Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 7th August 2019 Written Episode Update Vibhuti and Tiwari hurt

Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 7th August 2019 Written Episode, Written Update on

Tiwari visits Anu, Anu decides to tease him,tiwari starts crying, Anu asks whats wrong did you fight with Angoori, Tiwari says im hurt, i was watching a film where the actress falls for some other guy than her husband or neighbour ,Anu says such characterless woman,Anu gets call and starts romancing,Anu says to Tiwari such movies shouldn’t be made women are not characterless i haven’t seen any.

Vibhu hurt about Angoori,Tiwari hurt about Anu,Tiwari sees Vibhu crying and thinks he knows about Anu and asks whats wrong, Vibhu says good you say, Tiwari asks how is anu bhabhi,Vibhu says good and Angoori, Tiwari says yes.

Tiwari tells Vibhu i went to a restaurant,Tilu walks and says you can pay for restuarant and not my salary, Tiwari scolds him, Vibhu calms him down’and asks tilu to leave.Tiwari says i cant say anything now,Vibhu says I will then,Prem rushes to him and says please come with me and save mw from my wife and takes him away.

Boys walks to Hapu, and fight amongst who will talk first, and include Hapu to,teeka slowly sneaks and steals 25000.

Angoori sees Tiwari sleeping,Tiwari acts asleep to avoid her,Angoori thinks let me tease him a lesson and says let me call chedi darling and calls chedi. Chedi picks call and talks loud purposely. Angoori starta flirting and says lets meet tomorrow in jhakarkatti tomorrow, Angoori leaves the room. Tiwari follows her as she talks. Tilu jumps in to steal money, he steals money and leaves.

Anu waiting for Vibhu and as he comes gets inside blanket and calls Anurag, and says lets go watch film tomorrow,Vibhu says enough, whats wrong with you, Anu says theres disturbance here and leaves

Tilu Teeka and Malkan manage money. Boys at tea stall, Prem and Agent walk to them, boys hand them money,boys say we leaving this country who given us nothing, zero it is,Saxena says do you have any idea zero is so important.

Pre cap : Anu romances with Anurag, Angoori romances with chedi, Vibhu and Tiwari watch them.

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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