Fan Fiction

Swasan FF: Our Angel PArt 5

Hii, thanks for your response on previous part.
previous part

Also read my new ss “ your love change me”
Sanskar sees toward that direction, he finds a girl is playing with some children. She was facing back. He started to go toward her.
Sanskar monologue
Is she my angel? I think yes, today I will not get her go at any cost.
(He reached near her, he about to place his hand on her shoulder. Before he could do so, she herself turned.)
Seeing her so close to him, his heartbeat started to raise. His cheeks colour automatic change into red. He started to feel difficulty in breathing. He understood she is none other than his angel.
He managed to blurt some word “who are you?”
Girl: hey you, sry for disturbances . I thought you are sad that’s why I…
Sanskar: no , its okay. Thanks for it.
She smiled at him and began to go from there.
Sanskar: at least tell your name na, so if we meet other time I don’t need ask ‘ who are you’
She turned toward him angrily.
Sanskar monologue

Beta, now you are gone. Your story end before starting. But yet she is looking cute.
His trances broken by her voice.
Girl: if next time we will meet then are you able to identify me? I guess I had worn burkha so you can’t able to see my face.
She turn her face.
Sanskar: for identifying you I don’t need eyes…
Girl: ( interrupt him) what do you mean?
Sanskar: nothing pls if you not mind can I talk to you?
Girl: before sometime ago you want to know my name . now you are asking me for..
Sanskar: ( interrupt her) no I don’t mean that I am seeing you since two days. I just wanna know you.
She raised her eyebrow.

He slap his forehead for his foolishness.
She began to go from there , he become disappointment by negative response but soon he his heart started to dance in happiness.
Without turning toward him, she replied him
“ swara, my name is is swara”
Before he could react on it, she again said something.
Swara: if in destiny we have to meet again then next time coffee pakka.
She moved away from there.
Sanskar: ( to himself)so you are swara, sanskar’s swara. Yes you are my swara but swara I will call you angel only. It’s not like that I don’t like your name. Like your voice , your name is also melodious but that name is for this whole world na I should call you by some special name. So I will only call you angel. And yes angel we will meet again.
He started to dance due to so much happiness now he totally forget about job and all other stuff. Soon he realizes he have to go home also. He picked his files and run from there.

At mehra’s mansion
Kabir and kamla kaki desperately were waiting shosan( shona&sanskar)
Kabir: kaki, I know sanskar is little careless but what happen to shona. She also not came yet. Today I will not going to talk to her, she knows how much ….
Before he could complete, someone close his eyes from behind.
Shona: kaki, someone is angry from me . so I am thinking not to give him gift.
Kabir: first you leave my eyes and what you said gift. Listen shona I am very angry your gift will not pacify my anger.
Shona come infornt of him.
Shona: okay then I am leaving.
Kabir turn his face, shona started to move slowly.
Shona: kaki, bhai is angry na then you take this gift.
Before shona can handover him gift, kabir snatch it.
Kabir: I am angry from you not from gift.
He started the open the box, but before he could open shona snatch it.
Shona; first forgive me, bhai listen na I am late due I became busy in talking to someone.
Kabir: whom?

Shona: I forget to ask his name.
Kabir: his, it’s means he is boy. Oh god shona you don’t know today’s boy they are very cunning first they …
Shona; ( interrupt him) bhai, claim down. I am not 13 year old girl who don’t know what is good or bad. He was sad so I give back his smile.
Kabir: but shona
Shona: bhai, moreover he was looking decent.
Kabir: still shona, don’t talk to stranger.
Shona: okay my majesty, now you forgave me.
Kabir: I will think later, first show me your gift.
Shona: nope, first forgiveness then gift.
Kabir finally gave up and nodded in yes.

Shona handover him his gift, kabir become overwhelmed by seeing inside the box.
His face expression began changed, his eyes started to become teary.
By seeing his facial expression, she started to panic.
Shona ; ( to herself) idiot,duffer, you should choose something better. See he don’t like it.
Shona: bhai, you don’t like it. Give me I will change it.
She forward her hand to take box from his hands. Kabir immediately step back.
Kabir: who said you I don’t like. Waise you are right I don’t like it because I loved it. You know shona this watch is very special. It’s same like my dadu. I always wanted that but I don’t able to find it. But shona it seems to costly how did you manage?
Shona: bhai, you loved it na then forget about price.
He glared her.
Kabir : shona
Shona looked down and answer him.
“ I am saving my salary from 1 year. Once I saw you were looking this design on net but that was out of stock. After some days I found it in one mall. From that day I am saving my money so I could give it to you.”
Listening it tears brimmed in his eyes, he started to proud on her. Someone was also listening their conversation. His eyes turned moist seeing their bond.( note he don’t able to listen see her)
Kabir; sometimes I thought, you are really my own sister.
Shona: what do you mean? We have more stronger relation then blood ones.
Kabir: yes, now come here.
He hug her and caresses her hair.

Shona: bhai, now I need to go to your room. So I can clean it because you will not allow anyone else.
He smiled at her and pinch her nose.
Kabir: yeah, no one has permission to touch my things even kaki doesn’t has permission.
Shona: yeah I know
Shona move away from there.
Sanskar entered there with happy face, he immediately hug kabir and try to kiss his cheeks. Before he could success in it, kabir pushes him and hide behind kamla kaki.
Kabir: sanskar, again dream . I am kabir not your angel.
Sanskar: I know but you know..
Kabir: ( interrupt him) let me guess your boss is very good that’s why you are happy.
Sanskar happiness faded away now in place of happiness, angriness started to visible in his eyes.
Sanskar: I left that job
Kabir: but why?
Sanskar: kabir, that’s aman verma company.
Kabir’s eyes also turned red.
Kabir: can’t you check company background? Its only my mistake I should not allowed to for this job. Now you’re not going for job in any company.
Sanskar; but kabir then how I will fulfill my mom’s dream.
Kabir: I said na no then only no, you will be work in my company. Don’t worry you will only get job after proper interview. Now don’t dare to say no.
Sanskar: kabir, you don’t need to take tension.
Kabir: it’s my final decision. Tmrw at sharp 10, you have your interview . go and start preparation.
He helplessly nodded in yes.

Kabir: kaki, this time I will not let him destroy anyone’s life.
Kamla: don’t worry baba, he will not able to do anything.
Kabir nodded in yes and went to his room.
Sanskar’s room
He was busy in his angel dream, his dream disturb by remembering something.
Sanskar’s monologue
thank god kabir’s sister shona and swara are not same. Or else kabir will surely kill me after knowing I like his sister. But shona is so good, I used to thought kabir is really great but today I got to know shona is more good. Ya they really share an unique relation. How can anyone care for others so much. She is just like my swara.
Precap: swasan meeting and become mesmerized by seeing…..
To be continued….


If my mind can convince.... If my heart can believe it... Then I can ahceive it...

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