Categories: Bhagya Lakshmi

Bhagya Lakshmi 4th January 2024 Written Episode Update: Rishi reaches hospital to save Lakshmi

Bhagya Lakshmi 4th January 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Lakshmi asking Nurse if I can go to Minto. Nurse says yes, you can go. Lakshmi asks her to come. Nurse says you can’t go now itself. Lakshmi says just now you said that you will let me go to Minto, then why you lied to me. Nurse asks her to stop it and says first I will talk to Doctor. Lakshmi says now I can go and meet Minto, and Rishi. Malishka is furious at Neelam and Karishma. She gets Sonal’s call and tells her that they were ruining her plan. Sonal asks her to check if the door is closed or not. Malishka says it is open and closes the door. She says you saved me. Sonal asks what happened? Malishka says Neelam and Karishma have a doubt that Rishi is kidnapped, and says he is really kidnapped and says we got him captive. She says Neelam was about to call Commissioner,

but I stopped her. Sonal gets worried and asks when she will come home. Malishka says the work will be completed today, and says until Balwinder calls me and tells that the work is completed, I can’t come and tells that if anything happens against me then I can handle if I am here. Sonal asks her to be careful and ends the call. Malishka tells that she is fulfilling their wish and thinks if she shall tell them about her plan.

Ayush is driving the car and thinks of Rishi. He doubts that Rishi bhai don’t do such things and tells for what work, he is going. Shalu and Bani are in the auto, and sees Ayush’s car. They stop him. Ayush stops his car. Shalu and Bani tell that they were going to meet Jiju. Ayush tells that Rishi Bhai is missing since night. Rishi calls the reporter and gives some breaking news. Reporter calls his boss. Bani asks Ayush to call him. Ayush calls Rishi. Rishi picks the call and tells him that he is fine. Ayush says you had messaged. Rishi says he didn’t message. He is about to tell about Balwinder, when his phone gets switched off. Ayush tells Shalu and Bani, and tells that Bhai is fine. Shalu says then who is in trouble, if Di is in trouble. Ayush says just now he had gone there and saw her, she is fine. He says he is confused. Rishi tries to break the door and recalls hearing Balwinder talking to Wilson about Lakshmi, and saying that he will get a good price for her in foreign market. He hits on the door and says I am coming Lakshmi.

Nurse takes Lakshmi out. Lakshmi says I am not grown up, but intelligent. She sees Balwinder standing and asks Wilson to catch him, says he is not good. Wilson laughs. Neelam tells Karishma that they can’t wait anymore and will call the Police. Malishka stops her and tells that she has come to tell her something. Neelam asks if you know where is Rishi? Malishka recalls Neelam slapping her and thinks what she will do if she comes to know that she is selling Lakshmi to foreigner to get rid of her. She thinks what to say, and tells that Rishi must have gone to Asylum to free Lakshmi. She says may be he has gone to some meeting. Dadi comes there and tells that Ayush lied to us, so that we don’t get tensed. She says Ayush himself didn’t know where is Rishi. Neelam says Ayush should have told us. Karishma says Malishka is right. Neelam says she doesn’t know how is her son and says if he went to Asylum, then he shall be there. Malishka says I had gone there to see Lakshmi and Nurse was telling her that she will let her go. Dadi asks if Nurse said this. Malishka says yes. Dadi says we shall not worry now, Rishi must have convinced Doctor to free Lakshmi.

Ayush, Shalu and Bani are in the car. Shalu asks what is it? Bani says yes, truth serum. Ayush says it is truth serum and says they will give it to someone who knows much. Lakshmi asks Wilson to catch Balwinder. Wilson says Balwinder you said right that she will make me rich. Balwinder asks him to give some money to him. Lakshmi asks him to catch Balwinder. She then asks Nurse to lock him in the dark room. She bites Balwinder’s hand and tries to run. Balwinder holds her hand. Doctor asks Lakshmi to go with Wilson and says he is a good man. Lakshmi says he is bad, if he was good then he would have catch Balwinder. Wilson says he will take her very far. She says she wants to go to Minto. Rishi comes there and throws knife at Balwinder’s hand. Lakshmi sees Rishi and runs to him. She hugs him and cries. Rishi looks at the Doctor. He tells Lakshmi that he will not let anything happen to her. Lakshmi says everyone is bad here, that aunty (Nurse) too who told that she will let me go with you. Rishi says I will take you with me, but has to settle the scores first. Wilson says he will take Lakshmi away from here and she is beautiful. Balwinder says you will only take Lakshmi. Rishi says don’t think, I will break your hands. He beats up Balwinder and hits on his hand. Wilson asks who are you? Rishi says Lakshmi’s lifepartner, bodyguard, husband, friend, lover and everything. Nurse gets scared and runs from there. Rishi holds Doctor and says I have understood you before only. He says Doctor’s profession is noble and you make it dirty. He hits him. Doctor falls. Wilson takes out the gun. Rishi snatches his gun and beats him. Balwinder hits Rishi, but Rishi hits him. Lakshmi says beat them more. Balwinder asks Doctor to catch Lakshmi. Rishi asks Lakshmi to be brave and run from there and says I will see. Lakshmi runs out. Doctor hits Rishi and runs out. Ayush, Shalu and Bani reach the Asylum and see the guards fallen down. Ayush says it seems Rishi Bhai reached here. Bani says their condition is bad. Rishi is about to run out, when Balwinder holds Rishi’s leg and makes him fall down. He takes the knige to stab him, when Ayush comes there and injects him injection. Balwinder asks what did you inject me? Ayush says this is magic. Shalu says so much will come out. Doctor brings Lakshmi there and threatens to kill her. Rishi shouts Doctor. Balwinder asks Doctor not to kill her.

Precap: Ayush asks Balwinder what is happening here. Balwinder says Malishka is involved and she has done many crimes. Ayush, Shalu and Bani are shocked. Rishi and Lakshmi have a hug. Dadi says it is more heinous crime than murder. Neelam says such criminal shall be hanged directly. Malishka gets tensed as she is that criminal.

Update Credit to: H Hasan

H Hasan

I started writing as a hobby. It turned into a fledged out career fortunately. I love reading novels and creative arts. I'm very committed and give my best to my work.

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