Categories: Bigg Boss 16

Bigg Boss 16 11th November 2022 Written Episode Update: Salman talks to Ankit and Priyanka

Bigg Boss 16 11th November 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Weekend ka vaar
Salman welcomes everyone. He says this week wasn’t for the weak. Everyone loved Abdu’s captaincy and the same created problems. The fight became so big that Archana had to leave the house. Stan says Tina hugged me and Shalin was giving me eyes. We are friends. Shiv says he’s becoming the new Gautam. Stam says Bigg Boss sends a wild card entry. Gautam laughs. Shalin says she will also fall for Abdu.

Abdu dances in the pool. Soundarya says to Gautma your ex-girlfriend can come too. He says I’ve no ex. Shiv says I see him scared. Gautam says I am saying we will be friends with her only. Abdu says to Priyanka if it’s a boy you become friends and if it’s a girl I will be her friend. Stan says he likes Nimrit. Abdu says Nimrit is my friend.

Do you like Sumbul? He says I understand everything. You chose not Abdu. Priyanka says it was less on your shelf. He says yeah sure. Priyanka says don’t talk to me then.

Tina says to Shalin I am protecting myself. He says by hurting me? Tina says you have hurt me a lot. She says I told you don’t misbehave with me in anger. You said you won’t take your words back. He says that’s why I am trying to change and talking to you. She says we will speak over coffee outside. Shalin says if you want space I understand but give me a chance here. Gautam says Soundarya said she will check out bodies too if it’s a man. When I said I will also show her my room. she said I will get judged. Priyanka has a couple of fights.

Soundaarya and Gautam fight. Soundarya says I was just testing you. He says don’t play these games with me. I don’t test you. Soundarya says you say things about me anyway. He says if you trust me stay with me or you can leave me. Soundarya says you say things. He says I’ve seen the world more than you. Don’t provoke me. Thanks for testing my behavior. She says chill. He leaves in anger. Gautam sits outside. Sajid says it will be better. Soundarya comes. Sajid says relax. Sajid says he’s weeping like a child. Soundarya hugs him and says I am sorry. He says I don’t want to talk to anyone. Soundarya says sorry.

Tina says I was cooking and they’re already eating. Priyanka says I had to cook too. Tina says the rice won’t be ready then. Priyanka says don’t remove my pan. At least ask. You do get bossy. tina says that’s what you think. Tina says I never made issues with you. Priyanka says I didn’t say anything before either but don’t remove my things form the stove. You are bossy. Tina says I don’t care about your opinion. Abdu says Pagal hai. Tina says Sumbul has made everyone think I am bossy.

Soundarya says to Gautma what will you eat? He says I will eat when I want. She says you have to eat. Don’t be cranky. She says if you stop smoking you will eat. You have to eat. Shalin says you both have been my friends. Just one suggestion, if you fight in front of people they will laugh. They will talk about it. He hugs Gautam. Soundarya cooks. Shalin says are you okay? She says yeah I am fine. Shalin says to have chocolate. She says thank you. Soundarya tells Gori Shalin gave me chocolate. He’s trying to talk to me.

Abdu says to Nimrit hi my sister how are you? Shalin says don’t do this to him, sir. Nimrit says we can be friends. He says this is okay. Sajid said I can call you, aunty. They laugh. Nimrit says you can say what you want. He says Tina also calls Sajid bro. Shiv says to Abdu don’t say, aunty. It’s not a funny joke. Nimrit cares for you. Do what your heart says. Nimirt says since yesterday he’s avoiding me totally. Sajid says he feels a bit hurt. Shiv says to Abdu to talk to Nimrit in person. Nimrit says I also spend time with him. Abdu comes. He says to Nimrit can I talk to you? She says yes. Abdu hugs her. He says I trust you. Nimrit says you are the best person I’ve ever met. Abdu says I know. You feel me, I feel you. Nimrit hugs him. Nimrit says they will blame us for Archana’s eviction. Shalin says she keeps saying it was her mom’s dream. Shiv says no one’s mom teaches them to hit people either.

