Episodic Analysis

analysis on new changes in tpk by garima.

hy guys i am garima and want to know your views on the new changes in tpk.

tpk change so much.
and also his characters change and new entered.

first of all bihaan change.

In past bihaan is lion but sad news is that in present he is coward.

but the interesting fact is that his daughter bani is like him.
In her first appriance he says gazab bihaan popular line

thapki because a news reporter and live with his daughter thapki and go away from bihaan in previous episode she save one child life.

bani is like his father’s daughter and awesome like Manish and strong.

Tina is like his mother’s daughter thapki innocent bihaan don’t know that she is his daughter but love him so much prove in previous episode.

sharadha and shankara torture Tina so much.

bihaan a lion change so much but he perform this role so good he is a brilliant acter and it is interesting to see him with his new changes.

what you think it is good or bad Changes what you fell about new bihaan and gazab bani and thapki and his daughter Tina.
what you think about new changes in tpk?
Please give your opinion .
Thanks for reading.
hope you like it.

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