Anupama 14th January 2025 Written Episode, Written Update on
The episode starts with the Shah family enjoying flying kites. Ansh enjoys teasing Ishani. Anupama intervenes and cuts Ansh’s kite thread. Mahi plans to cut Rahi’s kite thread, but Radha warns Rahi to check on her kite. Rahi confidently declares that no one will cut her kite and successfully cuts Mahi’s kite instead. Frustrated, Mahi vows that Rahi can’t always win and ultimately destroys Rahi’s kite. While searching for her kite, Rahi senses Mahi’s jealousy, believing Mahi feels replaced by her in Prem’s life. Anupama later notices that Janaki has left a few bags behind and decides to deliver them to the Kothari house. Rahi supports her, and Anupama reassures Khyati that she will arrive on time and asks her not to worry. Khyati, surprised by Anupama’s confidence, inquires how she knows. Anupama explains that, as a mother, she understands other mother’s feelings.
Rahi on the way questions Anupama why they are leaving early, to which Anupama replies that it is always better to arrive ahead of schedule. They encounter Parag. Rahi remarks about frequently meeting spoiled brats. Anupama suggests her to focus on driving. When Parag’s car gets scratched by Anupama’s scooty, he instructs his driver to find out more about the scooty and to change his car. Upon reaching the Kothari house, Rahi comments that Anupama was once wealthy too. Anupama replies that her family never flaunted their riches. The guards at the gate stop them, despite Anupama mentioning Khyati’s invitation. Mrs. Kothari, shocked to learn of Anupama’s arrival, plans to trouble her.
Anupama and Rahi are made to stand under a scorching sun. Khyati learns about their arrival and excitedly orders the guards to call them in, but the guards Mrs Kothari’s instructions insist on checking their bags. Rahi fumes in anger and questions their behaviour. Despite Rahi’s frustration, Anupama calmly let the guards check their bags. Once inside, khyati warmly welcomes Anupama and Rahi. Anupama is taken aback to see Mrs. Kothari but becomes mesmerized by a beautiful Lord Krishna idol. Mrs. Kothari in a fit of taking revenge orders Anupama and Rahi to use the backdoor labelling them as workers.
The Kothari family prepares to welcome Parag. Rahi asks Anupama why Khyati isn’t meeting her husband, but Anupama advises staying out of the Kothari family matters. Parag arrives, bringing gifts for both Khyati and Mrs Kothari. When Mrs Kothari inquires about his delay, Parag blames it on Anupama and expresses his intention to meet her.
Precap: Mrs Kothari instructs that any work on their monthly cycle shouldn’t cook.
Rahi questions her orthodox thinking. Mrs Kothari and Parag label Rahi and Anupama as trouble makers.
Update Credit to: H Hasan
4:30, What has happened to the land of Bharat the tyaga, yoga, karma bhumi ?
India was the mother of democracy? Certainly yes till it valued tyaga, yoga and karma.
But the day we started admiring those pompous, wasteful consumerism, murderous show off, we choked democracy to death.
RG kar, Atul Subhas, Mukesh Chadrakar….enough to for us to introspect.
Where is the leader who will care for us and motivate us to contribute ?
Here is the leader Sai who took Samadhi and still around us.
And here our leaders who are out of sight after elections.
We need an agile, detailed plan with bi-weekly updates to track the progress of every inch of land, every pond, river, ocean, every tree, every animal, our environment, and every individual.
A comprehensive tracking system should be in place to monitor the status and improvement of each resource.
Additionally, we require a people-connect portal where every citizen is registered.
This platform will allow individuals to discuss issues, share experiences, seek help, provide help, donate and register complaints .
All these should be visible and trackable for everyone to ensure transparency and accountability.
By the way, are we promoting organ donation , stem cell preservation and its research? Do we have transparency on our donations, tax payment etc? When we donate does it reach to needy?
During the 1999 Super Cyclone, countless donations poured in from across the country and the world. Sadly, much of that aid never reached those in need.
Mismanagement, corruption, and a lack of transparency left the affected communities helpless, while relief supplies and funds disappeared into the wrong hands and finally got wasted.
It remains a painful reminder of the importance of accountability, people-centric systems, and real-time tracking of aid to ensure that help reaches those who need it the most.
We have enough to care for each other, but sadly this competition of blind consumerism/exploitation has started the chain reaction of explosion/self destruction.
Where are the Gods, Masters, and Leaders who can assure our safety and inspire us to contribute meaningfully rather than hoarding endlessly?
We have our Tridev — Brahma, Vishnu, and Maheswar. Brahma, the reclusive creator, works behind the scenes, shaping existence.
Lord Vishnu, the preserver, ensures life is sustained and balanced.
Maheswar, the most compassionate destroyer, consumes poisonous matter and intelligently recycles/regenerates, mindfully eliminates waste, allowing creation to continue functioning.
His detachment stems from the nature of his role, yet his compassion remains unmatched. Does this role requires less education?
Who is greater or lesser in this job assignment?
Brahmain remained reclusive, while Vaishnavites and Shaivites fought for supremacy and disrespected each other for centuries — just as people today fight over religion, region, and identity.
So, is India the mother of religious wars? Perhaps, yes. The roots of conflict run deep in our history.
Yet, India can also become the mother of peace. This transformation is possible if we understand that each deity has a unique role, and they coordinate with each other to ensure the universe functions smoothly.
The same principle applies to human society: each role, each community, and each individual has value. There is no hierarchy of importance — everyone contributes to the collective whole.
What use is knowledge if one lacks the means to access food, energy, and power for survival?
What use is wealth if it is devoid of wisdom and compassion?
Neither knowledge nor labor is superior or inferior. We need each other, and we must learn to respect each other to survive and thrive.
If we can establish this understanding and mutual respect among the followers of different deities, masters, statesmen, and influencers, we can coexist peacefully.
India can then rightfully claim its place as a leader of world peace.
However, in the current situation, India ranks low on every parameter of peace, prosperity, and well-being. We are ready to dedicate 24 hrs including dreams to make this transformation a reality.
But the question remains: are our Deities, Masters, Politicians, Bureaucrats, Statesmen, Influencers, and their followers ready to care, respect and coordinate empathetically with each other?
Will they work together to create a harmonious society, akin to heaven on earth?
Or will their follower continue on the path of discord, creating hell in this very world?
The choice is ours — to build/destroy, to unite/divide. Only through empathy, care, respect, and coordination can we hope to achieve lasting peace and prosperity.
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