Categories: Barrister Babu

Barrister Babu 16th March 2021 Written Episode Update: Bondita gets Anirudh’s name tattooed

Barrister Babu 16th March 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Anirudh saying I will save Bondita from the bad customs. Bondita writes Anirudh’s name on the wall in the entire room. Anirudh goes to see Bondita. He gets shocked seeing the room. He asks Bondita what is she doing. Trilochan says Bondita will not stop at any cost now. Anirudh says I will end her stubbornness. He tries to wipe off their names from the walls. Bondita writes it once again. He asks Bondita what is she doing. Trilochan says you are also being kiddish, how long will you do this madness. Anirudh says until you stop her.

He argues and tries to remove the papers from the walls. Bondita sticks it back. Anirudh leaves. Bondita gets sad. Bondita comes back from the school. She sees the room walls cleared. She shouts who did this, who erased Anirudh and my name.

He says I did this. He gives her few things and asks her to throw it at her, all her anger will end, she will feel good. He asks her to have tamarind candies. She throws it. He says you have thrown it, when I said you are just my responsibility, you should accept this thing, you shouldn’t get after me, he should be friends, no mean no, tell me, no person can be so imp that we live as door mats for him, never, I m saying this for your betterment, you are special, think about it, sorry to anger you. He holds ears. He goes.

Sampoorna comes to Bondita. She sees the room. She pities Bondita. She taunts Bondita that Anirudh isn’t in her life. Bondita asks her to go. Sampoorna says but I was saying… Bondita shouts just go, I have to study.

Trilochan talks to the village men. Anirudh says I had filed a plea to stop a custom like child marriage. Bondita thinks. She says I will not live like a door mat for anyone. She sits back to study. Anirudh talks to the men. Bondita comes there. Anirudh says I have requested the court to not permit the child marriages, I want to make such law, girls can marry once they become adults, Bondita will have her own identity, Bondita doesn’t need to depend on anyone’s name, not even my name. Bondita goes out to get Anirudh’s name tattooed on her hand. The lady says it will pain a lot, will you tolerate it. Bondita says yes. The lady says it will hurt a lot. Bondita cries. She gets the name tattooed. Trilochan shouts enough, you and Bondita’s name will never get separated. He scolds Anirudh. Bondita sees Anirudh written on her hand. Trilochan says once marriage happens, then names get connected for seven births, you think the law can end this relation of marriage. Manorama comes and says Anirudh, Bondita is outside….. Bondita says write my name, Bondita, now. She gets Anirudh Bondita tattooed on her hand. Anirudh runs to see her. He gets shocked. She cries in pain.

Update Credit to: Amena


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