Banni Chow Home Delivery 10th August 2022 Written Episode Update: Manini Performs Banni’s Graha Pravesh Ritual

Banni Chow Home Delivery 10th August 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Banni’s bidayi/farewell ceremony starts. Vishnu asks Yuvan not to trouble his sister and to keep her happy. Yuvan asks if he looks so bad and asks him to shift to his house. Basti man says they don’t drink even water of daughter’s house. Yuvan says Vishnu can have juice and asks basti man if groom’s family is so bad that bride’s family doesn’t even have water. Basti man says its an old custom. Sulelkha says Yuvan is right. Devraj notices Mamusa and Mamisa hiding behind a car and signalling him and walks to them.

Manini visits mental asylum to meet her mentally ill brother Prateik. She recalls that Devraj was her father’s business partner and got her father arrested with false allegations, her father then went into depression and set

the whole house on fire. She rescued herself and her brother somehow, but her brother fell on a stone and lost his mental balance. She determines to take revenge from Yuvan.

Devraj offers money to Mamusa and Mamisa who expect money every month. He thinks he is trapped for taking help from them to get Banni in Yuvan’s life. Manini says she wants to destroy Devraj’s family and recalls how she trapped Hemant and entered Devraj’s house. Prateik tells Manini that he forgave her but cannot forget that horrifying night. She gets out of control. Manini calls doctor who injects Pateik and makes him sleep. Manini promises Prateik that soon he will be in Rathore Mansion and Yuvan will be in a mental asylum.

Devraj asks Yuvan and Banni to get into car. Yuvan waits for Banni’s scooter and says without it, they cannot continue Banni’s dream of a successful catering business. They all reach Rathore mansion. Banni thinks this house never accepted as Banni or will not accept him as Yuvan’s wife now. Devraj says he will welcome Banni and asks Vrinda and Myra to make arrangements for Banni’s welcome. Lights switch on. They are all amazed to see the decoration and Manini welcoming Banni dancing on a Ghoomar.. song. Manini performs Banni’s aarti. Banni asks if she injured her head or what and reminds she is the same Banni who failed her plans.

Manini says Banni’s name is linked to Yuvan now and is Yuvan’s stubbornness, so she iks welcoming her. Banni says she is Yuvan’s love. Family feels shocked seeing Manini’s sudden changed behavior. Banni taunts Manini that she changed her behavior like a chameleon and asks if she kept snake in a rice bowl or mixed something in alta.

Precap: Banni notices Yuvan sleeping on floor and asks him to sleep on bed. She is shocked to see a servant sleeping instead. Yuvan says she sent servant to sleep there. Charmi and Viraj joke on Yuvan’s thinking.

Update Credit to: MA

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