Categories: Ajooni

Ajooni 9th June 2023 Written Episode Update: Kaviri tells everything to Ajooni

Ajooni 9th June 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Harman asks Bebe why is she doing this? Bebe says Rajveer wants our wealth so I have to stop him. Shanky comes there and tells Harman to care for Ravindra, this is the right thing. Harman tells Bebe to trust Rajveer a little bit, Shanky says she is doing this for our safety. Harman says I am sure Shanky has put this thought in her mind. Harvindar comes there and asks what happened? Harman says you should ask the new king of this house. Bebe says Shanky is doing this for our family, Rajveer is going crazy in his greed. Harman says that’s why Shanky wants all wealth to go in his name. Harvindar glares at Shanky and says he is thinking so much about us but what if Rajveer gets to know that he got all the property then he won’t spare Shanky. He is sacrificing for us but Rajveer will kill

him if you do that. Shanky says no, if I get the property then Rajveer won’t get any gain by killing me. Harvindar says Rajveer will not think twice before killing you. Bebe says I can’t put Shanky’s life in danger, we have to think of something. Harvindar says you are right and takes her from there.

Shanky is leaving the house, Harvindar goes to him and slaps him. He says don’t you dare double cross me again. I want Rajveer to be away from this house but you try to get my share of the property then I won’t spare you. You keep saying that Rajveer shot Ravindra but if I find out that you were behind this then I won’t soare you. He leaves.

Tajendra tells Amrit that I got to know here Rajveer and I told Shanky to go there and kill him. Amrit says we will kill Ajooni here and then our plan will work.

Shanky comes to Rajveer and shoots him.. it turns out to be Ajooni’s dream. Kaviri comes there and consoles her. Rajveer’s friend calls her and says Rajveer had an accident. Ajooni gets worried and runs away.

Scene 2
Amrit is looking around for Kaviri. Tajendra comes there and says I called Ajooni and told her that Rajveer had an accident, she believed me and ran away but she doesn’t know that it would be her getting into an accident. Kaviri hears that and runs out.

Ajooni comes on the road and looks around for Rajveer but she can’t find him. A truck is about to hit her. Kaviri comes there and tries to warn her. She screams for Ajooni to move away. Ajooni moves away just in time and gets saved. Kaviri runs to her and asks if she is okay? Ajooni says you can talk again. Kaviri says maybe this is because I can tell you the truth. Amrit played a dirty game. She tells her how they took away her voice and then plotted to send Shanky to Ravindra’s house. Then how they plotted to kill Ajooni. Ajooni says how could they do this. Rajveer is innocent, I have to expose them. The goon sees them.

A friend Ashok comes to Rajveer and says I couldn’t find Ajooni. Rajveer says I will go and look for her.

The goon comes to Tajendra and Amrit that Kaviri saved Ajooni and she told her everything. Amrit says she can’t talk. He says she got her voice back and she exposed you both. They are going to Ravindra’s house to expose you both. Amrit says this can’t happen.

Ajooni and Kaviri come to Ravindra’s house. Bebe asks her to leave. Ajooni says please listen to us once. Harman says what is it? Ajooni asks Kaviri to talk. Bebe says she can’t talk. Ajooni says she was forced to be muted, we were all trapped by them. Ajooni gets Tajendra’s call and he says I got to know you are going to expose me but you should look around. Ajooni sees Shanky glaring at her and shows her a poisonous injection. He says if you expose us then he will give it to Ravindra and he will die then. We will kill Rajveer also so think before you talk now, he ends the call. Ajooni is shocked.

PRECAP – Shanky takes finger prints of Ravindra on the papers. Tajendra tells Shanky that Rajveer is looking for him and he is going to kill him.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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