Categories: Beyhadh 2

Beyhadh 2 9th January 2020 Written Episode Update: Rudra Proposes Ananya

Beyhadh 2 9th January 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on

Ankit kidnaps Maya and puts her in car’s dickie. Rudra keeps his hand on dickie, but walks away from there. He reaches Maya’s flat and rings bell, then knocks door and pleads Maya to talk to him reminiscing Maya seducing him. He thinks he is unfit for her, continues pleading. Ankit then calls MJ and says his gift is with him and he wanted to gift it to him. MJ thanks him and says he is Rishi’s true friend and asks where to meet. Ankit says construction site. MJ informs Amir that work is done.
Eunuch knocks car door and asks Ankit to give him/her money. Ankit yells at him/her to get out. Eunuch curses him and leaves. Ankit drags Maya out of car into a construction site. Rudra continuously calls Maya and shouts to open the door, he made a mistake. Ananya asks Rishi

why was he hugging Maya, what if his girlfriend comes to know about it. Rishi asks what is wrong if he hugged her star writer. Rudra walks to them, tells Ananya that he wants to talk to her and asks Rishi to leave.

Maya gets conscious and hits Ankit with shovel. Anit tries to escape, but she continues to hit him.
He holds shovel. Ananya asks Rudra why he sent Rishi away. Rudra says pain and he always go along, chats emotionally and says whenever he is in emotional turmoil, he seeks support only in her; asks if she will marry him. She asks to stop joking. He says she is the only support he has and he wants him to remain same forever. She hugs him happily and says its yes from her side and he shouldn’t back off. He ask if she knows why he agreed to marry her. She says she knows.

Ankit snatches shovel from Maya and pushes her into dirt pit. She reminisces falling into similar pit earlier and pleads for help. Eunuch reaches there making peculiar eunuch sound. Ankit remembers her. Eunuch’s friends also reach and they all walk towards Ankit and attack him. MJ rides car towards construction site and calls Ankit, but in vain. Maya pleads eunuch to get her out of pit and hugs her/him tightly. Ananya says she made him her friend and soon will make him husband material. He says he wants to tell her what happened 10 years ago. She says she doesn’t want to know. MJ reaches construction site and gets out of car. Maya gets tensed hearing his footsteps. MJ calls Ankit, but his phone is not reachable. He gets back into car and sees enuchs passing in front of car, but doesn’t notice Maya between them.

Precap: MJ prays devi maa to protect his Rishi from an unknown girl. Rishi says he loves a girl and wants to marry her. MJ asks if it is the same girl who saved him from drowning.

Update Credit to: MA

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