Categories: Bigg Boss 13

Bigg Boss 13 16th December 2019 Written Episode Update: Sid, Arti, Madhu, Shefali Bagga, Arhaan, Vishal, and Asim get nominated

Bigg Boss 13 16th December 2019 Written Episode, Written Update on

Day 78
3 PM
Paras tells that Vikas has a mind so he is a danger but Sana does anything without anything. Arti says she took your name first and then took Sid’s name. Paras says Sid is right logic wise but he has an ego. Arti says Vishal doesn’t have an ego. Paras says I am investing time with Mahira so she shouldn’t give time to Vishal.

Rashami tells Arhaan that you shouldn’t have used those words. Arhaan says I was talking about your strong life. Rashami says you have projected in the wrong way, you said that you have brought me here. Vikas says you wanted to show her strength and you were with her but it looked like she was on roads and you brought her up. Rashami says my life was complicated and I don’t want to get into more complications, let’s

be here and play the game and put other things behind. Arhaan tells Vikas that my family is not on roads. They are saying that my family is living in her house and all that, I have respect too which I can’t lose because of this show. Vikas says you might be right. Rashami says I have asked to find out who is living in my house. Arhaan says you gave me your house keys because you trust me and I would keep it. Rashami says we can’t clear things here so let’s just be friends here. Vikas consoles Rashami. Rashami says I don’t have anyone to love me here, I don’t want to lose you as a friend Arhaan, this was not good. Arhaan says we will do as you say. Rashami says it’s good for us.

9:45 PM
Asim tells Shefali that Bhau and Himanshi have left, we are here with each other. I was hurt with your acts but we can stick together and it’s not about nominations. They can target me so I want your support. Shefali says you are close to Rashami also. Asim says you are close with Vikas too but Rashami is your friend too. Shefali says he doesn’t discuss strategies with me. Asim says I don’t think he is a mastermind but we are alone so let go things and be with each other.

10:30 PM
Vikas hugs Rashami and says I am here, don’t cry in front of anyone. Rashami says they will make fun of it. Vikas says you can talk in the captain’s room, you are a lioness so don’t worry.

Mahira tells Paras that there is no timing for breakfast and lunch. I get hungry but I eat on time. Vikas says you people can criticize but you don’t help. Mahira says you know when I am working, I don’t need anyone else in the kitchen. I will cook the dinner but I don’t need anyone.

Day 79
8 AM
Inmates wake up to the song DJ wale babu. They all wake up and dance.

9:45 AM
Asim says give my food to Mahira too. Mahira says I don’t need it. Paras jokes about his girlfriend, I can’t have a share from anyone. Mahira says don’t laugh. Asim asks Madhu about her share. Paras says Madhu couldn’t see clearly some years back (as she dated Vishal). Mahira says if a boy likes a girl then anyone would like it. Vishal says her boyfriend won’t like it or the boy’s girlfriend won’t like it. Mahira says don’t talk in my matter again, it’s about your inner filth. Asim asks her to go and eat. Paras asks Vishal to come and make parathas.

12:30 PM
Asim asks the boys about razors. Asim asks Paras and Vishal. Vikas says I need one. Asim says you can use aloe vera ones. Vikas says what are you saying Asim? Asim says I was asking if you need it. Vikas says you can’t taunt me like that, you didn’t ask anyone else, be nicer.

1:30 PM
Vishal calls Paras and says what did Asim say to Vikas? Vishal mimics Vikas talking in a girly tone to Vikas. Vishal says Asim was trying to diffuse the situation. Paras and Sana laugh. Vishal says Paras was enjoying it.

1:45 PM
Rashami says Arti is using the captain’s slippers so she should be punished. Arti says I will clean the washroom. Vikas says your punishment is to live in the night suit. Go and do it. Vikas says thank you Rashami for telling him about the punishments. Vikas tells Rashami that you went into my room without asking me so you will be my follower now.

2 PM
Vishal is sleeping so the alarm plays. Vikas comes to Arti and Vishal. Arti says Vishal was sleeping. Vikas asks Vishal to go and clean the microwave. Vishal says I was not sleeping. Vishal starts cleaning the microwave and says the washroom was not clean. Vikas says it was Arti’s duty. Vikas comes to Arti and says please clean the washroom, Vishal reminded me. Arti says only Vishal has a problem, I will clean it for Vikas. Vishal says don’t be sarcastic.

