Apollo’s redemption (Prologue)

Hey guys!
Tis story was orignally posted in my Wattpad account. but, i thought it would be great if i post it here to, so welcome to my new Paranormal story – Apollo’s Redemption.

“Claire, you’re the redemption. Apollo’s redemption”
In the matter of international security and peace, I Zara of the purple squad, hunter of Artemis takes the charge of Claire Carter and protect her from all the upcoming dangers in her life. Even if takes to protect her from Apollo himself. This oath is taken by fire and blood and will last until my last breath.


Miss Carter,

I know this feels stalker-ish, I mean can you blame us? We lack social communication skills with humans. We have been trying our best to reach you, but it turns out that you’ve been neglecting our advances. On behalf of the hunters and Artemis I request you to contact us by replying to us, so we can reach you. This is a matter of urgent emergency and international security. You have been targetting by different superior powers to be eliminated so we request you to get back in touch with us or actions would be taken from our side. We casue no harm, this is solemnly for your betterment so don’t neglect us. This is the final mail you’ll get, if we don’t get a reply soon the consequences won’t be good.

At your disposal,

Hunters of Artemis (Purple Squad)

Thnx guys for giving this a shot, it means so much!
Any SPN fans here, Seasn 12 is up if anyone saw Episode 6, please tell me1
Thnx again


Ruth Gounder. something teen. Wattpad trash. kpop enthusiastic.