Salman comes back.
He says Tina is the new kitchen Archana and our couples are fighting again. Our guests Sunny Leone and Arjun Bijlai are in the house. Sunny says you all look so good. Arjun says we will talk about our Splitz Villa. He asks whose love is outside the house. Nimrit says mine. Arjun says let’s play a game. Sunny says we have boys vs. girls. Arjun says let’s see who entertains more. They call Shalin and Gori to dance. Shalin says how can I compete with her? They both dance. Everyone cheers for Gori. Arjun calls Ankit. He dances with Arjun. Ankit sits in his lap. Everyone dances.

Arjun says now you will have to give heart to the person who has won your heart. And who broke your heart? He calls Tina. Tina gives heart to Abdu. She says he’s the most genuine person and he always gives you a comforting hug when you’re sad. She gives a broken heart to Shalin and says he gets mean. Shalin gives heart to Gori and says she shows me the path. He gives a broken heart to Priyanka. He says we fought on food. She creates points on food too. She keeps saying Shiv leads us. Arjun says you say things against Gori too. You told Soundarya and Gautam she speaks against you. Soundarya says we didn’t say anything wrong. Arjun calls limit. She gives heart to Abdu and says he’s not judgemental at all. She gives a broken heart to Gautam and says his actions and thoughts are different. Sajid gives heart to Sumbul. He says she knows how to trust people. He gives a broken heart to Gori and says you misbehaved with me I always considered you my sister. Anyway, she’s leaving today, joking. Sumbul gives heart to Sajid and says he’s always been there for him as a guide. She gives a broken heart to Shalin and says he says hurtful things in anger that people can’t forget. Ankit gives heart to Priyanka. He says she’s honest. He gives broken hearts to Nimrit. He says she keeps breaking hearts and she abused Priyanka. Nimrit says that was my way of coping. She also mentally harasses me. Priyanka says we all saw what you said. Nimrit says you were unfair to change Abdu and for Abdu too. Arjun says who won this round? Arjun says, boys. Sunny says yes the boys. Shiv says Ankit how do you tolerate her all day? Ankit says I love it.

Arjun says in the next game you’ve to pick two qualities and tell if the other person has it and how much. Tina says talkative, 2%. Clever 3%, he’s smart but here he isn’t focusing. Ill-mannered 11%, Tina says he fights for Priyanka and gets mad. He would have been a different person if he came here alone. He’s Priyanka’s spoon. Ankit says it’s called friendship. Tina says it’s an added advantage. You don’t even try to put in the effort. Ankit says I don’t change my friends every day. Ankit says lazy, 2%. No matter what happens, she has to do her makeup and hair. 3% spoken she doesn’t talk a lot. 19% clever and 29% traitor. She said Soundarya is her friend and then she has a problem with the same relationship. Arjun and Sunny leave.

Soundarya says Stan is setting fire on both sides. Gautam says he’s saying things there and here too. Soundarya says I always thought he’s honest. Priyanka says I told him your friends didn’t even think for you to become the captain. I am losing my mind. Priyanka says fake friends, They call friends spoon. Ankit says look at Stan. Priyanka says you can’t even see whose side is he on. Gori and Stan speak. Stan says I said don’t talk in front of me. Soundarya says what’s wrong did we talk about Gori? Gautam says you said Nimrit has come between you and your friends. Priyanka says people here don’t know how to friend her. stan says you have a spoon. Priyanka says dare to come between us. Shiv says she has to be a puppet everywhere. Priyanka says your friends write your script. She says he was crying to Gori and now he’s with Shiv. What fake friends. Don’t you even dare to question our friendship? Shiv says at least confess it’s love. Priyanka says we don’t need to confess anything to you. Ankit says who are you to even question? Stan says you’re crazy. Priyanka says I can handle you all alone. Shiv and Stan play with spoons. Priyanka says I made them both dance. Ankit says Stan was crying my friends aren’t with me, nominate me, please. Stan says don’t come near me. Ankit says who will even touch you.

Sajid says she does this for the camera. The plays woke for no reason. Nimrit says she has to get into everything. Priyanka says I made them dance. Shiv says at least we are honest. We came here alone. Nimrit says when there’s a real situation she’s silent. Tina says she didn’t say a word when Shiv was throttled. Sajid says she started it actually. Priyanka says people can see how fake you are Shiv. Stan says I will make it difficult for her. Sajid comes. Abdu says she starts fighting. Sajid says if a dog barks, will you bark bag? Shiv says you’ve to show the dog his place. She fights for no reason. Stan says she comes between me and Gori too.