2:15 PM
Arti says I can’t clean the washroom, I already took a shower. Rashami says then you should have cleaned it before taking a shower. Vishal says I will clean it, it’s okay. Arti gets emotional. Vishal says to Paras that Arti shouts a lot. Arti cries and tells Vikas that I work all the time, people don’t work here, I am not a servant here but I do my work. Rashami asks her to calm down. Don’t go wrong. Vikas hugs Arti. Arti shouts at Rashami that don’t talk to me. Rashami shouts at her to not talk to her like this, don’t shout at me. Arti says you are taunting me. Rashami says you keep taunting me about my duties, you keep asking me to make the food so I can ask you to do your duty too.

4:30 PM
Asim tells Sana that I feel Sid will come back today. Paras was telling me that he is ill. Sana tells Asim that I miss him. Asim says I miss him too, there is no excitement. Sana says I like it when you say that. Sid had his charm here. Asim says everyone has charm, he was my good friend.

5 PM
Sid comes in the confession room. Bigg Boss asks about his health. Sid says it’s better. Bigg Boss calls Sana in the confession room. Sana is surprised and says I can’t read the letter. She puts her lipstick on and goes to the confession room. She is surprised to see Sid and hugs him. Sid smiles and asks how are you? Sana says I have cut my hair. Sid says you look cute. Bigg Boss asks Sana to take Sid back in the house. Sana laughs and says let me do some drama. She goes in the house and acts sad. Paras says you are doing the drama. Sana says Sid is not coming, he is very ill. She laughs and calls Sid. Sid enters the house and hugs Asim. Asim asks how is he? Sid says better. Mahira says he is fat now. Sid hugs Paras, Arhaan, and others. Rashami comes and asks how is he? Sid says it is swollen but it’s better. Rashami says by the way, happy belated birthday. Everyone wishes him. Arti comes and hugs Sid. Paras says Arti really missed you. Sana says Asim was missing you too. Sid says wow.

5:45 PM
Asim tells Sid that Paras was not missed.
Vikas tells Shefali that Asim is going closer to Sid again. Shefali says I have told him that I was with him. He is my kid but he has trust issues.
Sana tells Sid that she was called a danger. Sid says no one is loyal here. Asim says I told every point to Shefali, she was boosting about everything. Sid says I told you everything in the first month and it was repeated completely. I told you that they will do this. Sana says Kamya told him that he lost his real friend which was Sid. Asim says she talked about Shefali breaking our friendship. Sid says she was right. Paras was right too.

6 PM
Arhaan tells Sid that we will start afresh. Sid says there is nothing wrong between us. Arhaan hugs him.
Sana tells Mahira and Paras that I was missing Sid when I saw you and Mahira. Paras says why didn’t you give me attention? Mahira wants your attention too. Sana says I have the same problem so get checked. Paras says I want attention from Sid. Mahira says I want it too. Sana says I need Paras’ attention too but Mahira doesn’t let him.

6:30 PM
Sid talks to Asim and says the captaincy task interesting. Asim says Vikas doesn’t have a negative vibe, you were an army general but Vikas is not. Mahira was missing you. Sid laughs.
Asim comes to Mahira, Shefali and Arhaan. Rashami says your bestie is here. Asim says he is good with me for now, this is like the first day so all are nice.

6:45 PM
Bigg Boss says it’s time for the nominations. Vikas is a captain so no one will nominate him. Sid is already nominated because of pushing Asim. You have to call the person out whom you want to nominate and break the bottle on their head.
Arti: She calls Bagga and nominates her. She says I did the captaincy task for her but she nominated me. She breaks the bottle on her head. She nominates Arhaan as he said we are not friends.
Bagga: She nominates Arti. She nominates Madhu for not having a bond with her.
Arhaan: He nominates Arti. He nominates Paras.
Madhu: She nominates Arhaan for saying that she is zero. She nominates Bagga for irritating her.
Vishal: He nominates Bagga for not seen in the house. Bagga says I was in jail with you, I will show you more. Vishal nominates Arhaan.
Shefali Jari: She nominates Madhu for not having a connection. She nominates Paras because he is a strong competitor.
Rashami: She nominates Vishal as we don’t agree and you are a competitor. Sid hides from Rashami. Rashami says you are already nominated. Sid says you can do anything that’s why. Rashami laughs. She nominates Mahira as she doesn’t do her duties and broke my lip kit.
Asim: He nominates Madhu for thinking he is not trustworthy. He says I will not take Mahira’s name, all laugh. He nominates Arti for sending him to jail.
Paras: He nominates Vishal for betraying Mahira. He nominates Arhaan.
Sana: She nominates Arti for not playing individually. You are sugar-coated. She says I don’t want to but I have to nominate Madhu as her game is weak. Madhu says you have seen my game? Sana says you have no game.
Mahira: Mahira nominates Madhu. Madhu says I am your competition so you are scared. Mahira says you are not, I try to talk to you but you don’t listen. Mahira nominates Arhaan saying that Rashami can affect my career.
Sidharth: Sid says I will talk about what I found wrong. Sid nominates Vishal for saying that I was in the plan of throwing Arti out of the show. I was not part of that conversation. Vishal says you were there and you were silent so you were part of it. Sid nominates Shefali Jari for doing things that he doesn’t like. Rashami is surprised that he didn’t nominate her.
Bigg Boss says Vikas can nominate one person directly. Vikas says Asim. He tore Mahira’s letter. Asim says you played your game so I did too. Vikas says you should understand that emotions are important too.

