Anupama 5th February 2025 Written Episode, Written Update on
The episode starts with Anupama asking Paritosh to answer the call, while Vasundhara speaks to Anupama, urging her to make a decision about Rahi’s wedding before things go too far. She also advises Anupama to stay vigilant. Meanwhile, Mahi informs Anupama that Rahi has returned. Rahi confesses to Anupama that she spent the night with Prem and apologizes. Anupama questions why Rahi couldn’t meet Prem in a more appropriate setting, like a café or their home. Rahi insists she didn’t cross any boundaries. Meanwhile, Paritosh and Pakhi grow anxious, fearing the Kotharis might call off the alliance.
Leela criticizes Rahi, and Mahi wonders how Rahi managed to enter the house despite tight security. Rahi explains that the guards recognized her, which is how she got in. Anupama points out that even if Rahi is in the right, society will still judge her harshly. Leela adds that people will blame Rahi’s absent father and accuse Anupama of failing to control her daughter. Anupama loses her temper with Rahi, but both Prem and Rahi apologize. Anupama warns them to be more careful in the future.
Prem wonders how Baa found out about Rahi. Radha tries to calm him down, but Prem admits he’s unsure how to comfort Anupama. Radha, too, feels clueless. Paritosh and Ansh handle Prem with kid gloves, which irritates him, and he asks them to stop treating him like a Kothari. Meanwhile, Radha accidentally calls Prathana, and Parag learns that Prem is being treated like a servant at Anupama’s house. Gautam stokes Parag’s anger further.
Anupama, Leela, and Hasmuk suggest that Rahi and Prem should get married. Vasundhara questions Anupama’s sudden change of heart, while Leela argues that the wedding should happen soon to prevent any more incidents like the previous night. Parag, however, claims that while Rahi is ready, Prem is not, and he urges Anupama to withdraw the proposal.
Rahi grows anxious about the Kotharis’ reaction, and Ansh notices her restlessness. He asks if she’s marrying Prem just to reunite him with his family, but Rahi reassures him that she’s ready to take on the responsibilities of being a Kothari.
Parag confronts Anupama, demanding to know what happened overnight to make her change her mind. Prem steps in, insisting he’s ready to support Rahi and urges Baa to accept the proposal. Baa agrees but warns that becoming a Kothari daughter-in-law won’t be easy. Anupama echoes this sentiment, emphasizing the challenges of being a daughter-in-law.
Anupama appeals to the Kotharis to understand Rahi, and Khyati reassures her that they will treat Rahi like their own daughter. Anupama performs a ritual with Prem, but Parag remains opposed to the alliance. He confronts Baa for arranging the marriage, but Baa defends her decision, asking Parag to accept Rahi for Prem’s sake. Parag argues that Rahi lacks manners, but Baa insists she will guide Rahi just as she did with Khyati and Neeta.
Prem enjoys panipuri with the Shah family by the roadside. Later, Parag spots him washing plates and confronts Anupama about it.
Update Credit to: H Hasan
All our ancient scriptures—Ramayana, Mahabharata, every revolution and world war have demonstrated that everything is by us, for us, and of us.
Whenever this truth is forgotten, a great war follows. Yet, we have failed to learn from Kurukshetra ki karah.
Interestingly, apart from the Rakshasa war in the Ramayana, every other major conflict has been between humans.
This reveals that the real demonic, power-hungry, and animalistic instincts reside within us.
No amount of external regulations or revolutions can bring lasting change unless each individual conquers their inner animalistic instincts.
This is precisely why even the most developed nations, after winning countless wars and attaining material abundance, ultimately turn inward in search of peace.
Have we fought enough external wars or still more pending before we turn inwards.
Choice is solely ours.
“Yada Yada Hi Dharmasya Glanir Bhavati Bharata,
Abhyutthanam Adharmasya Tadatmanam Srijamyaham.
Paritranaya Sadhunam Vinashayacha Dushkritam,
Dharmasansthapanarthaya Sambhavami Yuge Yuge.”
(Whenever there is a decline in righteousness and a rise in unrighteousness, I manifest Myself. To protect the virtuous, destroy the wicked, and establish Dharma, I appear in every age.)
Correction, Guruji: We, the people of India, are not merely engaged in our daily routines (dincharya) or just earning a livelihood (roji roti).
We are the ones driving the nation forward, we produce, cook, transport, deliver, heal, build, educate, invent, discover, protect, and maintain.
We are the porters, doctors, engineers, teachers, soldiers, and housekeepers who keep the country running.
Since we are deeply involved in our responsibilities, we have elected leaders to ensure that we can carry out our duties effectively, much like a Scrum Master, who facilitates workflow, removes obstacles, and ensures both efficiency and work-life balance.
However, the real issue is that our leadership, instead of focusing on skill development and empowering the people, is busy indulging in the politics of freebies.
Rather than uplifting citizens, they are preoccupied with empowering themselves and their children, prioritizing their own interests over public welfare.
While the children of the people (the real bosses) attend government schools, the children of our so-called ‘servants’ (the government) enjoy elite central schools and study abroad.
Our freedom fighters wrote the Constitution for the people, yet we ended up following a distorted version of Manu Smriti.
Originally, Manu Smriti linked privilege with duty, emphasizing self-discipline, moral conduct, and societal responsibility. However, over time, people clung to privilege while conveniently neglecting their dharma.
WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure to all its citizens:
JUSTICE, social, economic and political;
LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship;
EQUALITY of status and of opportunity;
and to promote among them all
FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation;
Who Holds Sovereignty in India?
A:The People of India.
Preamble establishes that India is governed by the people, for the people, and of the people, ensuring justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity for all its citizens.
We the people of India want to know why the real boss is uneducated, inefficient and miserably dependent on freebies.
India keep asking, each vote counts, every person matters. How are we contributing to run the nation?
Are we well-equipped, well-trained, and well-supported to fulfill our roles effectively? Or are we merely being kept dependent, while those in power secure privileges for themselves?
Demand quality education, advanced healthcare, world-class infrastructure, affordable housing, organic and hygienic food production, and a clean, sustainable environment for all.
Work hard, pay taxes, and contribute to making this vision a reality.
To all low-income earners—reject freebies and pay taxes how mush ever possible.
For those without an income, step up, get trained, and serve—volunteer in environmental conservation, caregiving, and community initiatives to uplift society.
Track your efforts, document your progress, and share updates regularly.
We are the true driving force behind this nation. We, the people of India, are the sovereign.
Let’s take charge of our future and ensure that our leadership supports us in achieving this vision.
Correction, There is no such thing as a low-income category, every sector is highly essential and should be regularized with opportunities for development and leadership.
Instead of debating low or high income, we should focus on contributing our best according to our abilities.
WTF are you all smoking here?