Categories: Anupama

Anupama 27th September 2023 Written Episode Update: Dimpy Announces Her Pregnancy During The Festival

Anupama 27th September 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Anuj serves sweets to everyone. Samar says my Mummy makes tasty sweets. Pakhi says buddy has made it and not mummy. Barkha says she is done. Anuj says it is sugarless. Toshu says jaggery is good for health. Anupama asks Babu ji, how is Malti Devi? Babu ji says how she can be with Leela, and says you knows that she says it and doesn’t think before saying, if I try to stop her then fight happens. Anupama says people says that life goes on straight, but it is circle which starts and ends on trouble. Babu ji says troubles comes in life to go, whose heart is truthful. Anupama says yes. Baa asks Vanraj to talk to Anuj and asks him to make her arrangements. Vanraj says today is festival and he must be arranging something. Baa says we have 1000’s of festival, this way we will never talk to him.


Devi recalls Baa’s hurtful words and keeps hand on her ears. Anupama asks Kinjal if Gurumaa is fine and says she might feel scared being alone. Kinjal says she made her have it and wrote everyone’s numbers in the diary and kept. Anupama says you all are suffering because of us. Kinjal says if we are separate? Anupama gives kheer to Malti Devi which is made by Anuj. Kinjal goes to keep it. Anuj asks if everything is fine. Anupama thinks she is not against him, but wants an old mother to get some happiness. Pakhi announces that Chotin and she has decided for a fun game. Anupama worries for Malti Devi. Dimpy gets a call and gets stunned. Everyone starts playing the game and laughs.

Anupama tells that the games are like chat masala, as it is like chat masala and enhances the tastes. Malti Devi is haunted by Baa’s words and Anuj’s refusal to accept her as his mother. Pakhi says now the onlookers turn. Baa says I can’t play as I had much sweets. Anupama asks Kavya to sit. Barkha asks Kavya to sit and asks her to resume her modeling career after pregnancy, and asks her not to do mistake which she did. Baa asks what you are saying and tells that the mother shall be at home, and says if the mother is seen to the baby then its ok. She says small baby needs his mother more and she shall be at home, it is seen what happens to baby without a mother. Anupama says Baa. Barkha says father shall also be responsible. Baa says father earns money and mother takes care of the baby. Kinjal says parenting is both parents’ responsibility and says Toshu and the family supports me to do the job. Babu ji says yes. Barkha tells that it is different matter in Kavya’s matter, as the baby is of someone’s else. Anupama tells that the heart shall be big and if it is big then they go to make the baby quiet who is crying on the road. Barkha asks if their heart is big?

Anuj comes to Vanraj and says I know you are still angry at Kavya. He says Toshu and Kinjal’s relation couldn’t become better till today, Kinjal couldn’t forgive him. He says after so much happened, Kavya is still in your house and that means you both have some relation which is stopping you both to break it. He asks him to fulfill the relation with the same intensity and says your anger and sadness can hurt Kavya and the baby. He says once the baby is born, what you will do. He asks if you will keep that baby away from you. He says when I got a call from orphanage about Choti, I didn’t see her face and wanted to adopt her. He says if you love baby, then the baby will be yours. Anuj tells that Kavya still loves him and the family and asks him to move on, and prove to be a good father for the child. He says my own mother left me, and I was lucky to be adopted by my parents and gave me love and care. He asks him to think what is the baby’s mistake and says even he deserves to both parents’ love and asks him to think and take a decision, as it is his life. He says you shall move a bit and then everything will be fine, that baby is not guilty. Anupama comes there and looks at Anuj. Vanraj thinks of Kavya and Anuj’s words. Anupama says I hope Mr. Shah shall take a decision, he shall accept the baby fully else shall tell Kavya so that she gets ready to fight her own war. She asks Bappa to make everything fine.

Malti Devi says I shall not be alive, and shall leave from here, I don’t have right to stay here. She comes out of the house, when the driver comes there and says Anuj made this kheer and Anupama sent it for her. Malti Devi gets emotional and says what I was doing, I shall not leave the hope, my son has made it. She then recalls Baa’s words and says I shall die.

Shah family tells that they will leave. Pakhi gives them gifts. Dimpy says I want to tell something to you all. Baa asks her to do drama tomorrow and says today is festival. Anupama asks her to say. Samar asks Dimpy to say what happened? Kavya and Anupama asks her to say. Dimpy says I am pregnant. Everyone is happy. Anupama hugs Dimpy. Samar hugs Vanraj and Anupama. He says I am going to be Papa. She says I will be Dadi.

Precap: Samar asks Anupama to make halwa. She says anything whatever you say. He says he just wants his mummy and don’t want to separate with her ever. Pakhi, Toshu and Samar share a good time after a long time. Anupama prays for them. Samar tells that he is very happy today, and sees the dishes. He gets hurt as the nail pierces in his foot.

Update Credit to: MA

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