Categories: Ajooni

Ajooni 22nd November 2022 Written Episode Update: Aman tries to kill Shikha

Ajooni 22nd November 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Ravindra tells Shikha’s family that we have lost our son and her phone was found near his car. Shikha says Harvinder took my phone and left that’s why you found my phone with him. Her father tells Ravindra that we will take care of your heir, we don’t need your support. Shikha says these people are doubting my character, I can’t believe this. She asks Ravindra to kill her and end her. She makes him strangle her and acts like fainting. Rajveer is angry.

Harman and Shikha’s mother take care of Shikha. The local doctor comes there and tries to check Shikha but her mother says who is she? Harman says she is really good. The doctor checks her and says she might have been vomiting because she is pregnant, take care of her and don’t give her stress. Harman

gets happy hearing that.

Mangi tells Ravindra to not trust Shikha and her father. Harman comes there and says I called the local doctor and says she is pregnant. Ravindra says but what’s the proof that its Harvinder’s baby only? Harman says she has lost him too, we should accept her. Ravindra says I don’t trust her. Harman says we have lost Harvinder but this baby can be his identity. We shouldn’t throw her out as Harvinder won’t be happy. We should wait till Bebe comes back. Ravindra says okay keep her here till then.

Harman comes to Aman and asks her to go and make a shake for Shikha.

Shikha tells her mother that this baby will make me get their wealth. I will fulfill my plan at any cost. Aman comes there and gives a lemonade to Shikha. Shikha says she can’t become a mother so they need me. She smirks at Aman. She says now I will become a queen of this house, she can’t even become a mother so she has no identity in this house. Aman angrily leaves. Ajooni sees that.

Ajooni comes to Rajveer. He says I am sure that Shikha is lying. Ajooni says we don’t have a proof against her and I am worried about Aman. She has to bear so much. What if the family accepts Shikha? Rajveer looks on.

Ajooni comes to Chanku and asks what did the local doctor say? She says Shikha is pregnant and she confirmed it. Ajooni looks on. She can’t find a knife there and says Aman was here? Chanku says yes. Ajooni runs from there.

Aman comes to Shikha’s room and sees her sleeping. She locks the door and glares at her. Shikha wakes up and says what are you doing here? Aman says you want to take my place here? I won’t spare you. She takes out a knife and attacks her. Shikha runs away from her. Ajooni comes outside the room and pleads with her to open the door. All family members come there. Aman is attacking Shikha. Ravindra asks her to open the door. Rajveer breaks the door and pushes Aman away from Shikha. Aman shouts I will will kill her. Harman and Chanku take Aman from there. Shikha is scared.

PRECAP – Ajooni tells Bebe that Aman won’t leave this house just because her husband died, she still have a right on this house. Your husband died but you are still here right? Bebe glares at her. The reporters arrive there and say Ajooni called us here and we have proof against Harman and Bebe.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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