Anupama 13th January 2025 Written Episode, Written Update on
Anupama asks Mrs. Kothari to apologize. Mrs. Kothari says she is getting late for prayer. Anupama says rich people don’t pray; they fake it in front of God. The driver takes the blame for speeding. Anupama says rich people have an attitude. Mrs. Kothari says even middle-class people have an attitude. She asks Anupama to look at herself. Keshav drives the car. Anupama asks Mrs. Kothari to apologize first. Mrs. Kothari says she only bows down in front of God. Anupama forces Mrs. Kothari to apologize. Mrs. Kothari apologizes. She decides to take revenge on Anupama.
Parag asks Mrs. Kothari why she is later for the prayer. Mrs. Kothari says because of Anupama, she is late. Her health worsens. Parag asks Mrs. Kothari to take her medicine. He asks Keshav if he recognizes the lady who troubled Kothari. Keshav replies positively. Parag asks Keshav to remember the face of the lady.
Anupama tells the Shahs about the incident. Rahi gets angry at Mrs. Kothari. Leela talks about Makar Sankranti. Anupama says she will celebrate the festival and go to Kothari’s place later. Rahi and Prem miss each other. They plan to fly kites with each other. Mahi says because of Rahi, she is not able to celebrate the kite festival with Prem. She decides to fly alone. Mahi gets angry seeing Rahi and Prem talking. Rahi decides to tell Prem about their recent order.
The Shahs celebrate Makar Sankranti. Hasmuk asks Ansh to be careful while flying a kite. Rahi gets ready, and Pari teases her. Mahi gets decked up too. Anupama wishes Mahi would move on in her life. The Shahs pray to God. Anupama prays for everyone’s good.
Rahi misses Prem. She is excited to see Prem. Mahi interrupts Rahi’s dream. Anupama remembers Anuj. The Shahs decide to make a team to fly a kite. Anupama advises everyone to fly the kite solo. Pakhi says Anupama doesn’t have a partner; thus, she is advising her to fly solo. Anupama says Pakhi doesn’t have a partner too. Rahi says Pakhi could have made a team with Anupama. Anupama decides to check the order. Rahi asks Anupama to spend some time with her. Anupama remembers Anuj.
Precap: Anupama bumps into Parag. Parag gets angry at Anupama.
Update Credit to: H Hasan
They should make one serial like yeh anupama kya kehlate Jai aur combined all cast in one serial yeh anupama kya kehlata hai
Swami Vivekananda aimed to awaken India’s soul through practical spirituality, service, and a sense of duty toward the masses, especially the poor.
Who failed him and why ? Nobility ? As they didn’t care ? They failed him due to their ego and Attachment to Privilege?
The Manu Smriti originally tied privilege to duty, stressing self-discipline, moral conduct, and societal responsibility for the upper castes, however, over time, people clung to privilege while neglecting their dharma. This distortion of values led to power misuse, causing deep inequality and injustice.
By granting exclusive rights to upper castes and reducing lower castes to servitude, the text’s misinterpretation fostered oppression, exploitation, and moral decay, inflicting immense suffering on the marginalized.
Thus, both the blind adoption and Conscious neglect of Manu Smriti’s duties contributed to one of humanity’s greatest miseries — the rigid caste system, and low value of women which hindered progress, equality, and compassion.
Mrs. Kothari faced no punishment, nor did she express regret. Instead, she provoked her son. What good came from it? Why is there no penalty for such actions?
In India, leniency toward small rule violations encourages larger ones, leading to a broken system.
Rules/Logics must be consistent, with exceptions handled separately. else the system will become buggy.
Mrs. Kothari’s reckless behavior demands strict punishment.
Those with more power or wealth must face harsher consequences, as their actions carry greater impact. The Manu Smriti focuses on it.
But in reality, the powerful break laws — even commit murder — and walk free.
Instead of a government for the people, by the people, of the people, it has become for power, by power, of power.
Yet they call themselves protectors of dharma? Hypocrisy at its peak!
India is watching. We shall focus on a people’s portal, which will be accessible to all, people log their incidents and others will advice/support/track . Will that work better? Will it help our judiciary?
13:10, brother puskaraj gumaste.
True privilege comes from inner growth, selfless service, and a dedication to duty, not from status or wealth.
This path rightfully grants royalty that cannot be taken away, offering peace and a loving connection with the entire universe.
It is not envied by anyone, rather it naturally garners support and privilege from all.
46:33, Sir APJ Abdul Kalam, donated everything and served selflessly as he knew he is taken care by India.
54:30, river completes its journey wants to merge with ocean, but ocean pushes back.
