Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 9th January 2023 Written Episode Update: Vibhu Becomes the Chief Engineer

Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 9th January 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Prem takes Vibhu to a shady street. Vibhu asks Prem if he’s think about robbing him? Prem says that he doesn’t have anything to rob. Vibhu asks, then why did he took him here? Prem tells Vibhu that he brought him here to give him a work to do. Prem tells Vibhu that their area’s minister “Khujjan Gavariya” gave them a job offer. Vibhu says that he’s a fraud. Prem tells Vibhu that they will earn crores. A car stops in front of them. Prem takes Vibhu with him inside the car.

Tiwari is talking to someone on call and says that he will open a restaurant chain a every street and district. Angoori asks that why is opening his chain everywhere? Tiwari says that he was talking about restaurant chains. Saxena comes inside their house with a bundle of clothes. Tiwari asks Saxena that

why is carrying these clothes? Saxena says that he has started a business of washing clothes. Tiwari asks, why? Saxena says that he really likes to wash clothes by his hands. Tiwari asks Saxena about his disputed land case? Saxena tells him that he won that case.

Vibhu is sitting in a car with the minister. He asks Vibhu if wants to do a job as a chief engineer? Vibhu says, sure. Minister tells Vibhu that he has to handle illegal cases. Vibhu says that he would never do anything corrupt. Prem tells Vibhu to listen to him. Minister tells Vibhu that he will get all the facilities. Vibhu says that he has to consult with Anu. Minister says, sure.

Tiwari gets happy and hugs Saxena. Tiwari tells Saxena that he deserves a gift. Tiwari starts slapping Saxena. Saxena tells Tiwari that he can build anything on that land but , only after chief engineer’s permission. Tiwari says that he will take care of it. Tiwari tells Angoori that now he will open his restaurants now. Angoori thanks Saxena.

David and Anu are having dinner. Anu
tells David to ask Vibhu that why isn’t he searching any job. David says that he always tells him that they are liabilities on Anu, and she can’t take care if the whole house on her own. Anu says that still she cannot do. Vibhu comes in and sits with them. Anu asks Vibhu that where was he partying. Vibhu tells her that he was talking to housing property minister of Kanpur regarding a job. Anu and David gets surprised. Vibhu tells them that he gave him a offer of chief engineer. Anu asks Vibhu if he agreed to him? Vibhu says, that his rules and morals doesn’t allow him to do corrupt work. Anu tells him to throw his rules out of the window. David also agrees with her. Vibhu asks if they want him to get into corruption and take bribes? Anu says, yes and David also agrees with her.

David is getting a scooty ready for Vibhu to go to work. David gives the keys to Vibhu after completing all the religious rituals. David gives him blessings. Anu comes out with Vibhu’s lunch box. Tiwari also comes out of his house and greets Anu. Tiwari also comes in. Tiwari asks if Anu is kicking Vibhu out of the house. Anu tells Tiwari that Vibhu is now a government officer. Tiwari ask, at which government washroom? Vibhu ignores him and takes out his scooty. Angoori comes out of her house and tells Tiwari that she’s going to market. Vibhu asks if he should drop her there? Angoori says, sure.

Vibhu takes Angoori to the market. Angoori gets off and tells Vibhu to drive safe and don’t get lost.

Vibhu is working in his office. Prem comes in and sits in his office. Vibhu tells him to call him “sir” and behave properly. Prem calls him, sir. Vibhu asks Prem that why is he here? Prem tells Vibhu that there is a piece of land unsupervised and no one owns it. Vibhu asks that what he can do in that? Prem tells Vibhu to tells the minister about this and he will get 10 lakhs. Vibhu tells Prem speak softly or someone will listen to it. Vibhu asks the price of the land. Prem replies, 1 crore. Vibhu says that he will take 20 lakhs for the signature. Prem says that he will ask him. Saxena comes in and gets surprised to see Vibhu. Saxena asks him Vibhu that what is he doing here? Vibhu tells him that he’s now a chief engineer if this department. Vibhu asks Saxena that what is he doing here? Saxena says that he owns a laundry business and used to wash clothes of previous engineer. Vibhu tells him that now he has to work for him. Vibhu says that he’s a corrupt officer to be precise and tells Saxena that will take money from his clients. Saxena says that he will do it. Vibhu tells Saxena to be sneaky. Saxena tells Vibhu that he’s trying to indulge him in corruption. Vibhu says, no, not at all.

Teeka, Tillu and Rusa are praying to god. Rusa prays to get a rich husband who can buy her anything. Rusa leaves after completing her prayers. Teeka and Tillu says that they have to become rich now. Tillu asks, how? Teeka says that now they will grab weapons. Tillu asks if now they will become robbers? Teeka laughs and says, yes.

PreCap: None

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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