Categories: Aankh Micholi

Aankh Micholi 23rd April 2024 Written Episode Update: Rukmani forgives Kesar

Aankh Micholi 23rd April 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Rukmani looking for the gun. Sumedh buries the gun and comes home. She says I didn’t know you will come between the justice for my mum, I will never forgive you. He says you can punish me, a son can go to any extent to save his mum. Kesar comes and says I accept my crime, I picked the gun and shot the bullets. He asks her to be quiet. Kesar says no, I accept my crime. Sumedh says you didn’t do it intentionally. Kesar says you arrest me in the morning, I will be ready. She goes. Sumedh says you have lost your mum, you know the pain, I will also lose Kesar, don’t arrest her. He goes to Kesar. Kesar says I want a promise from you. Rukmani looks on. Sumedh asks what do you want, I will do everything. Kesar says Rukmani and you couldn’t get away, its not her mistake, she

has lost her mum because of my mistake, I want you to always love her. Rukmani goes.

Its morning, Kesar instructs Rachna and everyone about handling the house. Shivani cries and says Rukmani will send you to jail, you made her police officer for this day. Kesar says she is taking justice for her mum, I would have done the same. Sumedh gets a tea cup for Kesar. Shivani says Sumedh, just give divorce to Rukmani and ask her to leave Kesar free. He refuses. Rukmani comes to arrest Kesar. Kesar asks them to stay happy. Sumedh and everyone cry. Kesar says its tough situation for Rukmani. She consoles Sumedh.

Some goon enters the house and points the gun at Kesar. Sumedh comes in between and gets shot. Everyone is shocked. Sumedh falls down. Rukmani shoots the goon. The goon turns. Rukmani asks who are you. He shows his face. They get shocked seeing Malhar, wearing a bullet proof jacket. Sumedh gets up. Kesar checks him and hugs. Sumedh says Malhar shot fake bullet at me. Kesar scolds them for the bad joke. Sumedh says we did this drama to show Rukmani what happened in the fair. Malhar says someone shot your husband, you couldn’t stop yourself, you are educated, you are an IPS officer, the same thing happened that day, Kesar lost her husband, she shot at the goon, she didn’t shoot your mum, she isn’t a murderer, she can’t kill anyone. He gets a call. He asks what, thank you Sir. He ends the call.

He thanks Rukmani. He says Rukmani had withdrawn her case yesterday itself. Sumedh asks is he saying the truth. Rukmani says I lost a mum, and can’t lose her again. Shivani asks where were you taking Kesar. Rukmani says I wanted to take Kesar to my mum’s grave and apologize, and tell her that Kesar isn’t at fault, Kesar loves me a lot, my mum will get soul peace. Kesar hugs Rukmani. Sumedh says forgive me, I misunderstood you, thank you. Rukmani says I m thankful to you, I got mum’s love because of you. Kesar and everyone pray happily.
The episode ends

Update Credit to: Amena


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