Categories: Barrister Babu

Barister Babu 30th December 2020 Written Episode Update: Anirudh consumes poisoned kheer

Barister Babu 30th December 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Bondita coming back to the kitchen. The girl says prasad is ready, we will keep it in the temple, we will pray. Bondita worries. She recalls Anirudh’s words. She asks what will I tell Anirudh now. Anirudh calls the jailer and asks about Saudamini. The jailer says yes, she is here. Anirudh asks is there any change in her behavior that looks suspicious. The jailer says no, no one had come to meet her. Munshi sees Anirudh and smiles. The girl gets the prasad. She says I will feed the prasad to Kopal first. Trilochan says Anirudh needs your blessings. Binoy says I know, Anirudh will never eat prasad by this fake girl’s hands. Trilochan says you know Binoy, Anirudh has a new thinking, he respects me, he will never refuse to me, come. The girl calls Anirudh, Batuk and Somnath.

She asks them to have the prasad. Anirudh looks on. She asks Anirudh to have the prasad and not make an angry face. Bondita comes there.

She asks Anirudh to have the prasad, Sasumaa had made it for him. She says she has added her love and blessing also. She asks the girl to feed Anirudh by her hands. She stops the girl and holds her hand. She asks the girl to have the kheer first. She says a mum can show love and even a son can show love, you should have the first bite, since you are elder in the relation. Munshi looks on. Anirudh smiles. Bondita says a heavy cupboard fell on you, you eat the prasad first. She asks Trilochan am I right. Trilochan asks the girl to have the prasad first. Munshi thinks. Bondita thinks Anirudh will be protected this way. Anirudh thinks I m glad that Bondita is using the studies in daily life. She asks the girl to eat the prasad. Trilochan says have it. Binoy says vice, so she isn’t eating the kheer. The girl recalls Munshi’s words. She eats the kheer and asks Bondita is she happy now. She says I have eaten the prasad, now you feed this to Kopal. She says don’t leave the prasad, you know it. Bondita nods. The girl blesses her and says I will come.

Anirudh looks at her. The girl runs downstairs and vomits the kheer. Bondita asks Anirudh to have it, the kheer would be safe. Anirudh smells the kheer. Trilochan asks him to have the kheer. Munshi looks on. He says if you don’t eat this poisoned kheer, how will my revenge get fulfilled. Trilochan insists Anirudh to have it. Munshi says I have given one packet, I will give more two packets the same way, then Anirudh will die. Trilochan asks Anirudh to eat it. Anirudh eats the kheer.

He says even if this had poison, I would have eaten it on your saying, I have eaten it just as kheer, not prasad. Trilochan says Anirudh has eaten the prasad, now everything will be fine. Munshi says nothing will be fine in this haveli. Trilochan says don’t doubt on Shubra, let her stay here and complete her fast. The girl thinks I m feeling hungry, I couldn’t eat anything while acting to observe the fast. Bondita and Trilochan come. Trilochan sees the girl and praises her. The girl acts. Trilochan calls out Shubra. He says Anirudh has eaten the kheer, we got food for you, break your fast. The girl thinks I want to have the food. The girl says no, I can’t eat all this until my fast completes, I can just have fruits. Bondita says your health will spoil. Trilochan says you took second birth for your children, you are doing a big tapasya, keep this from my side. He gives her money. The girl thinks I came here for money, but I should not keep it. She asks Bondita to keep the shagun, she has a right on it. She says I m a guest here, I will complete fast, I will take Anirudh’s threat on me and go. Bondita thinks this girl is clever, so she isn’t taking the money, we have to find out her aide.

Precap: Anirudh faints. Munshi puts him on a couch. Bondita gets worried. Munshi tells her to let Anirudh rest and she should go rest too. He will stay with Anirudh. She says it’s so late and asks why he didn’t go home yet.

Update Credit to: Amena


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