Always attracting problems. #Riansh OS

Hello guys. Here is a new os of mine. This is a request of my dear Analise for being the first comment and she has requested this one so let’s see what I could do on it. Do tell me your opinion on the comments.
It will be started after Ishani has locked Riddhima at the car and Vansh wasn’t knowing were is she.
So let’s start:
Vansh and Angre were being together at the hale of the hotel trying to search about Riddhima who wasn’t being there and they weren’t finding her anywhere.

Angre was keeping calling her and she wasn’t answering him.
Angre: She isn’t picking up the calls boss!!!
Vansh: She is so angry!!!!! I don’t know where she could be?!!!! She can’t leave me and I can’t allow her to leave. She is my life and my whole world. I can’t allow her to leave! I have to find her.
At the same time, Riddhima was being unconscious at the car that Ishani has putted her on it and has putted a poisoned gas on it to kill Riddhima with it.
Ishani was smiling and laughing a lot seeing Riddhima on this car.

Ishani: You will die now and I will get rid of you forever. Take care bhabi and leave this world safely. See you at hell stupid Riddhima!!! You are always attracting problems bhabi and this time your biggest problem who you will nerve solve it is me Ishani Rai Singhania.
Ishani has left while she was being happy and she was being sure that Riddhima will die and she will not be rescued.
Afterwards, Vansh has got out near the parking to search about Riddhima.

At the same time, she starts to gain consciousness.
She was seeing Vansh from a far area.
She was trying to make him notices her, but he wasn’t seeing her.
She was dropping in the glass of the car and she was suffocating.

Riddhima’s POV starts:
I’m suffocating!!!!
I feel that I will die!!!!
No, I want to be with my Vansh.
I don’t want to leave him.
I don’t want to make him upset from me.
I have to please him.
I have to be with him.
I can’t leave him.
My baby!!!!!
I can’t make my baby be harmed!!!!
My baby must come to this world.
I will not make anything happens to you my baby.
Your momma is here so nothing will happen to you I promise.
I’m sure that your papa will save us.
Please Vansh turn around and see me.
Please come and rescue your child and I.
Please Vansh.
Riddhima’s POV ends.
Riddhima starts to feel unconscious again.
Hee hands were just the thing that being noticed by being stuck on the car with a last way to make Vansh see her with it.

Vansh was going to leave, but then he has noticed the sign of Riddhima’s hand on the car.
He has got panicked about Riddhima so much.

He has rushed to her quickly.
He was trying to open the car, but he wasn’t able to find the keys.
He was shouting and calling anyone to get the keys, but no one was there.
After so much trails, he has got able to get Riddhima out of the car by breaking it.
She was still unconscious.
He has lifted her.

Then he has made her get into the room.
Angre has came and got panicked to see her in this state.
Then he has called the doctor for her.
Before the doctor could come, Riddhima has waked up and she was so panicked.
She starts screaming and calling Vansh’s name.

Vansh has rushed to her to calm her down.
He has forgotten his anger from her when she got to be in this state.
He has hugged her a very long hug.

Vansh: Relax, I’m here. I will not leave you. Nothing will happen to you. Everything is fine. Your Vansh is here. You are safe and fine now. Just calm down and try to breath normally till the doctor come and check on you.
Riddhima( with difficulty to breath): I’m so afraid. Please be with me. Don’t leave me.
He has hugged her more closer.
Vansh: I will never leave you on my dead body.
At this time, Riddhima has lost consciousness again.
Then the doctor came and checked on her.
He has given her vitamins and putted the oxygen mask on her till she could be fine.
At night, Vansh was being near Riddhima while she was sleeping.

He was so worried about her, but he was also being very angry.

Vansh to himself: How you could just think to leave me Riddhima?!!! How?!!!! How you could try to kill yourself?!!!!! How Riddhima?!!!! How?!!!!!
At this moment, Riddhima has waked up.
She was much better.
She has came near Vansh, but his anger was high so he got away from her.

Vansh( being angry): Stay away from me Riddhima. You are always attracting problems and you are always putting yourself in so many dangers. You were really wanting to leave me?!!! Do you were really wanting to be that away from me?!!! How you could think to kill yourself?!!!!
Riddhima has got surprised and shocked.

Riddhima: What?!!!! What are you saying?!!! Who has tried to kill herself?!!!!
Vansh: You Riddhima!! Who else was on the car other than you?!!!!
Riddhima: No Vansh trust me I didn’t have done such. I have just waked up and found myself on this car!!! Trust me I say the truth. I swear on you and my baby’s lives.
Vansh: Okay fine we will discuss about this later, but from now on you will never go to any place without telling me. You will always be very near to me. You will never leave me and you will always be so close to me.
Riddhima has putted her hand on Vansh’s face.

Riddhima: So that means that Mr. Angry Rai Singhania isn’t angry from me anymore?! So the peace between us got back now?
He has made her so close to him by surrounding her by his hands.

Vansh: Yes now everything got back between us, but you have to promise me that you will never repeat such a behavior again. You are mine and you will always always be mine, Am I clear?
Riddhima: Yes my love.
Vansh was smiling.

He was happy that he got Riddhima safely.
Riddhima: I’m sorry Vansh. I will never hurt you again. I love you so much.
He made her closer to him and has kissed her a very long kiss.

Vansh: I love you way more sweetheart.

Riddhima was smiling that everything got fine between her and Vansh.

They have got so close to each other.

They were needing each other a lot.
They were needing to clear everything and return back like they used to do.
They have spent this night together in a very romantic way.
They were happy and enjoying being together.
While Vansh was sleeping, Riddhima has got up.
She has left without making him feel about her.
At the poolside, Ishani was being so angry that Riddhima has got saved.
Ishani( raising her voice): Why?!!! Why everytime she gets saved??!!! Why?!!!! I will not leave you Riddhima! Never.
Ishani has got shocked when someone has pushed her inside the pool.
She has found Riddhima in front of her.

She was being very angry.
Ishani: How dare you to push me on the pool Riddhima?!!!!!
Riddhima: Like the thing that dares you to try to kill me!!!
Ishani has got shocked.
Riddhima: Why you are shocked?!!! I know all your deeds Ishani. I know how you could low your state to just get rid of me, but I will not make you succeed on that.
Ishani has got out of the pool.
Ishani: Really?!!! Let me see what you will do bhabi as this will not be the last attack for you. I will not give up until I could kill you.
Then Ishani has pushed Riddhima on the pool.










The end of the os. I hope you like it. It is a little short one as well, as actually I wasn’t thinking to write something like that now, but it was the request of Analise dear and her gift for being the first comment so I can’t miss it. Do tell me your opinion on the comments. I hope you have liked it and enjoyed it. I will be waiting for all of yours comments. All your comments really are encouraging me to write more and more os episodes. I will be waiting for so many comments from you all here. The respond here is what will make me know if I will write a new os or not. I hope that you all could break my previous record of my comments here. So please guys keep supporting me the way you are doing. Please guys don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.


A very obsessed fan of immj2. Enjoy writing so much and I hope that I could publish my own novel one day and be a famous writer.

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