Story of Annamaya Annamacharya if you merge in me, who will sing/care for me?
God says, I separated myself from myself to love myself, if you merge in me who will love me, care for me? I need you.
So, which is more important — merging into oneness (Advaita), or staying separate to serve with love and care for God in His diverse forms (Dvaita)?
1:07:30 , not every river, but only those perennial ones connected to the perennial source (Brahman), early in life are able to reach divinity through their love, passion, devotion, energy, and enthusiasm.
They are able to care for the divine in every possible way/form.
They care selflessly because they know they are loved and taken care, They know every act od devotion is valued.
At Parthy, no one feels bad about cleaning, cooking, decorating, dancing, singng, as we understand that we are cooking, cleaning, decorating for the Lord, and our efforts are deeply valued/appreciated. We know we are always loved and cared.
Its strange that Manu Smriti followers have historically ostracized those peasants who provide these essential life services.
There is no skill development, education, appreciation, or promotion for these vital service providers.
No wonder why India is polluted/corrupted from inside out.
All because of mis interpretation of Manu Smriti ?
We have seen many revolutions against nobility, but the freedom gained from these revolutions is often squandered due to a wasteful, self-centered, and materialistic lifestyle, driven by abundance and excess. This ultimately weakens humanity further.
And during this process of rights and responsibility, our spiritual masters, missionaries must stay united, need to work collectively to play the greatest role to help their wards stay connected and merge with that perennial divinity called humanity.
Hope all masters will work together to Help Swami Vivekananda achieve his universal love.
Hope everywhere/every house Dussera, Chrishmas, Eid will be celebrated grandly as we do at Puttaparthi.
Hope one day Sarva Dharma Logo will fly high.
[Two years before this, in 1916, Baba gave an indication of His Passing away, but nobody understood it then. It was as follows: On the day of Dasara, Baba went into a wild rage in the evening, when people were returning from the Seemollanghan (ceremony of crossing the border of the village). He took off His head-dress, kafni and langota, tore them up and threw them in the Dhuni before Him. Fed by this offering, the fire in the Dhuni began to burn brighter and Baba shone even brighter. He stood there stark naked and with His eyes burning red shouted, “You fellows now have a look and decide whether I am a Muslim or a Hindu.” Everybody was trembling with fear and none dared to approach Baba. After some time, Bhagoji Shinde, the leper devotee, approached Him boldly and succeeded in tying a langota (waist-band) around His waist and said, “Baba, what is all this? Today is the Seemollanghan.” Baba striking the ground with His satka said, “This is my Seemollanghan (crossing the border).” Baba’s anger did not cool down until about 11.00 p.m. and people doubted whether the chavadi procession would ever take place that night. After an hour, Baba resumed His normal condition and dressing Himself as usual, attended the chavadi procession which was described previously. Through this incident, Baba gave a suggestion that Dasara was the proper time for Him to cross the border of life, but no one understood its meaning. ]
Sai is in pain seeing our fights, seeing our selfishness.
Hope we will not fail our empathetic masters again, hope we will not forget their life, their struggle and their crucifixion .
Are we loving them back the way they loved us?
Any form of government where power is worshiped and people/nature/environment/flora/fauna are neglected cant be democracy.
Anything truly worthy of worship/privilege is the dedicated love for one’s duty and selfless service.
A just society/governance must empower, enable, and care for each individual, encouraging them to take pride in fulfilling their responsibilities according to their abilities.
Key Philosophical Validations:
Gandhi’s Sarvodaya (Upliftment of All):
Gandhi believed in the empowerment of every individual, especially the weakest members of society, to fulfill their duties with pride and dignity.
Self-reliance and contribution according to ability were central to his vision of a just society.
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs:
To empower individuals to perform their duties, basic needs (care) must be met first (food, shelter, health).
Self-actualization is achieved when people take pride in their work, contributing meaningfully to society.
Modern Leadership Principles:
Effective leaders focus on empowering individuals through training, support, and inclusion.
Enabling people to take pride in their work leads to better performance, well-being, and a stronger society.
In workplaces, schools, and communities, people perform best when they are empowered and their contributions are valued.
Empathy and care create a sense of pride and responsibility in fulfilling one’s duties.
So Anupama you believe, not everyone in India bad? Our judiciary is good?
We say India is corrupted/polluted from inside out.
Accept and work. There is no other way.
Again a call to all spiritual masters, exercise your powers unitedly to zoom past of this critical juncture.
Its now or never.
Either humans will misuse their freedom and fall into animalistic tendencies, or they will rise toward their divine purpose, making Earth a better place to live for all beings.