Bigg Boss says nominated inmates are Sid, Arti, Madhu, Shefali Bagga, Arhaan, Vishal, and Asim. Mahira thanks Asim. Asim hugs her.

Sana tells Arti that you are not playing alone. Bagga says I am not seen? Sana says don’t think about it. Madhu comes there. Sana asks Madhu to play and come to fight with them. Madhu says I don’t need your suggestion.

8 PM
Madhu tells Vishal that people are playing safe here. Vishal says let’s go out.
Arhaan tells Bagga that people are angry because I am playing for Rashami, I would back off for Rashami, this is my love. Bagga sees Madhu and Vishal sitting together and says they might have a past but they remember each other after getting nominated? It shows that it’s fake.

Vishal tells Madhu that when we talk, they will be scared and I will scare them. Paras knows that I am strong so he didn’t nominate me directly but use Mahira. Vishal says to give them a tough time, show your attitude to play your game.

9:15 PM
Sid tells Sana that you were alone when I and Paras left. Mahira and you became closer but when Paras came back, you were taking care of Mahira out of responsibility but it was not from the heart. Mahira became dependent on you which you didn’t like and people made you against each other. Now you are sitting with these people but they are not right. You are entertaining but they know not to fight with you, you are smartest but you can become a fool when you want to which makes me angry. Rashami doesn’t have a mind but you showed her a way and she was trying to use you. She showed you love but she doesn’t love you so act dumb when something like that happens.

10 PM
Vishal asks Madhu to hug him. He hugs her. Vikas says see what is happening. Asim says we should nominate them daily if they show this afterward. Rashami tells Asim that he says he becomes weak for Madhu but then fights with her only. He gave her a peck. Asim says it’s a quarter for here.

10:30 PM
Madhu says I was a wild card so I am an easy target. She asks Sid if she did anything? Sid says you didn’t do anything, you woke up and slept only. Madhu says I didn’t do anything but don’t know why people have become enemies, it is fun. She is working in the kitchen. Mahira comes to cook there too. Sana hints at Vikas. Mahira asks Madhu to do her work. Madhu says you have nominated and I am kneading flour for you, honey. Vikas laughs. Sana says I have to see Madhuri fighting. Madhu says what do you want to see? Madhu tells Vikas to not tell her any work that is related to Mahira. Mahira says I don’t want negativity here so stay away. Madhu says you can be so mean. Mahira says thank you honey. Madhu says don’t copy me. Mahira says there is nothing to copy. Madhu says I don’t want you to copy me, you are confused.

12:15 AM
Sid says to Arhaan that Bagga finds you cute. He sings Ek hasina and dewana. Bagga says Sid is making this up. Sid laughs and says really. Arhaan says she can find me cute. Arhaan leaves. Sid says this is a game-changer. Bagga says I don’t want to do this rubbish thing. Sid says everything is fair in love and war, try on Arhaan. Bagga says no.

1:30 AM
Vishal talks to Madhu and says I used to sleep with Sid. I don’t want to share a bed. Bigg Boss asks Vishal to not muffle his mic. Sid wakes up and says why are you doing this? all are sleeping. You can go outside, you people are here for a week at least, you can plan to throw everyone out in the daytime. Vishal says we are getting silent so don’t worry. Go to sleep. Madhu says they don’t let us live. Vishal asks her to sleep. Madhu caresses his face. He caresses her hair.

PRECAP- Bagga tells Rashami that Sid asked me to make bonding with Arhaan so she will be seen and it will be a good angle, why he is saying this? Rashami says this is not a joke.
Sana tells Madhu and Shefali that I asked Paras who should be the next captain so he said Mahira, it means there is no importance of me? I don’t have any value. She starts crying.
Vishal comes to Paras and says that Sana gets hurt when you don’t consider for the captaincy, she is sentimental about you. Asim says she loves you. Paras says I love Mahira.
Sana tells Sid that we are here to play the game too, why always Mahira for captaincy? She tells Paras to stop putting her on second priority always. Support me some time too, I have been crying since morning. I will break everything if I don’t become the captain. I get hurt too. In the captaincy task, Sid jokes with Sana. They have to use a big stuffed cat. Vikas gets surrounded by Shefali and Arti. All laugh at them.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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