Arjun and Sunny meet Salman. Salman asks how did you feel? Sunny says Arjun got a lap dance. Salman laughs. Arjun says this bird has many lover letters. that will be the theme of our show. He reads letters to Salman. One says sir we want, Dabang 4 and a song with Sunny in it. Salman and Sunny dance on Munni badnaam. Arjun reads the next one, he says Sunny says Salman’s dialogues. Sunny repeats after Salman. Arjun reads the last one we always wanted a romantic boyfriend like you. Can you recreate the flower scene you had with Ashwariya? Salman and Sunny play that scene.

Salman meets the inmates. He says you all look happy. I wanna play too. An accident happened in the house. I have some observations too. I wanna share them too. He says Shalin this innocent face for these two days. He says Shiv called Ankit spoon and you cried. She says it’s not right. Salman asks Ankit and Priyanka to come to the activity area. He says people love you but now they’re confused. A woman says Priyanka you wanna rule Ankit? You had a problem if people got him a cake? He can’t be your puppet. Another man says Priyanka and Ankit kept saying Priyanaka’s feelings are one-sided and now she is playing victims card. Please stop playing sympathy cards and Ankit stops being ruled by her. Salman says Ankit you’re intelligent and observant. You are getting sympathy because of Priyanka’s dominant nature. People say poor Ankit, he’s worried. If you have thoughts stand on your own. Ankit says my nature is this way. It doesn’t work here.

Salman asks Priyanka who do you want to win? yourself or Ankit? She says I am playing for myself and he’s playing for himself. He says why do you want Ankit here then She says I care for my people. I want him to be vocal and take a stand for me. He says he will decide his points but he won’t. You both have become liabilities and you’re damaging each other. Shiv called him to spoon. Salman says this is his personality. He doesn’t bother. Then why do you push him by force. Do you need support? She says no. Ankit says me neither. Priyanka says I get emotional for my friends, I overcare. We make our own decisions. Salman says if you take a suggestion from me it would fix your things, as a guy I know a personality like Ankit would never like you being this extra. Right, Ankit? Ankit says sometimes I like it, and sometimes I don’t. People laugh. Salman says I understand. Priyanka says I didn’t speak to him one day he didn’t say a word all day. Salman says it’s okay. That’s his decision. He will leave. Priyanka says no one else likes me here. Salman says they don’t like you because you look like you want everything your way. And Ankit wants everything at your cost. Ankit says that’s not right. Salman says you have become a joke. People call Ankit spoon and he doesn’t answer back. He’s starting to play on the front foot but don’t do it half-heartedly. He asks Priyanka have you asked Ankit for everything? She says no. Salman says it looks like you will go before him. God gives everyone a friend like you who sacrifices herself to save heer friend. But not me, I don’t want my friend to sacrifice herself for me. And a friend says sometimes and sometimes not. Priyanka says am I leaving today? Salman says Ankit I will sit now and only listen to you.

Ankit says my nature is such that if I don’t like anyone I avoid them and I can go with it all my life. That won’t work here. It’s important to speak. Priyanka always says I don’t want anything for myself but you’re losing and it’s looking bad on us. Salman says this nature is okay on you but it’s harming her. She has potential but she’s becoming a joke because of you. She’s ready o do it to herself for you. When she’s not around you will miss her. He says Priyanka you also try this, after 3 days when he realizes it’s breaking he will come to you himself. Priyanka says that has happened before. It doesn’t happen. He won’t. It’s his nature. He likes being alone. I am from a huge family. I’ve always been like a mother to my siblings, thinking more for them than myself and that’s what I do to people I love. Salman says Ankit people care for you, cook but who does so much. Ankit says no one does. I am lucky that she does so much for me. Salman says when she’s not there who would? He says I won’t let it come to that point. Salman says it would. We can see she likes you. You also like her. Are you waiting to go and feel the loss? Then you will change and go to her? She really cares about you bro. Change your personality for the right. He says looking at her. You can see what we are seeing too. It’s up to you but I shared what it’s looking like. Be each other’s assets, not liabilities. Priyanka says thank you, sir.

Episode ends

Update Credit to: Atiba

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