Categories: Ajooni

Ajooni 18th November 2022 Written Episode Update: Rajveer claims that he killed Harvinder

Ajooni 18th November 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Rajveer comes to the hotel room and starts looking around. He feels someone’s presence there and finds the party worker there. He beats him up and asks what do you know? The party worker says I don’t know anything. Rajveer says someone killed Harvinder. The party worker says Harvinder planned to kill you and I told that to Ajooni, then she recorded Harvinder’s confession. Rajveer asks him to come and tell everyone the truth.

Ravindra has locked Ajooni in the gas chamber and says you killed my son so I won’t spare you. Mangi pleads with him to leave her. Rajveer’s friend calls him and asks him to come back home fast, Ajooni’s life in danger.

Rajveer arrives at the house with the party worker and rushes to Ajooni. He sees her locked in the

chamber and opens it. He brings her out and says you are safe now. Aman takes her from there. Rajveer shouts at Ravindra what is all this? Ravindra says you keep saving her but you have no proof against Harvinder. I have proof against Ajooni now, he plays her recording in which she threatened to kill Harvinder. Rajveer says I have a proof. He calls the party worker there. He tells Ravindra that Harvinder planned to kill Rajveer and I told this to Ajooni, she recorded his confession but someone stole it. The party worker says I think Ajooni was behind Harvinder’s murder. Rajveer says what are you saying? Ravindra says Rajveer is blinded by his wife’s love, everything is pointing against Ajooni. You won’t stop me now. Shikha smirks and leaves from there.

Ravindra goes to meet the inspector. The inspector says we found out there was a man in the hotel with Harvinder who was fighting with him, we found his bracelet. Ravindra checks it and finds Rajveer’s name on it. He says this can’t be true. The inspector says this is a strong proof against Rajveer. Ravindra says just close this case now. I will take care of everything now. The inspector says okay and leaves. Ravindra asks Mangi to send Shikha back her home.

Ravindra calls the family. He glares at Rajveer and shows him his bracelet, he says it’s yours right? he slaps him hard and says it’s yours right? Rajveer says you are mistaken. Ravindra says I am all clear now. He starts beating him and says you killed your brother? Ajooni is shocked. Ravindra says you can’t be my blood. He is beating him, Ajooni pleads with him. Harman says you will kill him, I have already lost a son. Ravindra says I won’t spare him. He keeps beating him. Rajveer pushes him away and shouts yes I have killed Harvinder. All are shocked. Ajooni says what? Rajveer shouts he was scared of me, he wanted to frame my wife and wanted to take the election ticket from me. I tried telling him but he didn’t listen so I killed him. What can you do? I even tempered with his car so he would have an accident. Harman slaps him and shouts why did you do that? you killed your own brother? Ravindra is shocked and I will punish you now. from now on, you are dead to me. We have no relationship from now on, he leaves from there. Ajooni tries to stop him but Rajveer leaves.

PRECAP – Ajooni asks Rajveer why did you take the blame on yourself? Rajveer says I could never imagine you would do something like that so I took the blame for you. Harman hides and hears that. She goes to Ravindra and says Rajveer found proofs against Ajooni so he lied to you to save Ajooni.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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