Categories: Bigg Boss 14

Bigg Boss 15th October 2020 Written Episode Update: Bigg Boss announces task to take personal things from BB Mall

Bigg Boss 15th October 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on

Nikki says he knows I am on your side. But why was he showing involvement for no reason. Nishant says he says what you says. Rahul says well played. Nikki says everyone did well. Rahul says you coordinated well. Nishant says we had a team and so did you. Nikki says what a u-turn. Nikki says is he controlling you? Nishant says I want to know what will he say. Jaan says let them speak. Jaan says our coordination was better. Jaan leaves.

Jasmin says some men think if you come close you can intimate a woman. He can’t use this tactic on me. Sid says no that’s wrong. Nikki says Jaan must be waiting for us to convince him. Shahzad says to Jaan she did a favor there. You are her friend, why didn’t she do this for you? You came to us after the task. Nishant came to say well played. Abhi

says nothing personal. Jasmin says yeah it’s a game.

Nikki says to Nishant when you’re at neither places, this happens. Jaan says I had always been here and I was never considered. I won’t put in any efforts. I am done trying be friends with everybody. Nikki says don’t try to be friends with everyone. HE says I meant you Rahul and Nishant. You can joke and I can’t. This has happened many times. Nikki says we didn’t fight. You take u-turns so I said it. You’re my friend. Am I not your friend? He says I can do my thing. Nikki says so friendship over? He says it doesn’t matter. Nikki says Eijaz is my friend. Jaan says I am low. Nikki says you have to tell me why. HE says thank you for coming.

8:15 PM
Nikki says he threw a sponge and it hit me. I don’t like things hitting me. Jaan says I heard. HE says you’re biased. She says I wasn’t. Nikki says you also stole.

Everyone sits to cut vegetables. Nikki says you can take who you want. Rahul says let’s divide the washroom. She says I don’t want to do that. Until my nomination starts. Rahul says you have that option? She says I am creating it. He says you’re confirmed but an in-mate. Nishant says it’s upto seniors. Ram says wow.

Sid says it’s my dad’s birthday tomorrow. Hina and Gauhar hug him. Sid tells them stories about his dad. Gauhar says wow. Sid says I was nothing. My sisters were married, very well do to. But my dad had such will power. He fought his disease.

9:15 PM
Jasmin says no matter what anyone says I won’t be the Jasmin I was today. Abhi says what someone says is themselves not you. she says yeah I won’t cry. I won’t cry. They made me cry today. The cloth drama won’t work. Rubi says everyone has to do duty. Abhi says ask Nikki to chop vegetables. If she says no, tell Gauhar if the food has to be prepared. Jasmin says yeah let’s see what happens.

10:15 PM
Gauhar says Nikki has a soft heart. Hina says but I didn’t like what she said. Sid says it’s a game. Gauhar says it’s a behavioral issue. But in her core she’s a good person. Hina says but she gets arrogance. She was talking continuously. Gauhar says I didn’t abuse a single person. Sid says you’re great.

Sid says to everyone it’s your duty to clean the dishes. Hina says to Nikki you were doing the chopping and everything now you don’t want to do it. She says I just got to know I have privileged now. Hina says you’re still a contestant. It’s your choice. Even if you’re not in nomination, everyone has to work. Abhi says if one person says they won’t do anything, that’s not okay. Gauhar says it’s her right to decide. She’s a confirmed inmate. Abhi says she’s confirmed or senior? Sid says she is confirmed, she has privilege. Hina says if all of you want her to work, it’s upto you how you make her do. Pavitra says if you really care about responsibility do yours first. abhi says who will chop? Pavitra says I will. Gauhar says Abhi this is wrong thinking. Abhi says this was discussed in your presence. Nikki says don’t be jealous from name. Abhi says you’re not worth it. Nikki says I can see it. Nikki is confirmed. Eijaz says I didn’t say anything that day because

9:15 AM
Eijaz says I am cleaning outside and washroom. Gauhar says if your hand gets better, you can do the dishes. She says it will be better in two days. Eijaz says I can’t do it now. Rubi says I did it. He says you did it on your own. I can’t do it. Nikki says do their minds work? Pavitra says they don’t make sense. Sid says to Rubi if your work is being done, don’t worry. she says he changed the discussion. Sid says it’s your work. Rubi says I got it done. Sid says that’s enough Eijaz says to Rubi you’re ignoring me. Do you want to talk to me or not? What’s the problem? Is it personal? She says give me time I will talk later. Abhi says to Eijaz relax. Don’t intimidate people like that. Abhi says to Jaan go and talk to people who doesn’t want to talk. She can chop for 20 minutes. People are working for 4 hours. Pavitra says if she doesn’t do it you will have to do it. Abhi says food will be made anyway. But we can’t let it go. Pavitra says if she wants to not do it, let it show. Jaan says to Nishat they are changing conversations to defend each other. Nishant says I can see it.

