Categories: Bekaboo

Bekaboo 8th July 2023 Written Episode Update: Bela learns Deepa’s truth

Bekaboo 8th July 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Ranav saying no one can kill me, except myself. He stabs his heart with the knife. He says I give my life for my life, trust me now, I free you from my love today, I love you a lot, I want your happiness. She worries and shouts Ranav. He asks her to live her life. He stabs himself again. She shouts Ranav. Paatali comes and asks what happened, Ranav…. She gets shocked. The earth shatters. Paatali and Bela watch in shock. Ranav goes inside the huge pit. Bela says you can’t go. He says Bela, you can’t save me now, let me go, I won’t come back again. She shouts Ranav… He falls inside.

Hulchul kahin….plays… Paatali says my son left because of you, now I won’t leave you alive. She closes eyes. Yamini comes and stabs Bela. Paatali is shocked. Yamini taunts. Bela falls

down. Yamini says now no one can stop me from drinking her blood. Paatali says Pratham died just now, you still think of yourself, have some shame. Yamini says I have learnt this from you. Bela gets her fairy powers. She wakes up and attacks Yamini. Bela comes in her fairy avatar. Bela lifts Deepa and disappears. Paatali and Yamini look around. She says I will not leave Bela. Bela cries for Deepa. She thinks of Deepa. She says why Ranav, why did you do this. Bela buries Deepa. She says sorry Maa, I couldn’t save you, Ranav didn’t do good. She flies to Parilok. She comes to Parimaa. Parimaa smiles seeing her and says Devlekha. Bela hugs her and cries. She says Ranav is no more. Parimaa says I know, I was afraid for this, you had to take revenge on Ranav, you changed your mind and married him, you saw the result, whatever happened, I m happy, Ranav left from your life and you came back to Parilok. Bela asks why did he kill Deepa, she was innocent. She cries. Parimaa says calm down, you are a fairy, you are in Parilok. Ranav is lying in Paatal lok.

Bela sees Deepa’s pic with Parimaa. She asks who is she. Pari says she is a bad Pari, she tried to kill Parimaa and snatch her throne, Parimaa punished her and sent her on earth. Bela asks why didn’t you tell this to me before. Parimaa says you were in pain, you loved Deepa, she wasn’t a human, she was a bad Pari. Bela says no, she was my mum. Parimaa says it was an illusion, I came on earth, you remember, I tried to tell you but you stopped me, you did right, this is the truth, Deepa did wrong, I punished her and send her on earth, I blessed her that if any Pari is born on earth, she will be born to Deepa, I didn’t know my daughter will be born to her, she had hurt you, I kept a condition, if she gets Asi astra, she gets it here and we will forgive her, maybe she didn’t wish to repent, she wanted Asi astra for her powers and my throne, she never loved you, she used to hate me and you, trust me, she cheated us. Bela says when I came back, why didn’t you tell you. Parimaa says you were in pain, Deepa died, and that Rakshas also left, accept the destiny. Bela recalls Ranav’s words.

She thinks Deepa had come to kill me, Ranav was right. Bela cries and thinks of Ranav. Judaai….plays… After three months, Bela is still sad. Parimaa comes to meet her. She asks Bela isn’t she ready for her Rajtilak. She says everyone is coming to darbar, you will become a queen today. Bela says I don’t want to become a queen, I don’t want this responsibility, I m happy, I will help you and do every duty, but not become a queen. Parimaa says your Rajya abhishek will happen today, you are Rajpari, you have no way, you are born to do your duty, so you can’t step back, I did my duty, its your turn now, go and get ready, everyone is waiting. She goes. Bela comes to the darbar. Parimaa says your Rajya Abhishek will happen in sometime, we will do a little rasam. She calls a man and says he is an angel, you will marry him, because only a married woman can become a queen. Bela says I won’t marry. She leaves.

Parimaa says this marriage will happen, make the preparations. Parimaa stops Bela. She asks what happened to you. Bela asks why did you lie to me. Parimaa says you have to marry an angel. Bela says I love Ranav, I m not ashamed, he died while saving my life, I don’t care if anyone hears this. Parimaa says Ranav is dead, he can’t come back, end everything, Deepa cheated you, will you cheat all the fairies, you aren’t an ordinary person to cry all life over a broken heart, how long will you cry, you will become a queen, you have to get married and do your duty, you can’t say no. Bela cries. Parimaa says I know you are hurt, cry as much as you want, you will become a queen, you make your heart strong and get married, your love for Ranav will always be there, but you have to marry to become a queen. She calls the old fairies. She says make her ready for wedding. Bela cries.

She gets ready for marriage. Bela sees a locked chest in her room. She recalls her childhood. She gets curious to know what’s inside the chest. Parimaa says you don’t touch this chest from today, okay. Bela says what’s inside this chest. She uses her powers to open the lock. She opens the chest. She gets a huge book inside. She reads about a secret.

She reads about a fairy defeating the death and saving someone. The lady asks what’s written in that book. Parimaa comes. Bela keeps the book back. Parimaa smiles seeing Bela ready. She asks are you ready. Bela says yes.

Parimaa takes Bela with her. Bela says there is a lot of poverty on earth. Bela goes to the mandap. She hears the angel’s thoughts. He thinks I will become the king of Parilok after this marriage, I want this throne. They sit in the mandap. Bela exchanges the varmala. They take the wedding rounds. She marries the angel. Parimaa smiles.

Bela goes to get Parimaa’s blessings. Parimaa walks down to her. She gets a sword by magic and beheads Bela. Everyone is shocked.

Bela says I will fight the seven loks, but I will get Ranav back. The man says Ranav’s final rites will happen now. Bela goes to Paatal lok. She sees Ranav. Bekaboo…plays….

Update Credit to: Amena


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