Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 16th May 2024 Written Episode Update: Vibhuti Shocks Tiwari

Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 16th May 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Anu is practicing her dance moves inside her home. Tiwari shows up and begins dancing behind her at the main door. Anu is ignorant of Tiwari. Anu notices him and is surprised. Anu turned off the radio. Tiwari and Anu sat together. Anu asks Tiwari why he came here. Tiwari says he wants her to supervise this order. Anu assures that she would take care of everything. Tiwari becomes elated. Tiwari takes out a $50,000 check for Anu. Anu rejects and claims that she is unable to accept the money because Vibhu’s name is also attached to this job. Tiwari takes the check back.

Everyone is assembled at Tiwari’s. Following their task, they exit through the main door. Everyone’s weary. Nobody allows Reshampal sit and take over the space. David claims that he packed fifty pieces.

Tillu claims that he did 30. Everyone advises that they work even harder to produce 50k pieces every day, or else the deadline will be reached. David claims that all they want is tea and food to eat. Tillu mentions that Reshampal will get tea for everyone. He looks at Tillu.

A stranger lady approaches everyone, and everyone are mesmerized by her and stare at her. It’s actually Saxena disguised as a lady who offers tea to everyone. Disguised Saxena brings tea to everyone, who is thrilled to see a gorgeous lady. Saxena now approaches and kisses Reshampal. He is shocked. Everyone questions about her identity. Saxena responds, “Dudhiya Chai Wali”.

Everyone is sewing undergarments. The bell rings at 8 pm. David shouts it’s time to take some rest and they leaves their machines. Tiwari shows up and tells them to settle back down. He asks that where is everyone going? Tillu says that it’s their time to drink, or else they wont be able work properly. David yells at Tiwari. Tiwari yells back at him. Everyone starts hailing their workers union. Tiwari tells everyone to calm down. Tiwari says that he only wants the work to be completed on time. David tells Tiwari get some drink for everyone so that, they can work even faster. MasterJi stands up and starts defending Tiwari, and says that they should respect their workplace. Tiwari appreciates MasterJi. Tiwari warns that he will cancel the order. Everyone gets worried and gets back to work.

Vibhu and Prem are discussing about the Tiwari’s order. Vibhu says that he’s also taking care of all the workers. Tiwari shows up all excited. Prem asks that how are the workers doing their job? Tiwari says that they are working hard. Vibhu asks if he’s here to drink free alcohol? Tiwari feels ashamed and denies. Vibhu tells Tiwari to make sure that the delivery doesn’t get delayed. Tiwari agrees and starts drinking with each other. David, Teeka and Tillu stops Tiwari. They starts yelling at Tiwari. David says that they also want drinks. They starts protesting against Tiwari. Vibhu yells at David. David replies that he breaks the relation between them and says that he’s not his uncle anymore. David, Teeka and Tillu starts protesting against Vibhu, Prem and Tiwari

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Update Credit to: Tanaya


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