Categories: Bani Ishq Da Kalma

Bani Ishq Da Kalma 19th June 2014 Written Episode Update

Bani Ishq Da Kalma 19th June 2014 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1:
Location: Rajji’s residence
Buaji is still agreeing to marry kuki to vicky, which shocks them all, as she says that she cant trust these people. soham tries to explain that these arent bought witnesses, and that its actually kuki’s life at stake. Buaji says that she is giving one chance after the other, and that they have spoiled his mind. She shuts them down, and if any of them doesnt want to be in her daughter’s marriage, they can leave. She asks the peeople that soham brought also to leave. soham personally apologises to them and they leave. Buaji apologises to his mom and asks vicky to sit again. Buaji asks the priest to starts enchantments and start the pheras. Soham asks how can she trust them so blindly, and if god forbid, this turns out to be true,

would she be able to ever regret this or forgive herself fort spoiling kuki’s life. he says that he wont let her do this. Buaji asks who is he to stop her daughter’s marriage and asks them to stop dramatising, as she knows everything, and that he is doing all this for guggi, as he cares for him and not kuki. Soham is hurt, as due to friendship he is taunted for forgetting his duties as a brother. she says that she wont have him at the wedding, and if he still doesnt relent, then she would leave with kuki, and get her married outside. soham asks how can she let her ego come in the way. buaji asks if he wont let her marry kuki. Rajji asks soham to stop arguing with her. He calms down. Buaji again asks the priest to continue. As he does, again anu’s voice booms in to stop. Buaji faces her with consternation. Anu arrives with the police and shruti, her NGO lady in handcuffs. vicky and his mother are shocked. Anu confronts buaji, when she says that only this was left. She asks how can she come back after having been insulted so badly. She says thjat nothing anu can say or do, that can stop her descision, and that this marriage shall happen. Anu says that she wont listen to her, and this marriage wont happen, as today her in-laws have to go to jail, their rightful place. vicky says that its enough and he cant face this insult anymore. He and his mother are about to leave when Anu faces them, and says that the wedding shant happen and that they should tell their plan or else she would reveal. Anu says that she wont believe her, but asks buaji to listen to the assistyant who was bribed to do this. Shruti bares it all. Vicky and his mother are tensed. Buaji is shocked, while others are relieved. Anu also shows the torn page of his case file, and the fake passport and fake visa that he got for kuki, which took time in checking, and that rajji was right that these all are false. Anu tells how this has been a routine job with them. Anu shows buaji the face. Buaji is shocked beyond belief. Anu narrates the entire story, of how they would have left kuki at the airport so that they can take the dowry money too. Buaji is apalled. Anu reveals his name to be Aman Singh. The guilty are shocked. buaji comes to confront them. Buaji slaps vicky tight across on his face, and that he and his mother have lied enough, and that due to her ego, she has faced enough betrayal but not anymore, and that she actually feels like killing him right now. vicky and his mother are angry. She asks them to leave. Anu hands them over to the police, and they are talen away, while all are relieved. Buaji is distraught. Anu remembers the stinging words that she has placed on anu, rajji and soham.

Buaji collapses on the floor, lamenting herself and what she did to kuki, and other people in her blind faith on vicky and his mother. rajji tries to compose her saying that kuki is fortunate to have been saved from such ill luck. she makes her get up, while buaji thanks anu with folded hands, and apologises profusely for her misbehaviour. All are overhwelmed with relief at things finally being right. anu asks her not to do this, as she understands her feelings, being the mother of her daughter, as all they want is their daughter’s happiness, and says that she can relate to this. anu says that this is a Paradox in which people rush after the NRI dream, and not search for a better guy instead. She says that every parent should check on the guy’s background, instaed of purchasing the dream. Buaji complies and apologises to kuki too, for having spared nothing to ruin her life, and that she would do whatever she says now. rajji and soham are happy. Kuki asks buaji not to apologise like this. they hug tightly. kuki asks if she would actually give anything if she asks for it. Buaji asks her to demand and see for herself. Kuki hesitatingly brings up her eyes to guggi. Buaji calls guggi, and he hesitatingly goes upto her, while rajji and soham smile amusedly. Guggi confront her, while buaji asks what did she want to say when she had come back to this house. Guggi remembers the fiasco, and again starts stumbling, while all watch amusedly. He again is unable to say anything. Kuki too asks him to say something. Buaji tells kuki, along with winking at her, that she doesnt hink that guggi doesnt love kuki, as he isnt saying anything, and that its better that she finds a suitable guy and gets her married to him. Kuki too complies. Guggi gets angry and starts blurting out how much he loves kuki. He says that if buaji gets her married to someone else, then he would murder. Buaji amused asks who would he kill. Guggi instanslt clarifies that he would kill that guy. Buaji pretends to be scared and taunts him for being so shy. Soham asks him to get ready for marriage. Guggi gets super excited and decides to take the phera straightaway. rajji and soham ask him to stop and get dressed first. he excitedly goes inside with soham. All thank the lord. the screen freezes on reajji’s relieved, happy face.

Precap: Finally, kuki and guggi’s marriage happens, with everyone’s blessings including buaji.

Update Credit to: Rimjhim

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