathy like this. You can’t lose control now. Rubina says if she maligns our relationship like this then I will slap her and leave from here. Aly says you are destroying what you have built in 18 weeks. Rubina cries and says I don’t care about that, I just care about Abhi’s respect. Abhi and Aly hug her.

Devo tells Rakhi that I know you are angry right now. Rakhi says I am hurt, I was doing my task for my points. Rubina didn’t need to do that.

Rubina tells Nikki that Rakhi is concocting stories, I am losing my mind.

Rakhi tells Devo that if tharki is a bad word then what about a filthy woman?

Rubina tells Nikki that no one has ever made Abhi cry, he must have been so hurt to cry like that. I can’t leave Rakhi when she has hurt Abhi so much. I might have left her alone but she looked at me directly and called Abhi a tharki. Abhi says she has such a filthy mind, she is a *****. Nikki asks them to calm down.

4:15 PM
Abhi tells Nikki if Kavita’s topic has been brought up and you-Rakhi are involved in it then it’s sensitive. Salman said clearly to not bring that topic again. Devo says I have nothing to do with Rubina/Abhi/Kavita, I have no concern over that. My concern was that if you call Rakhi’s emotions fake then what about your emotions? Abhi says that’s your point but you are encouraging Rakhi when she is calling me tharki and all that. Devo says Arshi has said this same word in front of you while commenting on Rakhi but you didn’t say anything at that time? Abhi says Rakhi is evil as she is questioning my relationship with Rubina. You are encouraging Rakhi by sitting with her. Devo says you both were wrong. Abhi says I never called her anything before she called me tharki. Devo says what Rubina did was wrong too. Rakhi never said anything about Kavita. Abhi says I heard her bringing up Kavita and calling me tharki. You can take Rakhi’s side but she will go against you when you are against her in some task.

4:30 PM
Abhi tells Arshi that Rakhi used me, fooled me and now cursing me but she is called a victim on the weekends? Arshi says she won’t be praised this weekend, I am sure about it.

Rakhi tells Devo that Abhi was laughing when Arshi called him ******. Devo says Abhi thought you took Kavita’s name and called him tharki. Rakhi says I didn’t bring up tharki.

Abhi tells Arshi that I am done, I don’t know how much more filth I have to listen to. I should have left the show earlier only. Arshi says she is very smart and she knows what she is doing.

4:45 PM
Bigg Boss tells the inmates that you people can say anything, it’s your decision if you want to cross the line or not as it shows your character. If something is out of line or not can be decided by the audience only. If you use force when you get angry at someone then that act totally wrong. An incident happened today where Abhi-Rakhi were fighting, both of them were questioning each other’s character but Rubina got angry and threw water at Rakhi. Rakhi could have gotten hurt and the mic has been destroyed. Rubina’s act is totally not acceptable and as a punishment, Rubina will be nominated every week till the finale.
Bigg Boss says we could have continued the task, the share-holders were doing everything to make the task interesting but Aly-Abhi who were brokers decided to not compete against each other. They were competitors but they decided to forge the result and Abhi was seen saying that he doesn’t even want to win the task which is like faking, insulting other’s efforts in the task, and cheating the task. So there is no point in extending this task. This task will be rejected too. All sigh. Rahul says the task was designed for Abhi and Aly to compete against each other. Aly says I thought we could make a deal.

5 PM
Arshi comes into the bedroom and looks for her shero (soft toy). She takes some of Rahul’s items.

Rahul tells Aly that I liked you overcame your differences with Abhi and played with him. Aly says it’s not about overcoming differences. Rahul says but you didn’t play against him, Abhi listened to your suggestion and you suggesting him is wrong too.

Devo brings food for Rakhi. Rahul comes to his bed and asks Arshi if she messed his bed? Arshi says give me my shero. Rahul says I have thrown it. Arshi says it was not yours. Rahul asks her to set his bed. Arshi says you have nothing to take from, I can’t take your parents’ photo, I will do something bad with you. Rahul says you think I won’t answer back?

Rubina tells Abhi that Rahul is worried that Aly cleared his differences with Abhi.

Rahul tells Arshi that she is a psycho. Arshi says you are filthy. Why did you take my shero? you are a coward.

6:30 PM
Rakhi is fighting the fake bull. Aly says it will break, don’t do it. Rakhi plays with its tail and Rahul laughs. Devo says she is bullying a bull. Rakhi says I can whisper my wishes in his ear. Rakhi whispers that I want to meet Ritesh, I want to get butter and get my enemies to run away from here.

10:30 PM
Rubina reads the instructions about the top two inmates of the share-market task which helped each other to increase their points. They were Rahul and Rakhi. Bigg Boss really liked their efforts in reaching the top two so they will get a gift hamper feom Hersheys. They can share it with one other inmate who helped them. Aly says I don’t want it, I am ill. Rubina brings the hamper and gives it to them.

11:15 PM
Devo tells Rakhi that if I go this week if Eijaz quits the show. I will leave if he quits the show, I am really tensed with these inmates. Rakhi says they irritate me too. Devo says Arshi provokes me to no end. Rakhi says if you want to go then do something big so people see it. Devo says she says some much filth, I want to slap her so hard. Rakhi folds a cushion as Arshi while Devo slaps and kicks it, imagining Arshi in its place.

1 AM
All are sleeping while Rakhi is standing like a ghost and eyeing Rubina-Abhi sleeping. Aly asks her to sleep. He tells Nikki that Rakhi has been standing here for 1 hour now. Nikki asks her to sleep, she can act tomorrow. Rakhi goes to sleep. Aly and Nikki laugh. Rakhi sees Abhi waking up and going to the living room. She sits on her bed. Abhi comes back and looks at her. Rakhi ignores him.

PRECAP – Devo shouts at Arshi that I will slap you so hard. Devo throws things around in anger. She says how could she talk about my family. She screams in anger and throws Arshi’s food plate away. The inmates try to calm her. Devo is shouting and trashing around in anger. Devo shouts I am not Rubina Dilak, she asks Bigg Boss to call her in the confession room.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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