Categories: Ajooni

Ajooni 7th June 2023 Written Episode Update: Rajveer runs away from the police

Ajooni 7th June 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Shanky tells the doctor that they will take Ravindra home. The doctor says you have to sign the paper that if something happens to him then you will be responsible. Harman says no, keep him here till he becomes fine. The doctor says you are his wife and if your decision to keep him here then I don’t need to ask anyone else. He leaves. Ajooni goes home too.

Ajooni comes home and finds Rajveer there. Amrit comes there and says you shouldn’t put your life in danger for Ravindra, they are cheap people. Ajooni says he needs rest. His friend tells him that they will find the shooter, Rajveer goes with Ajooni. Amrit calls Tajendra and says our plan is working, Rajveer is here so call the police. The doorbell rings and Ajooni goes to open it. She is shocked to find the police there,

Amrit says he is not here. Kaviri and Ajooni get worried. Amrit whispers to her that nobody can save him now. The police start looking around in the house. Rajveer is sleeping in his room. Ajooni tries to go but the inpsector stops her and says you can’t go anywhere till we complete the search. He takes her phone too. Ajooni is worried and looks towards her room. The inpsector says I will check there. Rajveer hears commotion and runs from the room before the inspector can enter. He hides under the bed and then in the balcony. He runs from there. The police say we couldn’t find him, he goes from there. Amrit is confused.

Scene 2
In the morning, all family members are in the hospital. Dolly comes there and wakes Harman up, she says we can’t say anything till he becomes conscious. Dolly says he will be fine. Shanky says we all can’t stay here but Rajveer might attack him then, I think we should take him home. Harman says shut up, he will stay here and I will take care of him so you can leave if you want. She is getting dizzy, Dolly asks her to go home and rest for some time, I will stay here for Ravindra. Harman says take care of him and leaves from there. Shanky tells Dolly that you have to keep an eye for Rajveer. Dolly asks him to shut up.

Amrit comes to the mandir and prays to fulfill her plan, she gives parsad but Bebe comes there and stops her. She says Bagga family starts the pooja. She glares at Amrit and the priest takes
Bebe’s side. Amrit says no one can stop me. She is about to put parsad but all people stand in front of her to stop her. They say that its Bebe’s right. Amrit says I came here first. Bebe smirks at her and says it doesn’t matter, we have the right as I am husband’s honorable wife. Amrit says then why did he marry me? Bebe says you were his mistake, you have no character and shame. You will always be a second woman and will have no honor in the society. Amrit says time is changing, your son is hospitalized and your grandsons are useless. Time will make me answer you soon, she goes from there.

Rajveer calls Ajooni and says I am okay. He tells her how he ran away. Ajooni says how did the police find out you were at home? She sees Amrit spying and says you should stay at Ashok’s house. Amrit hears that.

Shanky gives some instructions to the nurse. He goes to Ravindra’s room and starts cleaning it. Dolly is there, the nurse puts a scorpio on Ravindra but Dolly doesn’t see that. He leaves. Dolly sees the scorpion on Ravindra and screams.

PRECCAP – Tajendra and Amrit meet with Shanky. Tajendra says we have things under control so use Bebe. Ajooni sees them and confronts Amrit for meeting up with Shanky. Amrit tries to slap her but she stops her, she says you people are playing a game but I will expose you all.
Update Credit to: Atiba

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