Categories: Agnisakshi

Agnisakshi 18th August 2023 Written Episode Update: Guru ji advices Satvik and Jeevika

Agnisakshi 18th August 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Juhi asking Rajnandini to calm down and says I have done so much planning and plotting and this Guru ji has ruined everything. Juhi says their marriage is not valid and they can’t stay together. Rajnandini says they can stay together and don’t need anyone’s permission. Juhi says you have failed. Rajnandini threatens her. Guru ji blesses Satvik and Jeevika for their new life. Satvik and Jeevika fold their hands. Guru ji asks Narayan to come with him to talk. Pradeep tells Satvik and Jeevika that infront of God, nobody’s wish works, and asks Jeevika not to do this mistake again and asks Satvik also. Satvik says I never wanted to separate from her, and will not let her separate from me. Pradeep hugs them. Shlok says nobody called us for a hug. Aadhya says we are shameless

in this regard. Swara asks Pradeep to go to side, and let them hug the newly wedded couple. Aadhya congrats Jeevika. Satvik says even I am here. Swara says you both are married for the second time, and asks them to pose together. Aadhya says Bhaiyya used to be called as Show stopper in college. Swara says she will take their selfie. Shlok says let me do the honors. He checks Swara’s phone and thinks he was chatting with Swara since a long time. He clicks their photos.

Narayan apologizes to Guru ji for Rajnandini’s mistake. Guru ji says Rajnandini didn’t know why I got their marriage done. Satvik comes there. Narayan goes. Satvik tells Guru ji that today Jeevika and I…..Guru ji says I know everything, and says many hurdles will come your way, but don’t accept defeat and says Jeevika will be with you always, your life partner. Satvik says why she is going away from me, though she loves me. Guru ji says it is her helplessness which she can’t tell you now. He asks Satvik to understand her and support her always. Satvik says he will.

Pradeep tells Jeevika that he understands her confusion. Jeevika asks what to do? Pradeep says Satvik and you are together with God’s will, and says when you have united after divorce that means you are destined to be together. Shlok comes out and tells Swara that he wants to talk to her, and says he was chatting with someone since some time and he feels that he is in love with her. He tells that she don’t get irritated like you, and listens to me. Swara asks what is her name? Shlok says Mishti. And says we are going to meet in some days. Swara goes.

Manas tells Narayan that he is very angry, you didn’t call me for my friend’s second marriage. Narayan says we thought that this is normal puja. Aadhya says even we are surprised. Manas says I will not melt down. Aadhya puts sweets in his mouth. Manas says my anger will not be calm down with just one sweet piece. Narayan says there is a box there. Satvik comes to manas and says I want to talk to you. They go to room. Manas asks if you are not happy. Satvik says I am very happy, and says I am married to Jeevika now. Manas says you was married to her before also. Satvik says that time I didn’t know or loved her, but now I know and love her. They dance happily.

Jeevika comes to the inhouse temple to keep her old mangalsutra. She says Bappa, I wanted to tell everyone about the divorce, but she didn’t get the chance and says she don’t know what to do. Guru ji comes to her and says if these tears are in your eyes is because you thought that today is the last day of yours in this house. He asks if a paper can break your relations of many births, and says I know your helplessness, which made you stand in the court. Jeevika is shocked and asks how did you know about this? Guru ji says I know what is going to happen in future, and tells that your marriage didn’t happen just to give heir to the family, but also…and reminds her of his words that God has chosen her to protect the family, and says you are the protector and guide for the family. Jeevika says she herself can’t find her way and can’t protect herself, and asks how can I protect or guide others. Guru ji asks her to wait for sometime and says if you love Satvik then you shall not leave the house, as you are the protector and guide.

Juhi asks Rajnandini what you are doing? Rajnandini finds envelope and gets happy. Juhi asks what is in the envelope. Rajnandini says Jeevika’s report is not less than the jewels. Juhi asks what you will do with this. Rajnandini says I will get Jeevika punished for betraying Narayan and Satvik. Juhi asks when did Jeevika betray Narayan? Rajnandini says Narayan got this marriage done for grand children, and says he will get third attack and he will die, and says it will be lots of fun. Guru ji gives thread to Jeevika and says whenever you lost the way, it will guide you.

Precap: Satvik tries to romance with Jeevika. Aadhya asks them to go to Lonavala farm house for honeymoon. Rajnandini says they can’t go there. Udkarsh is captive there.

Update Credit to: H Hasan

H Hasan

I started writing as a hobby. It turned into a fledged out career fortunately. I love reading novels and creative arts. I'm very committed and give my best to my work.

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