Fan Fiction

You are and always be my life (KKB) Episode 21

Instead of looking at the direction where she would be coming, he was looking at the sky. Why?

Abhi, I am looking up as my thoughts of her started from the looking up to her. She was always sacrificing a lot of things to make me on top. But now she is not coming when i need her the most!

Pragya ” Look here! I am here only!” Abhi ” You are here?” Pragya “Then what? why are u keep on looking at the sky?” Abhi ” Reflecting the past…” Pragya ” For what?” Abhi ” Reflections are necessary to recollect moments with u…..” Pragya ” Look at me!” Abhi ” I don’t deserve to even look at u!” Pragya ” So u are just going to avoid looking at me! Am I right to say that?” Abhi ” It’s not like that…..but….” Pragya “That’s fine but I will only look at u!” Abhi now looked at her. Pragya ” I really don’t know why u have to keep on reflect on something that u are not even responsible for! But I am responsible for your plight now!” Abhi ” How can u be responsible for what i have done? It’s not your fault!” Pragya ” So u are not going to agree with me?” Abhi ” Yes Fuggi!” Pragya ” Then don’t talk to me!” Abhi ” Ok! I deserve that too!” Pragya ” i am trying to convince u and u are still not coming in my way! Why are u so stubborn?” Abhi just walked away from there leaving Pragya in shock mixed with tears…..

Pragya, Why is he punishing himself for something that happened due to someone’s misdeed? I understand that i am affected but when i believe that he is there to protect me then why is he not believing himself?

Abhi, If i had been more careful then these things would not have happened at all! So I deserve this punishment! I will have to stop talking to my Fuggi!

What really happened that make Abhi feel this way? U all have to wait for that sometime….

Ok guys I was bored in my long train travel
And I had this idea so before i forget i thought of uploading this….I will try to come back but can’t gurrantee when i will be back and all blame goes to my college’s funny schedule and the kind of assignments given. All are just making me bang against a wall. Which is what i am doing everyday too not wall but study table? Very sorry but I really can’t help it. I used to manage ffs quite well but now its out of hands….


❤Crazy about Abhigya!!❤ Sinuaghis senses Inihsagus ??????

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