2:30 PM
Pavitra reads freshers can win their stuff and keep it permanently. Bigg Boss will announce two names, they will fight off each other and win their stuff. There are pipes in the garden. You two have to collect it. Once the buzzer blares, the one with more balls in the basket will win and get their stuff from BB mall and the loser’s stuff will go away forever.

3 PM
Jasmin is crying. She says I am the only one. She says all my stuff will be sent away. I am the only girl with least things. Sid says fight for it. Hina says don’t give up. Why are you thinking that? No one is better than anyone. Eijaz says no one is anyone’s friend here. Sid says to Jasmin this is a challenge. Don’t think about losing. This about winning. That’s what you’re here for. She says but if I push it.. Sid say you have to face it. She says Eijaz must be so angry. Sid says be stronger.

Jaan says to Nishant let me win. Nishat says this is your decision. He says I don’t have a lot of things that he does. They are seniors, they got a lot of things already.

Day 13, 3:45 AM
Bigg Boss says first round will be between Pavitra and Rubina. All of you must come in the garden. Jaan hugs Pavitra. Abhi helps Rubina and says make it interesting. It’s upto you. Pavitra comes. Sid says it’s between you two, no one can help from the outside. Hina says go inside. Rubina picks her basket. They try to collect the balls falling from the pipes. They collect all the balls. Abhi says shove her hers as well. Rubina tries to snatch Pavitra’s. Hina says there’s another ball. Rubina takes it. She snatches more Pavitra. Pavitra says this isn’t wresting. Rubnina picks more. Her bag falls in the pool. Hina says come to this side. Abhi says Rubi go down the pool. Hina claps and says nice. The time is up. Hina says one by one. They give bags to Sid. Gauhar takes from Rubina. Hina says Pavitra is clear winner. Pavitra says I really needed it. Everyone claps for her. Bigg Boss says congrats Pavitra. You can take your stuff from BB Mall.

Day 12, 4:15 PM
Hina and Gauhar chant Pavitra’s name. Pavitra takes her stuff. Rubina says she literally snatched me. Jasmin says you were winning. Abhi says you should have gone near the pool. She says it’s easy to say. Rubina says she was confusing me so much. Pavitra says to Nishant she scratched me with her nail.

Bigg Boss says next is Eijaz and Rahul. Sid says good luck bro. Sid says whoever has it the basket will win. Hina says no the basket is so delicate. Gauhar says the rule is to put it in the basket. Sid says they should have it with them. You can’t give it to someone else. Sid says no one from outside can interfere. Gauhar says you can collect but if buzzer blares and it’s not in the basket it won’t count. Hina says come on. Rahul there are balls in the box. Sid says let’s not say. Hina says let me speak for myself. Sid says let them do it. Hina says please, it’s okay. Rahul says don’t try to control me. Eijaz says I am controlling. Rahul says control who like it. They run. Eijaz falls. He tries to snatch all from Rahul. Nishant says Rahul don’t leave the bag.

The round starts. Hina says let them be on the ground first. Sid says to Hina you tell them the plans. She says don’t tell me then. Eijaz says I want to make you tired. Rahul says yeah you’re chacha. Why are you running? He says yeah I am scared. Eijaz says these are four weekends clothes. Rahul says no one even understands what you say. They walk around the pool. Rahul says you should have been with Nikki or another girl. Eijaz says see Nikki what is he saying. Rahul says you’re old chacha don’t run. Hina says not a good statement. Why is he talking about age. Gauhar says he’s making Eijaz tired. Buzzer blares. Eijaz is the winner. Bigg Boss says Eijaz you can take your stuff.

