Categories: Anupama

Anupama 22nd September 2023 Written Episode Update: Anuj refuses to accept Malti Devi as his mother

Anupama 22nd September 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Anupama tells Anuj that she had told him about the file which she got from Gurumaa’s stuff, and says she got this photo from that file. She says she wanted to tell him yesterday, but couldn’t tell him. She says may be God wanted you to know this today, says she had put photo in the purse while going to orphanage, and when she was giving cheque to Sushma, she gave the photo along with it mistakenly and the photo fell down and Sushma identified him to be you. She tells that when she asked her about the proofs, she gave your birth certificate and also the receipt of Malti Devi handing him over to the orphanage and also the donations receipts which she used to sent all these years. Malti Devi cries hearing this. Anuj looks at her. Baa says Anuj’s relatives appear from nowhere, but this time the relation

is known after relative’s entry. Babu ji says it is God’s leela. Vanraj says unbelievable. Pakhi says it is shocking. Adhik says when it is so shocking for us then we can’t think how much it will be shocking for you. Romil says I can understand, even I was shock when Mummy made me meet Papa. Barkha says it is a shocking twist, Malti Devi is your mother. Choti Anu asks what is the happening? Kavya says Gurumaa is your Papa’s mother. Choti Anu gets happy. Anupama tells Malti Devi that though she didn’t know that he is her son, but her heart knows and that’s why you used to call him beta.

She says after your parents’s demise, you used to miss them and see that God sent your mother to you. She says he snatched Yashoda and returned Devki and says nothing can be more beautiful than this moment. Malti Devi asks if he is my son. Anupama says yes. Malti Devi gets emotional. Anupama says you have written ‘A’ with embroidery, though your mind didn’t know, but your heart knew that he is your son. Malti Devi touches his cheek and says my son Anuj. She says it again, my son Anuj. Anupama smiles and gets emotional too. Anuj is in shock. He stops Malti Devi and asks her to go far from him. He says you are not my mother. Anupama asks what you are saying? Anuj says now I understand why I was feeling hurt seeing her here and I was restless when I heard her voice and felt hatred for her. Anupama says she is your mother. Anuj says if she was my mother, then she wouldn’t have left me in the orphanage. He says she is great The Malti Devi. Malti Devi says you are my son.

Anuj says you are not my mother and I am not your son. He says I can’t accept him even once. He says you know what mother means for me, but after meeting her, it is a curse for me. Malti Devi is shocked. Vanraj says I can understand your feelings and don’t have right to say anything, and asks her to give sometime to her. Anuj says how much time, I shall give her. I gave her more than 40 years. He says Anu told me that she is my mother, but I want to tell Malti Devi ji that no woman becomes a mother after giving birth to a baby, but a woman becomes a mother for giving the motherly love to the baby, like Anu became of my choti. He says you are stranger for me, and says you never wrote any letter to me, and didn’t care if I am alive or dead. Baa says she might be helpless. Anuj says I know everyone will say this. He says he wants to hear what was her helplessness. Malti Devi is shocked. Vanraj asks him to listen to her once. Anuj says I don’t want to have any relation with her, not even hatred relation, as she doesn’t deserve this. He tells Anupama that she never turned and came to see him. He thanks Anupama and says I am really thankful for enquiring and finding out all this, and you might be thinking that it is the most beautiful moment of my life, but sorry to tell you, this is the most painful and hurtful moment for me. He says I saw you closely and knows how a mother would be. She says I have seen you with the children who are not born to you, and you are like a mother for Kinjal, Dimpy or Anu. He says even you know that mother is not like her. He says you don’t have an answer.

He asks Malti Devi, why did she left him in the orphanage after giving him birth. He says if she wanted to make career, then she would have made it, while keeping him with her. He says he was in the orphanage for 8 years, and says I used to get food, clothes and shelter, but there was no relations or family there. He says when I used to get scared, there was no mother, and says there was no father to make me walk holding his finger, and says there was nobody to taught me values, though there were many to teach discipline. He says orphanage is better than road, but why don’t the parents understand that there are no parents in the orphanage, and says it is a dark cave where the kids get scared and couldn’t find the way. He asks why the parents don’t understand all this before leaving their kids there. Anupama hugs him to pacifies him. Choti Anu hugs him. He takes her in his lap and tells that only she can understand him and not Anupama and others. She tells that we used to sleep with tears in our eyes and used to wake up with tears, nobody makes us sleep. He says these papers prove that you gave me birth, and says my mother is my mother who brought me here for orphanage, brought me up and taught me good values and made me this. He says you are not my mother.

Precap: Anupama tells Malti Devi that who will tell that Anuj’s hatred is wrong. She says every woman has the right to see dreams, but it is wrong to punish a small baby for it. Anuj says I know that I will never go against you, and you can keep her here, but if she stays here, then I will not stay here.

Update Credit to: MA

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