5:15 PM
Hina says good job. Eijaz says sid you also say. He says I did. Eijaz says you all laughed when I didn’t understand the first task. Sid says you did well that’s why you won. Eijaz says Hina ji I will change with my new clothes. Rahul says to Nishant don’t try to skip. Collect very fast initially adn then just run away. Eijaz comes out with his clothes. Eijaz says my dogs passed away. A girl took my dogs. She said I know you love them, I won’t give them back. She kept them in a shed. Sid says what? Gauhar says she’s so evil. He says then my friend told me they are there. They cried and I found them after 3 years. They cried a lot. Hina says why didn’t you do police complaint? He says I promise marraige to soemone and she did this. She backed out and she has the audacity to tell people I didn’t marry her because of dowry. Hina says I want to know the name when you go out. He says she’s married now and she has a daughter now. It’s gone now.

Jaan says Nikki hears everyone but me. pavitra says she puts you on mute because you’re her best friend. Shahzad says to Sid I will go in the pool and secure mine. sid says you can do what you want.

Day 13, 7:15 PM
Next round is between Nishant and Shahzad. Hina says come on. Nishant climbs on the tree. Hina says you can’t get on the tree. Sid says you can do what you want. Hina says no. Nishant says there’s no rule like that. Bigg Boss says you can get hurt. Come down. Hina says that’s what I was saying. He slips a big. Gauhar says come down. Hina says did you hurt? Shahzad shoves him. Nishant says he hit me, that was cheating. Hina says be careful. Nishant says you’re so useless. Come to me if you can. Jaan says to Nikki you will ace it. She says I will jump in the pool. Nishant says you only bark. You can’t do anything. Shahzad says but you’re a dog not me. Nishant says you will be blazed on friday. I will dance on it. Rubi says Pavitra we fought so gracefully. Pavitra says you’re right. Hina and Pavitra mock them. Nishant says you cry all the time. Buzzer blares. Everyone claps. Hina says the winner is Nishant. Bigg Boss says you can take your stuff now.

Eijaz says it was part strategy and got excited it. Rahul says chacha is always in planning. Nikki says the game has started. Nishant says he has started in both sides and says he’s fair. Nishant says he’s playing on both side. She says so that’s fair. Rahul says no that’s politics. He’s on no side. Eijar says I am scared of being over confident. Anyway. How is my Pumi, it will hurt him in the rain. Is Katori going for a walk? He looks at his dogs. Nikki says he plays on both side. Nishant says you can’t accept loyalty from him. She says he says that.

Eijaz says should I grow a beard? And wear a suit? Nikki says you have clothes as well now. He says I am so happy that I earned it. This place is teaching a lot. Shahzad says first week he was acting like he doesn’t understand any task. Rubina says I saw today where is the compression. Shahzad says he did 100 laps. They giggle. Bigg Boss says the task is paused here because of rain.

10:15 PM
Jaan says to Nikki my skin is irritating. She says what? He says idiot this skin. she says don’t call me idiot, I will give it back and you will cry. Jaan says you have called me idiot a lot of times. Nikki says don’t say it again. He says I will call you stupid. She says it’s not allowed. Rahul asks Nikki her birth year she says 96. He says I am 87. She says you look 26. Rahul says if I take my beard off I will look even younger. She says I don’t like childish look.

11 PM
Gauhar says to Sid why are you looking at me like that. She says don’t throw me in the pool. I have water phobia. Don’t do it. Hina and Sid shove her in the pool and laugh. Gauhar says I feel sick. I hate you guys. Sid says you’re side. Sid shoves Hina as well. He laughs. Hina says nooo. Gauhar says don’t talk to Sid. Sid jumps in the pool and says I am here to talk to you.

Eijaz says to Shahzad, Abhi is my friend. I met Rubi for the first time. She’s friend with my friend. I thought we will be good. I askd her what is the problem, she didn’t talk. Some people think they’re better than others. Shahzad says superiority complex. He says I respect her because she’s Abhi’s wife. I want to call her bhabhi.

Precap-Nikki and Jasmin go for the task. Jasmin says if she hits me, I will hit her as well. Nikki and Jasmin hit each other. Gauhar says use your hands. Nikki says let us fight. Hina says when we moved Nikki were balls in the basket. Sid stands with one side. Hina and Gauhar are one side. Hina shouts. Hina shouts this isn’t fair.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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